The table below shows es
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0b4 pluvz /sl 90rbhq;mates of the mean percentage similarity between monozygotic and dizygotic twins and also between brothers in terms of their genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes. Monozygotic twins result from the fertilisation of one egg by one sperm. The resulting embryo later divides into two embryos. Dizygotic twins result when two egg cells are fertilised by t
bru ;h0/94lpqs0vb lzwo different sperm cells.
1.Explain why it is important for different cells in multicellular organisms to have different proteomes.
2.Describe how methylation can influence gene expression.
3.Explain why the mean per cent similarity decreases from the most similarity between genomes to the least similarity between proteomes.
4.With reference to the data in the table, discuss the similarities and differences in mean per cent similarity between the dizygotic twins and the brothers.