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习题练习:Unity and Diversity A.8 Evolution and Speciation

 作者: admin   总分: 25分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年01月01日 20:59  切换到: 整卷模式

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  The diagram shows the haploid number o3 62hbx p:wexzf chromosomes in a gamete. What could be the pol 6xp 2bhzxw:e3yploid number of chromosomes for this organism?

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  The overall structure of the fin of a whale, in terms of bones hu rh7rt9r 4adr1. if)and muscles, is similari fh7 ar41h.drtu r9r) to the overall structure of the limb of horses. What are these structures referred to as?

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  Which of the following v+q/x jj1 jr.k7 qjkv8w. jadst52xkc( (-znnis the strongest evidence supporting the hypothesis that t s./kqjdk.(2(w r-n8jtnv 5kazcvxj+xj17qj wo populations are two different species?

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The male firefly (P. pyralis) signals to potential female a:2-;d hricz2g8s jw (k y3qaemates by flashing its cz:a jd; 22q-3h(ewkair gy s8lights in specific patterns. Females will only respond to light patterns produced by their own species.

1.Identify the form of reproductive isolation that fireflies exhibit. Justify your answer.

2.Suggest one possible advantage of this mating ritual.

3.All fireflies seen today have diverged from the same ancestral species. Explain how speciation is responsible for the large variety of firefly species.

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  What can result in speciation among organisms living in the same location?:5 r+m)h 5l:hg4 iv0v2obe pfna4suqy

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  Which describes the si7p :gbwh lx5b 5iy+w9h;yykk7milarities and differences between isolating mechanisms in sympatric bykh5y p5;w:hkg w+ilyx b797 and allopatric speciation?

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  Which of the following are often barriers to hrujs+*syz t: mt6-6okhz+2 l)s qft99/ph qea ybridisation between species?
I. A given animal hybrid species has an even, as opposed to an odd number of chromosomes.
II. Two species of flowering plants produce gametes at different times of the year.
III. Behavioural barriers exist due to variations in bird song between species.

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  Which is a key difference between homolo:n( ,gzdww: tif*-w 9yiln8 yvgous and analogous structures?

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  The table shows factorsbw h+w *fc-as02tlrxf.m q8q7y* + tpq that can result in speciation. Which word is matched to the correct definition*8q wbyt pfa *q-+l0fq2+smh.7tx r cw?

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  Shown in diagrams A and B are two pairsqv8u7 +gh7ueg of similar structures.

Which of the following statements correctly explain the structural similarities shown in diagrams A and B?
I. Structural similarities in diagram A are primarily due to random mutations, not common ancestry.
II. Structural similarities in diagram B are due to the fact that they both perform similar functions.
III. Diagram A depicts analogous structures, and diagram B depicts homologous structures.

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  What sequence of events usu.gnpowd+o ( mb b,*3;j j4oke4a u(vzially occur during the process of speciation?

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  Triticum monococcum is an einkorn wheat a/a*m u3lof5*zxvrw s 8nd was the first domesticated crop. It has a diploid number of 14 chromosomes. Triticum turgidum is a durum wheat with a total of 28 chromosomes. It is a result of the hybridization of Triticum monococcum and another grass Aegilops speltoides which also has a diul/w rs m835xoav*f*zploid number of 14. What is the correct term for Triticum turgidum in comparison to Triticum monococcum?

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  It is thought that the congo river divided a population of the common ancestor:jta9g6 4hnup of bonobos gh496taujp:n(Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), resulting in geographic isolation. Which correctly pairs theoretical selection pressures and consequent adaptations of the two populations?

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  Which of the following provides evidence for evolution through selective jtr ba)(ygre x )(v-8puw8 l2wbreedin ru(w)b- w2v8p jtg)x(la re8yg?
I. Phenotypic variation in the domesticated dog (Canis familiaris) has increased significantly as a result of humans selecting desirable traits.
II. Crop yield in domesticated crop plants is significantly greater than their wild relatives.
III. Homo sapiens in many parts of the world have alleles that provide resistance to diseases endemic to their region.

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  The base sequence between two sp/ilfq-04a1yz n k-l upecies was found to be 78% the same, while the order of amino a nqky14p-/uifz- lal0cids found in the same cell types between two species was 82% the same. What may be the reason for this?

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  When a horse, which has 64 chromosomes, and a donkey, which has 62 chromosoym tifk6 (j9n+ufwsic xm7y /*6n*ks )mes reprods k w 6f)*msii tnnj7+fy* uy96/xk(mcuce, a mule offspring is produced. Which are correct descriptions of mules?

I. Mules frequently produce offspring with other mules.
II. Cells in mules cannot undergo meiosis but can undergo mitosis.
III. Mule gametes have 63 chromosomes.

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A study has been conducted on g /t4a:it e0zf:p2*s-nasy eqthe effect of hormonal contraception pollution on the mating calls of the adult male African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). The spectrogram shows the frequency and volume of clicks (mating call) of control X.laevis and those exposed t zqn2-:*0 faetseytg/ ai:s4po oestrogen.

1.Distinguish between the clicks in the spectrogram between the control X. laevis and the X. laevis treated with oestrogen in 1 second.

The graph shows the average duration of the X. laevis mating calls when exposed to the hormone oestrogen.

2.Describe the effect of oestrogen on the duration of the mating call.

3.Explain why it is important to have the X.laevis control group.

4.Identify the independent variable in this study.

5.1.Predict the reproductive success of X.laevis exposed to 29.6 ng/L of oestrogen.
5.2.Outline the possible consequences of oestrogen exposure on X. laevis.

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  What is adaptive radia24/ yoglti1ll tion?

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  Which statement best irv i,. .jaqln9llustrates the process of evolution?

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  Two species of smartweed (genus Persicartzm 5r1) o s65 9z xdhvar(y:*ied9n,fgz+v ioia) hybridise and form a new species. If both of the parent species have two copies of each chromosome, how many copies of each chromosome is a daughter species most likely to )e atv+rdo9v ziz9 f:sn h(mrzi655*o, y 1gxdhave?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Compare and contrast natural selection and selective 9. lxibo ti*r ke;wi d536ov+kfa8bf2 breeding.

2.Using a named example, outline convergent evolution.

3.Using named examples, discuss the evidence which supports the theory of evolution.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Outline how polyploidy results in rekozc6 3iqxx o akt3t+,)fu--r productive isolation.

2.Discuss the evidence for the theories of gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.

3.Explain the reasons for changes in allele frequency in different populations.

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  Which is most likely a correctypy3t: uh9-ag description of a given speciation event?

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  The diagram below shows the feeding areas of four species of warbler 11 u025nr (l*p(kk lorko q f/kv8xtoy(genus Setophaga). What is the best explanation for how these warblers came to coexist in such close proximitykk0nt*y xl/(5fo1(o12qvlrkr 8 kou p?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Adaptive radiation results in a single ancestral spev8oa7 + 4bufejcies evolving into multiple, closely related new species which may live in close proximity to each other. Outline 3 mechanisms by which closely related sfv8bu47jeo a+ pecies living in close proximity may be reproductively isolated.

2.Outline the process by which two species may be formed from an ancestral population through the process of allopatric speciation.

3.Describe how sexual and asexual reproduction can lead to the formation of new species with different numbers of copies of each chromosome.

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