本题目来源于试卷: Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.2 Electron Transfer Reactions,类别为 IB化学
Which row of the table is correct for a spontane-koxj:ja3r,t lux h+ -ous reaction6iw 1 su)czq-, p b3.grw7r7,tpw.cro,hfo dz?
A. $E^{\Theta}_{cell}$ is Positive $\Delta G^{\Theta}$ is Negative
B. $E^{\Theta}_{cell}$ is Negative $\Delta G^{\Theta}$ is Negative
C. $E^{\Theta}_{cell}$ is Positive $\Delta G^{\Theta}$ is Positive
D. $E^{\Theta}_{cell}$ is Negative $\Delta G^{\Theta}$ is Positive
参考答案: A