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习题练习:Fluid Mechanics

 作者: admin发布日期: 2024-07-30 16:12   总分: 24分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年07月30日 13:38  切换到: 整卷模式

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  94.17: A cork has weight mg and density 25% of wvqk20 o 3.nyp5q3iuhhater density. A string is tied around the cork and attached tnphq5i .32q30y h ukovo the bottom of a water-filled container. As shown in the accompanying figure, the cork is totally immersed in the water. Expressed in terms of the cork weight mg, the tension in the string is:


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  01.20: When submerged underwater, t spwm3*t4tlb 4*+16v c(v.vo nzcwsqw he apparent mass of one cubic centimeter of pure go 3optw4 ml vqsz vww s6cb41c*n(vt.*+ld is 18.3 grams. What would be its mass in air?


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  04.29: Three fishing bobbers all individyl4nv4uej/4b noeca1 8b 6/tdually float on top of water. BobbersA and B have identical masses and densities but different shapes while bobbers B and C have identical sizes and shapes but bobber C has less mass and density than B. If three identical weights are then tied to the bobbers and all three are pulled completely beneath the surface of the water, which bobber will displace the greatest volume of water?eub1 n tcje/a nldy4/64o8 bv4


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  01.18: Which of the following is the i,p ui*b/a7m2kzt pn7klhum60/0qwa best statement of Pascal's Law?


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  05.24: The hydraulic press, which allows large masses to be liftm9 / uxsd (49yjo1ahthed with small applied forces, is a dujh 9/shota (x491ym consequence of which principle?


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  06.30: A copper block is connected to a string and submerged inkjr,u9hv d 6j2:wm;n i a container of water.j:2k6u 9jw,m nh; vrid
Position 1: The copper is completely submerged, but just under the surface of the water.
Position 2: The copper is completely submerged, mid-way between the water surface and the bottom of the container.
Position 3: The copper is completely submerged, but just above the bottom surface of the container. Assume that the water is incompressible. What is the ranking of the buoyant forces (B) acting on the copper blocks for these positions, from least to greater?


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  07.36: A driveway is 22.0 m long and 5.0 m wide. If the atmospheric pressva j9 w8fh xv*0hqez2 y0lqu z.11g9dhure is 2hu 0 1*vy qj g0qwfz9vzhxe8. 9lh1ad $1.0 × 10^{5}Pa$, what force does the atmosphere exert on the driveway?


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  10.22: A small and uniform 10.0 kg object floats at rest with 75% of the obj dqf:a6s xcde26): w0q2m bbd/5bunxtect submerged in a cubb:: ndt)df sdqc66e/2 bxx52mqbuw a0ical tank containing $50.0 m^{3}$ of water. What is the buoyant force acting on the object?


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  14.26: A solid cube of iron and a solid iwur4f u* wu4ty, yte1;da,y8u(n w8x cube of aluminum have equal mass. The cubes areplaced into the same large pool of water so that each is completely submerguyeu14ywn4w,x d 8 ti u(wa8;uftry*,ed and resting on the pool’sbottom. Which object experiences the greater buoyant force from the water?


单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  12.21: A child’s balloon is foshn5hqabu52z 5gc h * 6g4z1 e rz6f3)zlxsj8illed with pure Xenon gas. This balloon then is releauc25rh3 5qg zx* 4elzshn b6f1h6zgjso 8a5z)sed from rest two meters above the ground on Earth. Which one of the following choices best describes the response of the balloon?


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  16.23: At a party, two spherical balloons are expandedkubw8;g/ g) hyv6tws2 to have the same radius. Balloon #1 is filled with helium gas while balloogt628bkw /); hygwvus n #2 is filled with xenon gas. Which one of the following statements about the buoyant forces on the balloons is correct?


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  03.36: An ideal fluid flows through a long horizontal circular pipe. In ony)k )xz0bokt .8tg f1ie region of the pipe, it has radius Rgti1 )t8f )b.z xyo0kk. The pipe then widens to radius 2R. What is the ratio of the fluid's speed in the region of radius R to the speed of the fluid in region with radius 2R?


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  04.24: A fluid is forced through a pipe of changirp4 -k3g:sey4ei8fuk1 +tvxq ng cross section as shown. In which section would the pressure of the fluie8xig3- f4:ky s t 4qkvpr+ue1d be a minimum?


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  07.35: Two objects labeled K and L have equal mass but densities 0.95D0 -hs--s 6:f/md l 2wt,s jqiuzdand D0, respectively. Each of these objects floats after being thrown into a deep ss-z- w, sltsiqhjd :2d 6m-u/fwimming pool. Which is true about the buoyant forces acting on these objects?


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  08.16: A block is connected to a light string attached to the botto ttq+-* z.vh+ drdi5jom of a large container of water. The tension in the string is 3.0 N. The gravitational force from tov+5zi t+hjd-rd*q t .he earth on the block is 5.0N. What is the block’svolume?


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  15.30: A spring scale reads 2.50N when a small solid mass hangshtd jmmcp -+(* from it in air. The spring scale reads 1.58N when the mass at the end of the spring is completely submerged in a container of water. Which one of the following choices best represents the density of the solid mass(unit:cptmhm (j+ -d* $kg/m^{3}$)?


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  09.32: A cube of unknown material and uniform density floats in 4j4s giqy)uhot5dk;c -,g ke, a container of water with 60% of its volume submerged. If this same cube were playkehd 4, -5,qt;ou4cs ig )kjgced in a container of oil with density$ρ=800 kg/m^{3}$ , what portion of the cube’s volume would be submerged while floating?


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  12.47: Water flows ideally through a cylindricdpiu1+n 2ya:zst / ( ctinx:4mally-shaped pipe. At the lower end, the pipe’s cross- se u/n +imz(dat: :nt1xyc42ps ictional area is $ 30.0 cm^{2}$ whereas in the upper portion, the pipe’s cross-sectional area is $10.0cm^{2}$ and fluid is moving at 9.0 m/s. Which one of the following choices best represents the difference in pressure between the lower section of the pipe and the upper section if the vertical distance between the centers of the pipe sections is 2.0 m ?


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  09.35: A piece of an ideal fluid is marked as it moves along a horizontal stryd n/cxun t538y6wo / fzzxv1io223v qeamline through a pipe, as shown in the figure. In Region I, the speed of the fluid on the streamline is V. The cylindrical, horizontal pipe narrows so that the radius of the pipe in Region II is half of whotu3 dyxq6/5x8ni2z3 nfv1/w z c2ov yat it was in Region I. What is the speed of the marked fluid when it is in Region II?


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  13.25: An ideal fluid completely fills a small horizontal tube xkk3f 7 2v:,s cj8it2d 4iyot(otzeu2that has a narrowing cross-sectional area as seen in the figureti:( zok24toe8,skcufj 2 t32vx7y id . Which one of the following choices best describes what has happened to the fluid’s speed and its associated pressure in the narrower region as compared to the wider region?


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  10.47: An open cylindrical conta5a- jby 8ocpk9iner with very large radius is at rest a distance H above the ground at the edge of a platform. A tiny hole develops at the bottom of the container and water from the container squirts out horizontally landing a distance H from th8ykb5opa - cj9e edge of the platform. For the
water to land at this location, what is the depth of the water L in the container? The figure is not drawn to scale and air resistance is ignored.


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  11.27: The density of a sojcpatsp + fuxf1l/ +p5eo8/w;lid cubic block is given as $ρ=0.750 g/cm^{3}$ . This block is dropped into a large swimming pool filled with water. When equilibrium is established and all motion stops, which choice best describes the location of the block? The block is very small in comparison to the pool.


单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  17.22: A large swimming pool is filled with a liquid hn(djnxe t9)s(aving a density of $500kg/m^{3}$ . Aperson wants to see what happens if she jumps into the deep end of the pool (3.0 meters deep). Which one of the following choices correctly identifies what will happen to the person? Assume that the person does not try to move their arms or legs until discovering what happens after equilibrium is established.


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  13.50: AU-tube is filb.5mja5y cx.t86 s finled with mercury (density $13.6g/cm^{3}$) as shown in the left-most figure. Water of mass 800 grams is added to the left-hand side of the tube. When equilibrium is re-established, the tube appears as shown in the right-most figure. The cross-sectional area of the left tube is$ 6.5 cm^{2}$ while the right tube has cross-sectional area $15.0 cm^{2}$. Which one of the following choices best represents the height above the original equilibrium that the mercury rises in the right tube? The drawings are not to scale.


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