本题目来源于试卷: Form and Function B.9 Adaptation to Environment,类别为 IB生物学
Which of the following is the most app:/:g de/ 1je2knim2bcwry rxwrc(bw n35c30 pr)ck .9 mw(6wi3jxt qboau0v,cq-vc 3topriate to measure using a line transect? kvq9xcb3ci63)(t.mtuwoq jw0 ca, -v
A. Light intensity
B. Soil pH
C. Temperature
D. Plant distribution
参考答案: D
Choice D is correct because line transects can be used to show animal or plant distributions. Choices A, B and C are all factors that could be measured using different sensors that could provide meaning to plant or animal distributions.