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Transfers of Energy &Matter (id: 7e1de0013)

admin 发表于 2024-2-11 03:02:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Transfers of Energy &Matter,类别为 IB生物学

The diagram shows thrdr o5* jxy,v.e cni1f*y i(3 3 dkcd3bzcarbon stored in some of Earth’s carbon reservoirs, and the estimated annual cardc3c f (zidyk 3b*3in1bon flux, in GT/yr, between reservoirs.

Which is a net flux between two reservoirs in the carbon cycle?

A. Vegetation/soil releases 1 GT of carbon to the atmosphere each year.
B. Vegetation/soil absorbs 1 GT of carbon from the atmosphere each year.
C. Marine biota gain 11 GT of carbon each year.
D. Marine biota lose 11 GT of carbon each year.

参考答案:  B

The diagram shows that soil/vegetation absorbs 123 GT of carbon fr dg 62;xbc2i8nslt5ysom the atmosphere per year and releases 122 GT of carbon in2yi8 ltxs 6gn cds5;2bto the atmosphere per year. So, soil/vegetation absorbs a net of 123 GT - 122 GT = 1 GT of carbon per year. Soil/vegetation gains 1 GT of carbon each year, rather than releasing 1 GT of carbon to the atmosphere (Choice A). Marine biota gain a net total of 11 GT of carbon from the surface ocean but lose 11 GT of carbon to the intermediate/deep ocean so have a net flux of 0 GT of carbon per year. Therefore, marine biota neither gains 11 GT of carbon per year (Choice C) nor loses 11 GT of carbon per year (Choice D).




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