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IB MAI HL Number and Algebra Topic 1.5 Matrices (id: 0892c6a7a)

admin 发表于 2024-2-6 05:06:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB MAI HL Number and Algebra Topic 1.5 Matrices,类别为 IB数学

A city has two major security g f-ama;y 11n1kjnm q;)nfvq /puard companies, company A and companq+af*ae(uv o 0pn- (upy B. Each year, 15 % of customers using company A move to company B and 5 % of the customers using company B move to companyepunauoqf+ -0va ((*p A. All additional losses and gains of customers by the companies can be ignored.

1.Write down a transition matrix T representing the movements between the two companies in a particular year.
$ T = \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  ,b=  ,c=  ,d=  .
2.1.Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of T.
$ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $ , a=  ,b=  ;
$ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} c \\ -d \end{vmatrix} $ , c=  ,d=  .
2.2.Hence write down matrices P and D such that T=PDP$^{-1}$.

Initially company A and company B both have 3600 customers.

3.Find an expression for the number of customers company A has after n years, where n∈Z.
Hence the number of customers company A has after n years is
C(n)=a+b(c0.8$^n$) ; a  , b=   , c=  .

4.Hence write down the number of customers that company A can expect to have in the long term.
The number is   .

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