Bus-1 and Bus-2 leave a terminal, T, at the same tl .js(ubvy(w9v 8v6m hime. Bus-1 trfkc 5ps s v qd/)61skqd6s:8kqavels 65 km on a true beak q/sd6sdpsv5kk)f:6 q qs8c 1ring of $140^{\circ}$ to point U, then a further 40 km on a true bearing $235^{\circ}$ to point V. Bus-2 travels directly from the terminal to point V.
1.Find the distance, d, travelled by Bus-2. km
2.Find the true bearing on which Bus-2 travels. $^{\circ}$
Bus-1 averages a speed of 55 km/h and Bus-2 averages a speed of 36 km/h
3.Determine which bus arrives at point V first. Justify your answer.