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IB MAI HL Geometry & Trigonometry Topic 3.3 Voronoi Diagrams (id: 4a1233956)

admin 发表于 2024-2-8 21:21:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB MAI HL Geometry & Trigonometry Topic 3.3 Voronoi Diagrams,类别为 IB数学

Cellular phone towers in a town are represented byddvj 4qn)1f 6lo+yu(l ydzyxx 6zjf7oc.:te,3a*g 4si v4m +i the points P, Q, R, and S (not shown) in the partially complete Voronoi diagram shown below. The regions created by the diagram represen e,s4x idav +c7ji*m:g4tyz y6 f.x3ozt the phone coverage provided by each tower.

1.Write down the coordinates of the missing phone tower S. (a,b) a=   b= 
2.Calculate the coverage area provided by phone tower Q. A =    $km^2$
3.Find the gradient of the edge of Voronoi diagram between towers Q and R. $m_{e,QR}$ =  
The phone towers provide different data download speeds, as per the table below.

Tower is P ;Data download speed is 25 MBps ;Tower is R ;Data download speed is 30 MBps ;Tower is Q & S ;Data download speed is 20 MBps ;
4.A customer is located at (4,10). Determine the download speed she receives.

空格1: 7空格2: 1空格3: 15±2%空格4: -1±2%





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