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Transfers of Energy &Matter (id: aaf758307)

admin 发表于 2024-2-11 03:02:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Transfers of Energy &Matter,类别为 IB生物学


The diagram above shows a simplified diagram of the movement of carbon in the ocean. Which of the following rows correctly identifies processes involved in the carbon cycle?

A. I is Respiration II is Eaten by III is Decomposition IV is Photosynthesis
B. I is Decomposition II is Photosynthesis III is Respiration IV is Eaten by
C. I is Photosynthesis II is Respiration III is Decomposition IV is Eaten by
D. I is Photosynthesis II is Respiration III is Eaten by IV is Decomposition

参考答案:  D

Process I is photosynthesis and shows the capture o37-ecvnf*4z vq msmg6 f energy by phytoplankton from the Sun. Process II is respiration where carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Process III shows the movement of carbon when organisms are eaten by members of the next trophic level, and process IV is the decomposition of dead organisms by bacteria which eventually causes a release of cvmm gze*qc-7v f4 n63sarbon dioxide. All other choices (Choice A, Choice B and Choice C) do not identify the processes correctly.




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