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Interaction & Interdependence C.9 Transfers of Energy & Matter (id: 0c49468f8)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 13:38:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Interaction & Interdependence C.9 Transfers of Energy & Matter,类别为 IB生物学

The diagram below shows the food w;whhgdd7:,pjg; yxmqgz e(b* /p*w )keb in a salt maru( f93d11yzuidh am 8jsh, one of the most productive habitjhdiyf1 mu1(z9 8 uad3ats on Earth.

1.The numbers on the arrows show the percentage of gross primary production that flows into different trophic levels or is used in plant respiration.
2.Define gross and net primary production.
Identify the herbivores shown in the system.
3.If the energy available to consumers from producers in organic compounds is 300 g m$^{-2}$yr$^{-1}$(dry), calculate the amount of energy that is lost by export to the tide.1
4.(1)The table below shows the NPP for three trophic levels in a food web. Draw a pyramid of energy from the information in this table, labelling it appropriately with the trophic levels and corresponding NPP values (rounded to 3 significant figures as in the table).

(2)Outline a limitation of the ecological pyramid of energy.
5.Explain how a food web provides a more accurate representation of an ecosystem’s feeding relationships than a food chain.


本题详细解析: 暂无




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