本题目来源于试卷: Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.2 Electron Transfer Reactions,类别为 IB化学
The below diagram shows an electrolytic cell. At which elec mno taavyrn j;ybu5.j+ *k-oa*1qz8+t :f1,s q vtoq. els6s7,cu dz*arode will bromine form, and what is the process taking place there? , 6lsq* d:s 1.cuef ,7otzqasv
A. Electrode is R Process is reduction
B. Electrode is S Process is oxidation
C. Electrode is S Process is reduction
D. Electrode is R Process is oxidation
参考答案: B
In electrolysis the positive electrode is the anode. Oxidation take2dq928y3 q0zg w r:okggw++myu / pcsns place at the wc2 p ggdyo8kqyq0/ng9 : zm+w+ur3s2 anode.