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习题练习:Unity and Diversity A.7 Classification and Cladistics

 作者: admin   总分: 23分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年01月01日 20:01  切换到: 整卷模式

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  According to natural classification, organisms in the same group had 6,gl5u,u myi rwhat in commouul, ygi ,6mr5n?

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  The diagram below represents the dht+(u ;bg(vr(rmy -x(8 tprvy/ow+hthree domains of life.

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  The organisms in the table below aur 7e1/ gz0d8 7bgffvsll share a common ancestor.

1.1.Use the data in the table to draw a cladogram.

1.2.State the source of variation which allowed organisms in the cladogram to diverge into different species.
the name is   .
2.In cladistics, state the name used to describe a group of organisms which have all evolved from a common ancestor. the name is   .

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  Which of the following statements is the correct definition z4 e4tfg ahu1w/*)jryof evolution?

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  Which of the following represents the correct order for taxonomic levels ur n9yq 798kk)uoj0 dz.rw:c vesed in biological classi79v.jqy w r9o)8d 0rce: nkukzfication?

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  What evidence can be, and has been used, to determine the members offzlyh9 +) siqw/hj c:fxu:l91 the same clal 9: fly/s1hfh+icj9 zq):wxude?
I. Base sequence of genes
II. Amino acid sequence of proteins
III. Physical appearance of organisms

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  In cladistics, which is the correct definition of a clade?hxvi9(j iaa*h yuy-,az+4l; s

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  To which domain do organisms with membranehy k), /l:0d+kbw bngq-enclosed organelles belong to?

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  Which arrow correctly identifies a node in;kj4phh i:o yaihdgu(z. n 3*+ the cladogram?

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  According to the cladogg/q g1 ,dm9hu;cu6avkvc6cx 2 ram, which two primates are the most closely related?

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  Early cladograms were constructed by comparing structures of orgad2ot48gg tbc y 8v/wl2nisms. The cladogram on the left is based on structure and the cladogram on the right is base2vc/2yltg 4t 88gdowb d on comparing the DNA sequence of a particular gene.

What is the reason that the cladogram based on the DNA sequences is a more reliable representation of the sequence of divergence among clades than the cladogram based on structures?

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  What information can be deduced from3fq3 prl6c jrjt7wr. )6xeln3 the cladogram?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The cladogram below shows three possible evolutionary origil qrlth/sf2)/n nr d86ns of the platypus (Platypus X, Y, and Z), an egg-laying mammal with webbed feet. The il f/l/)dhn8qs r 2trn6talicised taxa are extinct.

1.1.State the taxa most closely related to marsupials.
   are most closely related to marsupials. They are both members of Theria.

1.2.Based on the taxa shown in the cladogram, deduce one reason for the difficulty in identifying the true divergence of the platypus.

2.1.The cladogram shown is based on morphological traits. Describe one other type of evidence that can be used to deduce evolutionary relationships.

2.2.Suggest one type of morphological evidence that could be used to provide support for Platypus Z over Platypus X as the origin of the platypus.

3.Taxonomists classify organisms according to their evolutionary origins using a hierarchical classification system.

Outline the principal taxonomic ranks in the modern classification system.

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  Which of the following would not bhb*jq(;8znld d ,kt l2e a reason for reclassification?

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  Which of the following is not evidence for)np 05:ro(ogr g.x39usbif3 x oi m,oz organisms being in the same clade?

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  What is the relationship between the number of differenca6a/sv31 :bwb yeuu5um ,bt)i es in DNA base sequences and time since di5amu6w3y u,/b1ebt:vua i)s bvergence from a common ancestor?

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  The table shows the number of differences in amino acszc1hn2f -6 3oehgr*sid sequences for the Insulin-A protein, between pigs and other organo2zn egf sh-3c*s16hrisms.

Which organism would be furthest from pigs in a cladogram?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A study was completed on the Cistus sp. of the Mediterranean to loo nfzzd-a096swpam-o( k at the relationship between the mos -zp0f9z6nad (a w-different white-flowered species. Cistus is a genus of plants that are shrubs and are commonly known as rockroses.

The cladogram below shows the relationship between species of the Cistus genus and also includes the genera Fumana, Helianthemum, Tuberia and Halimium.

1.1.Determine the number of nodes between the common ancestor indicated by ‘A’ in the diagram and the clade of Cistus with purple flowers.There are    nodes

1.2.Identify the genus containing the highest number of species in this cladogram.The genus with the most species is   .

1.3.Calculate the percentage of species that belong to the genus that you have named in (ii).it=  %.

1.4.Based on this cladogram outline the relationship between Cistus and Halimium species.

2.1.Identify two species that are the only white-flowered Cistus species in their ecosystem type.

2.2.Deduce, with a reason, the ecosystem with the greatest variety of Cistus species.

2.3.Discuss the evidence from the cladogram that ecosystem type is a factor that contributes to evolution.

Log-Bayes factor is a statistical tool. It was used to evaluate the influence of the environment and insolation on three characteristics of Cistus species.

·Environment is the type of ecosystem
·Insolation is the solar energy that reaches a surface

The three factors studied were leaf shape, labdanum secretion and leaf pubescence.

·The leaf shape of Cistus species is linear or ovate
·Labdanum secretion is the resin or gum that is secreted by Cistus species during hot weather
·Leaf pubescence is the fine hair on leaves and stems that helps to keep leaves cool

The table below gives the log-Bayes factor for the relationships between: (i) leaf shape and environment, (ii) leaf shape and insolation, (iii) labdanum secretion and environment, (iv) labdanum secretion and insolation, (v) leaf pubescence and environment, and (vi) leaf pubescence and insolation.
Log-Bayes factor between -0.1 and 1 indicates ‘barely correlated’ between the factors. Log-Bayes factor less than -0.1 indicates ‘evidence against correlation’. The greater the positive log-Bayes factor, the greater the evidence for correlation

3.1.Deduce, based on the log-Bayes values, which factor, environment or insolation, has the strongest correlation with the three characteristics.
3.2.Using all of the data, evaluate the evidence that the environment has been a significant factor in the evolution of the Cistus species.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Outline how mitochondrial DNA c2tr cm-y9w)cq5dzu+sui j2;2 .kzb yoan be used to construct a cladogram.

2.Explain why organisms classified in the past may be reclassified.

3.Compare and contrast cladograms made using molecular evidence and structural evidence.

单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The DNA sequence from the5urqlput ,)1qt b1) jqajg- k* same section of DNA but from two different organisms is shown in the table q,ulb5-p1tj* aq ) g)qr ujk1tbelow.

Which organisms are most likely to have diverged from each other most recently?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The diagrams below show two cladogr 2*mq1n0t tpafams for primates. One cladogram was made using d0attfq* p1 mn2ata from DNA sequences and the other using amino acid sequences.

1.Identify the organism(s) most closely related to humans in the cladogram based on…

1.1.DNA sequences

1.2.amino acid sequences

2.Describe the advantage of using DNA sequences to construct cladograms compared to amino acid sequences.

2.Suggest why cladograms made using physical features are not reliable predictors of phylogenetic relationships.

单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Organisms may be reclassified us k z5c0y1xo5xeing evidence from cladistics. Cladogram 1, based on DNA comparisons of several species, represents the historical view of relationships among arachnids. Cladogkcoye51x zx0 5ram 2, based on DNA comparisons of many more species than Cladogram 1, challenges the historical view.

What is suggested by Cladogram 2 that is not suggested by Cladogram 1?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Natural classification is used to group organisms with common ancestry togey/2x(bbwe9 f+t*nkqbt-x sy*ther, based on similarities and shared characteristics. fbt2+ kbysx/ qx*nwey*b9(t- All organisms can be classified into one of the three domains.

1.List three characteristics of Eubacteria.
2.Distinguish between archaeans and eukaryotes.

2.The plant kingdom is part of the Eukaryota domain. The plant kingdom is further divided into phyla.

2.1.For the plant pictured above, deduce the phylum to which it belongs. Give a reason for your answer.
2.2Distinguish between the phylum you named in (i) and one other named plant phylum with which you are familiar.

3.Individual species can be grouped into families, based on a shared common attribute. Identify two changes that can result from reclassification of a family.

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