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习题练习:Interaction & Interdependence C.7 Defence Against Disease

 作者: admin   总分: 18分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年01月19日 21:49  切换到: 整卷模式

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  The graph shows how the number of antibopg jtjz0e7.3)t- zdqgdies changed in an individual's blood overztgt 3)07ge-.pjz qjd time.

What is the most likely cause of the change in antibody levels at point X?

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  Which human disease was the first to be eradicated by vazt0m,tl+ z )dubo; ,zlccination?

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  Antibodies are proteins that bind to antigens. Which cell expresses tnqa uv .a o.k.vl(-ssq:gi noul(/6l 1sqvt9)he genes for antibody prus.lq ivuqa( 1v6:ngkvsls/ o9.ao( )- n .ltqoduction?

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  Which is true for a zoonotic dlb0w jy) en j /.ssn:3*n5ot :pi)bn, chvi(vpisease?

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  Which of these does n 5,miqols1 1v*uye+ ilot contribute to antibiotic resistance?

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  Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for plasma cells?nv qc41u5+von juo1o)
I.  Clones of B lymphocytes
II.  Produce large numbers of antibodies
III.  Have extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum

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  Which is a correct description of antigens?j,u5a05y gdd hw. s ;bhw;ez)p

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The graph shows the typical 6+x/+wqrxb heimmune response to two doses of a vaccine.

1.State which type of molecule stimulates antibody production.
2.Distinguish between the primary and secondary responses.
3.Explain how vaccination leads to long-term immunity.

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Antibodies are proteins wity 1xs(h/pfa4k)ho.x .xardp xfe5rk .9ywk; 8h a specific shape that are produced by B lymphocytes.akehsx.5 f (r)pykk/4y9afwo 8dx.x1hpx .; r
Describe how antibodies defend against pathogens.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The diagram shows how the effect of growing bacteriuf ),g4 z tc6x,4 hjxujez dula)3qr77a with different antibiotics can be investigated. A study was conducted to test the degree of antibiotic resistance that bacteria from a hospital door hxzuc74d3r)j7 aqhlg6 u 4,uez)tjf, xandle had developed. Measurements of the zone of inhibition were taken every 3 days, for 15 days.

1.State which antibiotic is the least effective at preventing bacterial growth.
2.State two variables that must be controlled in this experiment, other than those already given.
3.(1)Identify the anomalous result from the study.
(2)Suggest how the anomalous result may have arisen.
4.Explain how natural selection can lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
5.The researchers suggested that vancomycin could be used more extensively to treat bacterial infections. Discuss to what extent you agree with this.

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  The diagram shows a red blood cell with the A antigezdcp* nu,r8u; n.

Which statement explains why a blood transfusion with blood group A cannot be given to someone with blood group O?

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  Which row contains a cause and consequence of antibiotic resistance1qt 7ax8p4nsi pxjt,ri/r/ 1fssit 4. ?

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  This diagram shows the interaction between a helper s *l:5c q;7het/ycg pg)cwc;d T-cell and a B-lymphocyte.

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  In blood donation, an acute hemolytic transfusion 8 ym6joco* ex n5r;d6ce0,bh ereaction occurs when red blood cells are attacked by the recipient’s immune system. Which property of red blood cells explains this resj560;ne,o 6ombexy8 dr hc ce*ponse?

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  Which statement is true about B-lymphocytes in y409xm(gzcxnj7u j+n mammals?

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
n a classroom investigation intoac(lc 4.l*,htlk khve-hm aoh73 pk 28 the effects of herbal remedies on bacterial infections, students selected a range of herbal teas, marketed as possessing “Immune System Boosting” prope(k7,-h lko3ccv.*a4 lkmlphhhta 82 erties. Teas each contained one main ingredient, in addition to other secondary ingredients, present in lower concentrations.
A concentrated solution of each tea was prepared and a 0.2 g mass of cotton wool was soaked in each.
A petri dish was prepared using nutrient agar gel and inoculated with a strain of Staphylococcus aureus. The masses of cotton wool were each placed on the petri dish, which was then incubated at 20
C for 5 days, after which the zone of inhibition for each mass of cotton wool was measured.

The experiment was repeated 3 times, a mean and standard deviation was calculated.

1.(1)State the dependent variable in this investigation.
(2)Identify one control variable from the methodology.
2.(1)Based on the results, suggest which ingredient is most effective at inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Give a reason for your answer.
(2)State the TWO brands of tea whose results are unlikely to show statistically significant differences. Give a reason for your answer.
3.Calculate the size of the inhibition zone for EterniTea as a percentage of the size of that for ResisTea.
4.Outline the techniques which should be employed in order to reduce risk when working with bacterial cultures.
5.(1)Identify a limitation of the methodology in allowing a valid comparison of each tea brand.
(2)State how the size of the error bars could be reduced.


问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Swine fever is a highly contagious disease in pigs. The disease is classified i.(d a vx*4,pt9kuicq+y.rbtknto two types: African and classical. Classical swine fever (CSF) is caused by the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and can be controlled by a live attenuated vaccine. This study presents the events that occurred after the intramuscular (IM) administration of a live attenuated marker vaccine, FlagT4Gv. Such a marker vaccine enables the identification of serum samples that have come from vaccinated animals rather than infected animals and therefore allows for immunological differentiation between infected and vq tk,.vp *d cba.i+xu4y(9tkraccinated pigs. The aim of this study was to determine how many days are needed post-vaccination before the pigs are protected against the virus. To test the pig’s immunity to the CSFV, the virulent CSFV (BICv) was introduced intranasally between 1 and 7 days after inoculation with the marker vaccine. The number of pigs that survived in each group was recorded, as was the mean time to death. One group, the mock group, was not inoculated with the marker vaccine but was exposed to the BICv.

1.Calculate the percentage increase in mean time to death between the mock group and the group that was BICv challenged 2 days post inoculation with FlagT4Gv. Show your working.
The presence of the virus was measured for a maximum of 21 days in each group of FlagT4Gv-inoculated animals, those challenged with the BICv 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days and 7 days after inoculation with FlagT4Gv as well as in the mock group. The level of BICv was recorded and the results are shown in the graph below. Numbers correspond exclusively to the presence of BICv which was determined by immunocytochemistry.

2.(1)Based on the immunocytochemical data shown in the graph, identify the concentration of BICv 7 days post-challenge with BICv for the group infected 2 days after inoculation with FlagT4Gv.
(2)Explain the cause for the difference in viral levels between the group infected 2 days after inoculation and the group infected 3 days after inoculation.
3.Suggest a reason why data is not recorded after day seven, for the mock group and the group exposed to BICv one day after inoculation.
4.Determine the number of days post FlagT4Gv inoculation after which complete protection is achieved against BICv.
5.Describe the pattern of the results shown in the graph.
In a second experiment, tonsil tissue was collected from three different groups of pigs which had undergone different treatments, shown in the table below.

The tissue was then examined using immunohistochemistry, which involves using monoclonal antibodies and fluorescent dyes to highlight any viruses present. The results from Groups 1, 2, and 3 are shown below.

6.Describe what can be seen in the tissue sections from each of the 3 groups.
7.Suggest reasons for the appearance of the tonsil tissue from both group 1 and group 3.
8.Discuss whether the data supports the hypothesis that inoculation with FlagT4Gv prevents infection with all types of swine fever.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
1.Outline the importance eqxs) woyu, 4g5 ,mj4-py2bx yof international cooperation in fighting infectious diseasyjmo44qwyx-, bex2gpsu ) 5,yes.
2.Outline the role of monoclonal antibodies in home pregnancy tests.
3.Explain the specific immune response to a pathogen in terms of antibodies and lymphocytes.

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