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Unity and Diversity A.5 Viruses (id: 1112c695b)

admin 发表于 2024-2-12 03:00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Unity and Diversity A.5 Viruses,类别为 IB生物学

Which is not a factor in the rapid evoluti x1e(/som0gg:w.rzn d on of the human immunodevl 2s6bu s k,v(o*vu3q-b 2pgdficiency virus?*vpl3ss6u, d2u bvvqk(g2-b o

A. Genetic recombination
B. High mutation rate
C. Slow replication rate
D. Genetic diversity of host population

参考答案:  C

Choice C is correct because a slow replication rate x)6/a,. zpxpthqqo 3qp xi x;k3n8jv; is not a factor in the rapid evolutv/ 3;p8qzq3jaqn.)6hkti x;x,xppoxion of HIV. Genetic recombination occurs when many strains of the virus infect the same host, and a new combination of genetic material is observed, which leads to changes in the virus (evolution) over time (Choice A). Mutations occur rapidly in HIV because it is a single-stranded RNA virus and lacks a mechanism to proofread the genome. The introduction of this variation leads to evolution (Choice B). The genome of humans and the HIV host population, has high genetic diversity. Such diversity in the genome may provide a selective advantage for some HIV strains (Choice D).




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