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Interaction & Interdependence C.7 Defence Against Disease (id: 037cce21f)

admin 发表于 2024-2-19 00:03:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Interaction & Interdependence C.7 Defence Against Disease,类别为 IB生物学

The diagram shows a tw6+g v2c s+tup 2ryb.revr(;gadod4 u.y- *h: )k.y/pyk*xyp be (rtbf d blood cell with the A antigen.

Which statement explains why a blood transfusion with blood group A cannot be given to someone with blood group O?

A. A antigens bind to O blood cells
B. A antigen stimulates the production of anti-A antibodies in blood group O
C. $O$ antibodies bind to A antigen
D. Blood group O does not produce the correct antibodies for blood group A

参考答案:  B


Choice B is correct because individuals with blood group O produce anti-A antibodies in response to a transfusion with blood group A. Choice A is incorrect because the A antigen stimulates the production of anti-A antibodies in people with blood group O. Choice C is incorrect because it is anti-A antibodies that bind to the A antigen. Choice D is incorrect because blood group O does produce the correct antibodies for blood group A.




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