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Interaction & Interdependence C.6 Integration of Body Systems (id: 4a1694ef8)

admin 发表于 2024-2-11 05:24:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Interaction & Interdependence C.6 Integration of Body Systems,类别为 IB生物学

Which statement defi l0 px j/,)qbza a mbsrkos.q9j+ql85rh2(ap/nes(0phe(ja5:f5nbaj *(so7tfr8rs tqh tropisms in plants?

A. Growth of a plant away from gravity
B. Growth of a plant in response to a change in day length
C. Growth of a plant towards light
D. Growth of a plant towards or away from a stimulus

参考答案:  D


Choice D is correct because a tropism is any growth response of a plant towards or away from a stimulus. Choice A is incorrect because this is the definition for only one type of tropism, geotropism. Choice B is incorrect because day length does not cause a plant to grow in one direction. Choice C is incorrect because this is a specific definition for phototropism whereas tropism in general is a growth response towards or away from a stimulus, and not only light.




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