本题目来源于试卷: Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.2 Electron Transfer Reactions,类别为 IB化学
Which of the below rea/(qh(mnpcx j8k l)bvi 4 *doj0ctions shows the oxidation of a 5kn uazypi4c5 d+5) w/dj g6tisecondary alcohol?
A. Propan-2-ol → Propanone
B. Propan-1-ol → Propanone
C. Ethanol → Ethanal
D. Ethanol → Ethanoic acid
参考答案: A
A secondary alcohol is a compound in which the carbon at0fv6rtfl+3bsdx u)e +tached to the hydroxyl group is also attached to two other carbons.
Upon its oxidation, a removal of 2H atoms occurs and a ketone is f+etsfb v+dx30flr 6u)ormed.