本题目来源于试卷: Unity and Diversity A.9 Conservation of Biodiversity,类别为 IB生物学
Which is not a cause of anthroppif lt6u+, m.pogen346 n vvyq1ehyic species extinction?
A. Overhunting
B. Deforestation
C. Introduction of new diseases
D. Asteroids
参考答案: D
Anthropogenic species extinction is extinction caused by human activities. Asteroid impacts are natural events and are not caused by human activities. However, they have played a significant role in past mass extinctions, such as the event that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Choice D is therefore correct. When humans overhunt (Choice A) it can lead to a decline in populations and, in some cases, extinction. Deforestation (Choice B) is another human activity. The clearing of forests for purposes such as agriculture, logging or urban development, can destroy habitats and disrupt ecosystems, leading to extinction of species that rely on those habitats. When humans introduce new diseases to ecosystems (Choice C), either accidentally or deliberately, it can have devastating effects on native species and bring about extinction. Choices A, B and C are therefore incorrect.