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Form and Function B.6 Gas Exchange (id: d937ffa20)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 22:39:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Form and Function B.6 Gas Exchange,类别为 IB生物学

Lung volumes and ventilatio3dgw yle:;9bvw :p 5zo tms6dh*2thjuh 44ou *n rates can be measured using a spirometer. During a school lab a student was asked to breathe normall4mduj s4*6hhtoh2u *t y at rest, then they were asked to take the deepest breath in that they could, followed by the largest breath out, before returning to breathing normally at rest. Below is the trace for this student.

1.Calculate the total volume of air inhaled and exhaled during one minute by this student when breathing normally at rest.

Below is a diagram of the spirometer used by the students. The subject puts on a nose clip, to prevent air from escaping through the nose, and breathes in and out through the mouthpiece. The chamber is closed so the volume of air with each inhalation and exhalation can be recorded on the drum trace. The chamber is opened between trials to allow the air to refresh and the trace to be recalibrated.

2.Explain why the trace decreased in height during the 100 seconds.

3.Suggest a possible investigation that could be conducted using the spirometer.

4.State two variables that must be controlled in the investigation you suggested in part (c).
Another student, who played the flute regularly, was then asked to record their results to compare them to student 1, who did not play a wind instrument. The trace for this second student is shown below.

5.Discuss whether the data in the two graphs support the hypothesis that playing a wind instrument increases lung volume.


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