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IB MAI HL Calculus Topic 5.1 Differentiation (id: ed9253c2f)

admin 发表于 2024-3-13 21:49:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB MAI HL Calculus Topic 5.1 Differentiation,类别为 IB数学

The owner of a bakery has found tha7: nc i() :kvn3ymqacdd2f m3xt the profit obtained from selling xgic vk.w iem,+1n8ih- cakes is giv+.egvmi h-,i8 ni k1wcen by the function

P(x)=$\frac{x}{20}\left(600-\frac{x^{2}}{2 k^{2}}\right)$

where k is a positive constant and $x \geq 0$ .
1. Find an expression for $P^{\prime}(x)$ in terms of k and x ;P’(X)=c-$\frac{ax^2}{bk^2}$;a=  ,b=  ,c=  .
2. Hence, find the maximum value of P in terms of k,The maximum value of P is   k.

The owner knows that the bakery makes a profit of $\$ 873$ when they sell 30 cakes.
3. Find the value of k=  .
4. Determine how many cakes the bakery should sell to maximize their profit,The bakery should sell    cakes to maximise their profit.
5 . Sketch the graph of P , labelling the maximum point and x -intercepts.
6. Determine the maximum number of cakes the bakery can sell before they start losing money, the maximum number of cakes they can sell before they start losing money is   .

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