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习题练习:Rotational Equilibrium

 作者: admin发布日期: 2024-07-30 16:51   总分: 10分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年07月30日 16:19  切换到: 整卷模式

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  07.41: For the diagram shown, what is the magnitude of tsqr; 0nryb 9l/a46 vpbhe torque from the applied force as ms4rpr0 b;an6y l9qvb /easured from the center of the disk?


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  98.38: A uniform meter stick l .fmxy80n9.t6a/sg ws z41vliqa7xdof mass 0.20 kg is pivoted at the 40-cm mark. Where should one hang a mass of 0.50 kg to balsa 81m z ..s4lg76/nq0xia9xfdytvwl ance the stick?


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  08.37: A uniform meter stick has a 45.0 g mass plaaeq;0m0i qu/ ul 1c:/,idvzbz ced at the cm 20 mark as shown in the figure. If a pivot is placed at ,izlz/i: 0/d;1b qavu q c0eumthe 42.5cm mark and the meter stick remains horizontal in static equilibrium, what is the mass of the meter stick?


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  10.16: Amass M1=40 kg is at the very edge of a 6.0m long plank which is,:jbt h4,w zzl.9xg ck pivoted about its center of mass located directly at the center of its length. How far from the center of the plank (x) should the mass kg M2=80 kw9,xcz:4k glh b,tz .jg be placed so that the plank remains in static equilibrium in a horizontal position?


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  16.20: A uniform 10.0 m long p si2 psy113vidlank is pivoted about its center of gravity. A mass M1 then is placed at the left edge of the plank and a second mass M2 is placed 1.0 m from the right end. Th 1p3 sv12diisyis system is in static equilibrium (shown). If each mass now is moved 2.0 m closer to the center of the plank, which one of the following choices best describes the subsequent motion of the plank?


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  12.34: A mass m attached to a light string of length L is located at f6qzlm7v2ctg ;ydr79zye ppq3 .4xx( an angle θ below the horizontal as shown in the figure to the right. The mass then is released from rest. Calculated from an axis perpendicular to the plane of the page thrt ple;xxz7 2(cpmyqfgz7v93q y d4.r6ough the pivot, which one of the following choices represents the magnitude of the torque produced by the gravitational force acting on the mass at this instant?


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  04.33: A uniform rectangularr 3zaxotc6, 0j xbom.r3 -sj+w8cnoq 6 solid of side length Land width w sits on a frictionless ixz0, 3t qna-6wrjxrm.b3j osoc+ oc 86ncline of variable angle θ . Assume that there is a very tiny peg preventing the box from sliding down the incline at the point labeled P. At what angle of incline will the box begin to tip over?


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  11.49: An inverted “V” in static equilibriu oxi ,9x q1)+3pskw tifghcu1:m is made from two uniform beams each of mass M=12g1k1 )xoti+w ufc3:qh 9pi xs, kg. Each beam of the “V” has the same length and makes an angle of $30^{\circ}$ with the vertical as shown in the diagram. Which one of the following choices best represents the magnitude of the static friction force acting on the left leg of the “V” from the level ground? The coefficient of static friction between each beam and the ground is $μ_s =0.76$.


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  17.42: A long uniform rod, pivoted at one end affixed to tsya(h)b0q j3jffa;l2g kq y 3/.f;v uche ground, is in static equilibrium A horizontal rope acts 75% of the way up the rod while a vertical rope acts at the 0far end. The magnitude of b 3fhu qya3y /f ).cjaf;02;kqv(gl jseach rope’s force is the same as the gravitational force acting on the rod. What is the value of the angle θ in the figure?


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  16.43: A uniform beam connected to a wall at tbwos7e2-+ g6 lw ces4qhe hinge is in static equilibrium as shown. The cable conne2 cg-e bslwq6 7wos+e4cted to the beam is massless. What are the directions of the horizontal and vertical components of force acting at the pivot on the beam?


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