本题目来源于试卷: Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.2 Electron Transfer Reactions,类别为 IB化学
Which statement about electroplating an - d yaagys(f3g7,6 cyiw cw8g*obvr 1iw7x23elg/7+pthtc 1xzbject with silver is incorrect?
A. The object is placed at the negative electrode
B. Electrons travel from the positive electrode to the negative electrode
C. The silver electrode must be pure
D. The anode consists of silver metal
参考答案: C
In electroplating, the anode is made of sezi7oek yojxr:558 s-8ynj.s ilver metal, which is oxidized to $Ag^+$ ions. The $Ag^+$ ions are then reduced at the cathode to Ag metal, resulting in a coating around this object.
Any impurities will sink to the bottom of the vessel.
In electrolytic cells, the anode is positive, and the cathode is negative. As a result, electrons travel from positive to negative.