The image shows an African daisy (Osteospermum acanthospermum), a
kxvl.7pa.( 9mhuzo 8 knt1z.i sessile organism and a Humboldt pen
k (hvz89pkl7ua.ot.. zmn1i xguin (Spheniscus humboldti), a motile organism.
1.State one way that a daisy moves.
2.State two life processes other than movement that the two organisms have in common.
3.Explain three adaptations that the penguin has for efficient movement in water and on land.
4.In order to reproduce, the penguin may have to travel to find a mate.
4.1.Outline one advantage of travelling to find a mate.
4.2.Outline one disadvantage of travelling to find a mate.
5.State two reasons other than reproduction that the penguin may need to travel.