本题目来源于试卷: Interaction & Interdependence C.8 Populations & Communities,类别为 IB生物学
Which of the following can be:)n 0r5xo7ajhyj : ktwlh8 p3d j7mnk) dekm* ui88t cpe5termined using the chi-squared test?
A. The biodiversity found in an area of a forest.
B. The range of values obtained for heights of trees in an area.
C. The probability of finding certain species of plants in adjoining plots based on observations made for one area.
D. Test if two species of plants are found together because they are associated and contribute to ecological factors which enhance the growth of both plants.
参考答案: D
Explanation: The data collected for recording the presence and absence of two plants can be used in a chi-squared test to determine if the two plants are associated. This is a relevant statistical method. The biodiversity found in an area (Choice A) is usually determined by using Simpson’s Diversity Index or other similar calculations. The chi-squared test cannot be used to find the range (Choice B) for heights of trees or predict the probability of finding certain plants (Choice C) in an area.