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习题练习:Unity and Diversity A.3 Origin of Cells

 作者: admin   总分: 11分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 23年07月31日 11:09  切换到: 整卷模式

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  What provides evidence ;zwj5tyz3:ww that all life on Earth evolved from the same population of cell3tw5z;z ywjw:s?

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  Identify the correct row in the table re dl1fj z py.86euxakt1v9s5 ;kgarding the formation of vesicles.

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  Whose experiments dispz5hc1o5 .lo wjroved spontaneous generation?

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  Which type of isotopes are comy7* njht1 m2c o+d3buzmonly used in absolute dating of fossils?

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  Which of the following statements are reasons 94,k8ukatdt j*/ bxwn that RNA is believed to be the first4xtbj dn kwa9t/,k *8u genetic material?
I. RNA can form spontaneously when nucleotides are present
II. RNA contains ribose as its sugar
III. Miller demonstrated that organic molecules could be produced from a mixture of gases under conditions that simulated early Earth

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The diagram below shows the awa8qvs9 o59z il5u ex9hn-8lypparatus used in the experiments conducted by Miller and Urey.xs-89hvaw5zq l o89 y59i lune

Describe how this experiment showed that the origin of life was possible on early Earth.

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  In the early 19th century, vitalism was2 yp+ oruk3gn1 r/kl3z a widely accepted theory. This theory suggested that organic compound2rpkz3/l3 g1y+nr uk os, those found in living organisms, could only be produced through a "vital force" present in living matter.

What was the role of urea in falsifying the theory of vitalism?

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  Which of the following is not evidnswt fgv- g+6 jmbg+6;9 vns*mence to support that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) vn;-9 6 njwmmvt*b6g g+gs sf+could have emerged at hydrothermal vents?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Researchers carried out a similar experiment to e+6jl i38jgwbLouis Pasteur’s famous experiment disproving spontaneous genera8 je j3+giblw6tion, using the set up below at 30°C.

1.Outline the theory of spontaneous generation.

2.1.State two variables that must be controlled in this experiment.

2.2.Explain why it is important to have controlled variables in this study.

3.1.State the letters of three flasks which would show signs of decomposition of broth.

3.2.Explain your answer to part (i).

4.Suggest, with reasons, how the results of the study would differ if the flasks were incubated at 4°C.

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  Louis Pasteur's famous experiments disproving spontaneoo .v -3rwnb:i*9uke,uqye6bwd )sra. us generation were replicated by placing broth into varin r.e-:i)ey9u *.6v3osr bwkdw,qu a bous flasks.

Which two flasks would show the presence of microorganisms in the results?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Below is a diagram of Euglena a photose mfka27(r5riynthetic protist. It is a living cell which can carry out all the functions of life. e(mr5r 72kif a

1.1.State which function of life the flagellum is adapted for.

1.2.State which function of life is enabled by the contractile vacuole.

2.Outline why viruses are not regarded as living organisms.

3.State two main principles of the cell theory

4.Explain how the properties of phospholipids mean they naturally form vesicles when in aqueous solution.

5.Explain how the formation of vesicles was important in the evolution of cells.

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