An elephant raised in a wir 1 6 4yydoc jydkh7nww-./pz8ldlife sanctuary. Her is2u. zhl f)yix 710 dfuyyyj8vexem7d(1 z.) height, H, in metres, is modelle1mzihl ve ydxj.)1ufd ()7yie 70zy fx.2s8uyd by the logistic function
where t is the number of years that have passed since her birth.
1.Find the elephant's height:
(1)when she was born; H = m
(2)on her 55th birthday. H ≈ m
The elephant's height approaches a limit of M metres as she ages.
2.Write down the value of M. M =
The elephant reaches a height of 22 m before her $n$th birthday.
3.Find the smallest value of n. n =