本题目来源于试卷: Continuity and Change D.7 Reproduction,类别为 IB生物学
Which statement(s) is/arej 2arz;. brgf6 correct for t4yw)ofg sk )8mxre lhl 29egft+b65j)he hormones of the menstrual cycle?
I. Progesterone inhibits FSH.
II. There is positive feedback between oestradiol and FSH.
III. There is positive feedback between progesterone and LH.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I, II and III
参考答案: C
Choice C is correct because statements I and II are correct; progesterone inhibits FSH (statement I), and an increase in oestradiol causes a further increase in oestradiol because the follicles become more responsive to FSH, which is positive feedback (statement II). Statement III is not true because LH is not involved in any positive feedback mechanisms.