本题目来源于试卷: Continuity and Change D.5 Gene Expression,类别为 IB生物学
Which of the following correcpa712vm9 mfsctly pairs changes in tdx zurgx55m )x8lj 1s;he rate mRNA is degraded in the cytoplasm with the effect on the rate polypeptides for the corresponding gene are synthes1 xuxl;d)j5ms g 85xrzised?
A. Rate mRNA is degraded is increases;Rate polypeptides for this gene are synthesised is decreases
B. Rate mRNA is degraded is increases;Rate polypeptides for this gene are synthesised is increases
C. Rate mRNA is degraded is decreases;Rate polypeptides for this gene are synthesised is decreases
D. Rate mRNA is degraded is decreases;Rate polypeptides for this gene are synthesised is unchanged
参考答案: A