本题目来源于试卷: Mechanisms of Chemical Change F.2 Electron Transfer Reactions,类别为 IB化学
Consider the following react j- v)d,)zoxxljse4 (pions involving metals and *bgo:z,c +wk+ rlsaw. their aqueous nitrate soluti o:wsrk*+cb.g ,+zwalons:
| $XNO_3$ | $Y(NO_3)_2$ | $Z(NO_3)_2$ | Metal X | | No reaction | No reaction | Metal Y | Grey solid of metal X observed | | No reaction | Metal Z | Grey solid of metal X observed
| Pink solid of metal Y observed | | Choose the correct order of the metals from the strongest oxidizing agent to the weakest?
A. is Z -Y - X
B. is X - Y - Z
C. is Y - X - Z
D. is Y - Z - X
参考答案: B
Least reactive metal is the +tgo,pe 6g27-s ydzi istrongest oxidizing agent/ weakest reducing agent.
Z is the most reactive metal (can displace both X and Y), followed by Y(can only dg2i 67- ip+ eztyogd,sisplace X), and lastly, X (cannot displace any).