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Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.1 Proton Transfer Reactions (id: c50281c3d)

admin 发表于 2024-2-7 03:56:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.1 Proton Transfer Reactions,类别为 IB化学

Ethanoic acid reacts with f+o4bvslo 6;ltrimethylamine to produce a negatively*jl b ov w ;(yg0lw9f9ol(9nwn charged ethanoate ion and another charged compound ( l ov(9jbg l wnl99wf*;wn0oyX.

1.Ethanoic acid and the ethanoate ion differ by one hydrogen ion. State the name given to a pair of molecules that differ in this way.
2.State why trimethylamine is categorised as a Brønsted-Lowry base.
3.Ethanoic acid can be represented as $CH_3COOH$. This formula provides a better description of the bonding in the molecule than the alternative formula $CH_3CO_2H$.
1.Suggest why it is better to represent the structure of ethanoic acid as $CH_3COOH$ than as $CH_3CO_2H$.
2.The formula of compound X is $(CH_3)_3NH^+$.Draw the structural formula of compound X.
4.Water can react with both ethanoic acid and trimethylamine.
1.The reaction of water with ethanoic acid produces an ethanoate ion and another charged compound Y. State the formula of compound Y.
2.State the property of water and trimethylamine that allows them both to react with Brønsted-Lowry acids.


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