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习题练习:Nuclear & Quantum Physics E.2 Quantum Physics

 作者: admin   总分: 13分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 23年12月14日 16:28  切换到: 整卷模式

单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Three experiments are list:;mo720 ov,enu zj) dabmgxc0ed.

I. Photoelectric effect

II. Davisson-Germer experiment

III. Young’s double-slit experiment

Which of the experiments show the existence of the wave behavior of matter?

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  In a vacuum chamber, electromagnetic rad;b ,pf)uy1ik iiation of frequencies $f_A$​<$f_B$​ just manage to produce a non-zero photocurrent from metals A and B respectively. When illuminated by an electromagnetic radiation of frequency $f$>$f_B$​, the stopping voltage for the photocurrents from plates A and B are recorded to be $V_A$​ and $V_B$​ respectively.
Which of the following is true about $V_A$​ and $V_B$​?

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  Two lasers, A and B emit light of the same wavelength. If the intensity of A is greater than that of B, which of the following statements would be the correct interpretations of this situation using the wave and particle models of light.

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  The graph below shows the graph of the max yopq3 cnr-mbpt-y/i +b-6p -aimum kinetic energy ($E_k$​)of the emitted electrons against incident frequency ($f$) plotted by a student investigating the work function for a particular metal.

Which of the following can be used by the student to get an approximate value for the work function of the metal in question?

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  Light from a sodium lamp of wavelength is directed towarda;n:wiao l 8o q2-9zgvs a metal surface and electrons unqw:io g 8zva9 l-n;2oatil a stopping potential of $V_s$​ is applied. The wavelength of the incident light is halved. Which of the following corresponds to the new value of the required stopping potential?

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  No electrons are emitted when metal plate X is irradiated by * g6 t85mq ;+a.usbdr0ffhfu/quxc8kan electromagnetic radiation of wavelength λ, aqkh/8*urguffa+fqt. 5 xsd08m;bc 6und intensity I. Which of the following could result in emission of photoelectrons?

I. Decreasing the wavelength λ of incident light.

II. Increasing the intensity of electromagnetic radiation at the same wavelength.

III. Replacing metal X, with a metal of smaller threshold frequency.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  1.Light falls on a photoelectric s4r 7fsldmtp3)urface with a threshold frequency of $5.2\times10^{14}\,Hz$.

State what is meant by photoelectric emission.
2.(1)Calculate the work function of the photoelectric surface in electronvolts. $ϕ$ =    $eV$
(2)The ammeter gives a reading when a violet light is used, while it reads zero when a red light with the same intensity is used. Explain this observation.
(3)The frequency of violet photons is $7.5\times10^{14}\,Hz$. Calculate the maximum speed of the emitted electrons.
3.On the axes below, sketch the variation of the photoelectric current with the potential difference for an incident frequency above the threshold frequency. Also label the stopping voltage $V_s$​. v =    $\times10^5\,ms^{-1}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  1.A beam of electrons is incident on an iron foil (Z=56) and el4zq enpx *5f7,p, oylbectrons are diffracted. In the experiment, electrons have initial kinetic energy of 42 GeV. Thx pobq 4lnz,,p*f75 yee first diffraction minimum is observed at an angle of $49^{\circ}C$ from the average position of most of the electrons detected.

(1)Calculate the density of the iron nucleus. $ρ$ =    $\times10^{17}\,kgm^{-3}$
(2)Using the diffraction information​ given, estimate the radius $r$ of the iron nucleus . r =    $\times10^{-15}\,m$
2.In another experiment, alpha particles are emitted towards iron foil with an initial kinetic energy of $125\,ke\,V$. Estimate the distance of the closest approach to the iron nucleus of the alpha particles. r =    $\times10^{-14}\,m$

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The photocurrents produced by illuminating a metal plate with yellow light by,lm 8j4-o1h+vva w qteams of i wlyv- 81ma+q tjovh,4ntensities $I_1$​ and $I_2$​ are $i_1$​ and $i_2$​ respectively. The corresponding stopping voltages are $V_1$​ and $V_2$​. Given that $I_1$​<$I_2$​ , which of the following statements is true about the photocurrents and the stopping voltages?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  1.De Broglie related the wavelength of a nle2iq2bl s9:xj kcelk;-vo+ .c w,u8particle to its momentum. State what is meant by matteoe vqx.l;c: ilj k,bl2+ewk2 -8un sc9r waves.
2.(1)Show that the wavelength $λ$ of an electron of mass $m$ and kinetic energy $E$ can be found from
λ = $\frac{h}{\sqrt{2mE}}$
(2)Assuming that the magnitude of the energy of a given energy level of an atom is equal to the kinetic energy of the electron, show that the wavelength of the electron in the second energy level in a hydrogen atom is approximately $6.7\times10^{−10}\,m$. $λ$ =    $\times10^{-10}\,m$
(3)Use the wavelength from b(ii) to estimate the orbital radius of this electron. r =    $\times10^{-10}\,m$

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  RRed and blue light beams of equal intensities illuminate a photl *c/zm2*flr c qo./lposensitive plate and produce photocurrentzmpl * l*/.fq rc2/clos $I_R$​ and $I_B$​ respectively. The respective stopping voltages against the two photocurrents are $V_R$​ and $V_B$​.
Consider the following statements:
I. $I_R$​>$I_B$​
II. $V_R$​<$V_B$​
III. Photoelectrons with higher kinetic energy result in a higher current.
Which statements are correct?

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  In a laboratory expeca/opa ai+;/ 3k ka)bv2cup0uriment, $n$ moles of photons of wavelength $λ$ are normally incident every second per square meter on a solar sail. Which of the following expressions correctly states the photo-pressure on the solar sail, given that the photons are reflected elastically.

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two photosensitive plates A and B with threshold frequencgiq.:h 7xex 5lies $f_A$​ and $f_B$​ are illuminated in a vacuum with an electromagnetic radiation of wavelength λ such that photoelectrons are emitted from both plates. The corresponding stopping voltages are recorded to be $V_A$​ and $V_B$​ respectively.
The ratio $\frac{V_B-V_A}{f_A​-f_B}$

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