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习题练习:Unity and Diversity A.6 Diversity of Organisms

 作者: admin   总分: 21分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 23年08月01日 00:36  切换到: 整卷模式

单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  What is the best definitguqy. v6n5lfi *rzo i:0lt2f8ion for a species?

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  Biologists use the binomial naming system to name every organism on the planet. :j-/mqc qg izikr , /e7p7ct1uThe binomial name for the platypus is Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Which statement(s) below are true for the binomial naming sg ir eu/ /7pzq-tikcm7qj1,c :ystem and the platypus?
The genus for the platypus is Ornithorhynchus.
The binomial naming system is based on an international agreement between scientists.
The name, Ornithorhynchus anatinus is unique to platypus species.

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  Which statement is false about the ast.eg2em hj1+6 icm5zm ,, tmgenome?

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  The okapi looks like a small-sized giraffe and has st.l8bj0:7w 2tojh8p 8ottlo mgripes that resemble the zebra. It lives in the Ituri Forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Okapis eat the leaves and buds of trees they can reach. They also graze on grass and ferns and eat fruit. Okapis tend to be solitary animals and the mother gives birth to one offspring which continues to be dependent on the mother’s milk for sijtpogthmjo: o 8l.7wl88b0 t2 x months. When they are four to five years old, they are mature and can breed, but only with other okapis.

Which of the following statements is applicable to the okapi?
I. Okapi is a hybrid of a giraffe and a zebra
II. Okapi is an herbivore
III. Okapi is its own species

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  The table shows factors that can result in speciation. Which word is gjm; 6 3z/j 7a2j)8+zlg*ixzdkryplg matched to the corrl rjz g26 j3pja 7m/gzk;yz i8ldg)*+xect definition?

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  The following table shows the diploid chromosome number of a rang)6f .lhf n0rg,r2qpf ge of species.

Which of these statements is correct?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The table below shows the genome size and diploid chromosome numbers of five d qw,sey7xzh1a w03-e yiffer3e1 e7xq0wz h,y- asywent species.

1.Evaluate the evidence from the table in relation to the statement that “organisms with a higher number of chromosomes do not always have more base pairs”.

2.Discuss the data as evidence for the notion that increased genome size means that the organism is more complex.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Ammophila arenaria (Marram grass), pictured below, is plant species that is oftv;qn)m p v+nr bl whni*eb0:p fs,c1uo54q0k*en found on sovqpqbnu:f;n+ w4se 1kc , lr0m5n*0bh)pi*vand dunes.

1.1.Identify the genus to which Ammophila arenaria belongs.
   is the genus to which Marram grass belongs.

1.2.State the naming system used to name Ammophila arenaria.
The    is used to name organisms.

1.3.State the term used to describe the differences between organisms, which is used as the basis for the naming system in part (ii).
   refers to the differences between organisms, which is the basis for the binomial naming system.

1.4.Describe how the genome within a species could vary.

2.Compare and contrast the morphological and biological species concepts.

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  What type of human cell does the following karyogram represeadyh4e wr*9v ,*7ny yunt?

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  Which of the following is true for the Bioly7p vm jwr(9fia e901fogical Species Concept?

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  Which of the following fmjf* p328pxixbwa21of; bg;statement(s) is/are true for the genome?
I. The genome is all the genetic information of an organism.
II. Genomes within a species are identical in size.
III. Genomes within a species vary in base sequence.

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  This table shows the estimated number of genes in E. coli by4nl64 agewg( q7o8 nyacteria, fruit flies, (8wg4y l yon4e67 qganmice, humans, and rice.

What can you conclude from the above information?

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  Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for genome sex3oxa6ee*llc 4 i.ef 7quencing?
I. The speed of genome sequencing due to technological developments is decreasing.
II. The cost of genome sequencing due to technological developments is decreasing.
III. Genome sequencing can be used for personalised medicine.

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  Which of the following highligh m)t6 l/(bv+ p5vyf02uct arfbt(s) difficulties in applying the biological specc(v2+5 ut0mffatpy / b 6bvr)lies concept?
I. Budding in yeast
II. Runners in spider plants
III. Bacterial conjugation

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Which of the following would provide evidence for two individuab.1:fbzf6 s plls belonging to different spebpf:.l16 zbfscies?
I. Differences in genome base sequence
II. Differences in genome size
III. Differences in chromosome number

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  The images below represent o-)j:h +pc/iw u4tsba )iin /mhaploid or diploid cells from different individuals. Based on their cells, which pairs coulcw-+ a//oubh) j) it:ii pnm4sd produce fertile offspring if they interbreed?

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  Which of the following could be used,ec;u8baviw, m 7 ng9x to identify and classify different species?7um,9b gn, ev;cwa8 ix
I. Dichotomous key
II. Karyograms
III. Binomial naming system

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  Environmental DNA can be used to form .i,/a6.gopfky+ grh ixl2s0ajf ,ro 4 which of the following?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The image below shows three different forms of E9 vi 9i8q,vbodnsatina eschscholtzii species.

1.1.Construct a dichotomous key to identify the three forms of Ensatina eschscholtzii.

1.2.Identify the genus to which Ensatina eschscholtzii belongs.
They belong to the genus   .

1.3.All three forms of Ensatina eschscholtzii belong to the same species. State a property of their genome that they will share.
They will share the same number of   .

2.Explain why the biological species concept is more appropriate to identify the three forms of Ensatina eschscholtzii as the same species compared to the morphological species concept.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Compare and contrast the biological speci2sm0cvavaf k9 a.d;k9 es concept and the morphological concmdv a9a ;k2 9.sckfa0vept.

2.Explain the difficulties with applying the biological species and morphological concept to all organisms.

3.Outline the shared and non-shared genomic traits within and between species.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Outline the binomial naming systemje lch6179dnb dc0:y m and its importance.

2.Explain how a sample of cells taken from a foetus can be used to determine whether the foetus will be biologically male or biologically female at birth.

3.Outline the outcomes of the human genome project and their impacts on different fields of science.

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