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IB MAI HL Functions Topic 2.2 Applications of Functions (id: dcd6b4f7c)

admin 发表于 2024-2-7 23:49:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB MAI HL Functions Topic 2.2 Applications of Functions,类别为 IB数学

The total cost of a ride, C, in Bri 4 pq/l q 6-hwrsgscj/z0/p7dbti, +wk5bwlbyo (/ jqli.sk,w5ish pounds (GBP), on BlackCabs can be modelledmodelled by the fubi l j5w. /,,ikw5lwqokb +(synction
C=1.75x+3.00,where x is the distance travelled in kilometres.
1.Calculate the total cost of an 88 kilometre ride in a BlackCab. C =    GBP
2.On the grid below, sketch the graph of the function C=1.75x+3.00, for x≥0.

3.Calculate the distance travelled, x, in kilometres, when the total cost of a ride reach 45 GBP. x =    km
The starting fare of MiniCabs is 2.00 GBP higher than of BlackCabs, however the ride fare is lower at 1.40 GBP per kilometre travelled.
4.Find the least number of whole kilometres required to travel for the total cost to be less on a MiniCab ride in comparison to a BlackCab ride.

空格1: 17±2%空格2: 24±2%





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