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Unity and Diversity A.4 Cell Structure (id: e408bd948)

admin 发表于 2024-2-11 11:58:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Unity and Diversity A.4 Cell Structure,类别为 IB生物学

Mesophyll cells are fount 2p6hkrcnx .8 /kwca(6 6r n2rntgnw)my5qkj(: s2ibd in plants. Plant cells have unique characteristics that distinguish them from any other cell tks/(kw j:y a6qb n6r5gin rcw()tnm22ype.

In the micrograph above, one of the cell parts is labelled X. What is the name of this structure?

A. Chloroplast
B. Central vacuole
C. Cell wall
D. Starch granule

参考答案:  C

Choice C - The cell wall is the outermost layer of plant c f:emwv4k *ri6ells just outside the plasma membrane.mf v:wrk6 i*e4

Chloroplasts (Choice A) are membrane-bound oval-shaped organelles (labelled Ch in the image) that are responsible for photosynthesis.

The central vacuole (Choice B) is located in the centre of the cell, not towards the outside. It is evident in the micrograph provided by the white, empty space in the middle of the cell.

Starch granules (Choice D) are structures consisting of starch. Their function is to store starch which is produced during photosynthesis. Starch granules are not visible in the micrgraph above.




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