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Interaction & Interdependence C.8 Populations & Communities (id: 54b1cbe70)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 22:48:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Interaction & Interdependence C.8 Populations & Communities,类别为 IB生物学

Which of the following,bre;6ld+ dl:)vlmrld * g6ba does notz+ dh j;u8u-pz apply to predator-prey relationships?

A. Density-dependent control of the population
B. Positive feedback control of predator and prey populations
C. Interspecific competition between predator and prey
D. Predators and prey occupy different trophic levels in an ecosystem

参考答案:  C

Interspecific competition (Choice C) refers to competition between different species for the same resources. In predator-prey relationships, the interactions are primarily based on predation and consumption of one species by another, rather than competition for the same resources. Therefore this statement is not true of predator-prey relationships, and Choice C is the correct answer.
Predator and prey living in the same ecosystem leads to density-dependent control of their populations (Choice A). As prey populations increase, predator populations may also increase due to the availability of more food. However, as predator populations increase, they put more pressure on prey populations, which can lead to a decrease in prey numbers. Choice A is therefore true of predator-prey relationships and so not the correct answer.
Negative feedback control occurs when changes in one population lead to changes in the other population that oppose the initial change. Increases in the prey population will lead to an increase in the predator population, which then causes a decrease in the prey population, leading to a redu




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