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Fields D.2 Electromagnetic Fields & Potential (id: 6aa7c5129)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 14:35:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Fields D.2 Electromagnetic Fields & Potential,类别为 IB物理学

A positive charge Q and four points on equipoten c+uk 1jk 467n5rl,pbpaq4llv tial lines are rezr1qc7, d e c5f+ztuu4presented in the d,1utr54c d 7cqzze+ufiagram shown.
A negative ion is moved from location 1 to 2, then to 3 and finally to 4. Which of the following gives the correct nature of the net work done on the ion during each section of this movement?

A. 1 to 2 is negative ; 2 to 3 is positive ; 3 to 4 is positive
B. 1 to 2 is positive ; 2 to 3 is negative ; 3 to 4 is negative
C. 1 to 2 is negative ; 2 to 3 is zero ; 3 to 4 is positive
D. 1 to 2 is positive ; 2 to 3 is zero ; 3 to 4 is negative

参考答案:  C

The negative ion is attracted by the positive charge, therefore its energy at the inner equipotential line is less than the outer one.
Moving from 1 to 2, it moves to a lower energy, therefore work is negative
Moving from 2 to 3, it moves along the same equipotential line, therefore no work done
Moving from 3 to 4, it moves to a higher energy, therefore positive work is done.




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