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习题练习:Space Time & Motion A.4 Rotational Mechanics

 作者: admin   总分: 14分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年01月20日 20:45  切换到: 整卷模式

单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A wheel rotates from rest with uniform angular acceleration. Aq25 lz gmy948oh fj3d6drnf )jfter 16s, it makes 5 revolutions per second.What is thfoy 2lnzr8j4) 93gq65fjd mdhe angular displacement of the wheel during this time?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An object sits on a rotating hobv o:tnkibl56wxl/36 ls y :i*rizontal disc. The disc rotates from rest with uniform angular acceleration α. After time t the object slides off of t y 5bn6ti:lxlwbk6/vl3i*so:he disc.
What is the linear speed of the object at this time?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In an amusement park, children enjoy a carousel ride that has a qoa g(2:4gnavk9;pzo rotating platform and seats in the shape of horses on the platform. Some of the horses are closer to the cenz(: pvo42a q9;kogn agtre of the platform. A top view of the ride is shown below.

1.After accelerating to a certain angular velocity, the torque of the motor that rotates the carousel is equal to the torques of the opposing forces.
The carousel makes 20 revolutions in 5.0min. Determine the angular velocity of the carousel. ω =    $rads^{-1}$
2.(1)State the law of conservation of angular momentum.
(2)During the ride, some children on the outer horses move to horses that are closer to the centre. Explain the effect this could have on the angular velocity of the carousel.
3.Another carousel is moving with an angular velocity of $0.35\,rads^{−1}$. In an instant, the magnitude of the rate of change of moment of inertia due to a child moving towards the centre is $24\,kgm^2s^{−1}$. Determine the net torque acting on the carousel during the motion of the child. $τ$ =    Nm

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A tightrope walker hold;6g fnlszp*xrpp,*8ws a long pole during his stunt.

Three statements are given about the effect of the pole on the walker's ability to maintain their balance.
I. The pole increases the moment of inertia of the walker.
II. An unbalanced torque will produce a smaller angular acceleration to the walker and pole.
III. Holding the pole higher will make the walker more stable.
Which of these statements is/are correct?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The graph shows the variation of torque on an obtg9v-l rf,lwb4 u5-1mtbac tn31* 8huq 3dfmdject with time.

The moment of inertia is $0.25\,kgm^2$.
Assuming the object starts from rest, what is the final angular speed?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  1.In an Atwood machine, two blocks of masses 2.0kg and 4.0kg are conv*u )-yb6qf ow,+lv ,zj1hfn znected with a massless f1+wlvzfq) n,6,bjy u*v -ozhstring that passes over a pulley. The pulley has a radius r of 0.25m.

The masses are released from rest and the tensions created on the strings attached to the masses of 2.0kg and 4.0kg are $T_1$​ and $T_2$​ respectively. The acceleration of the mass of 2.0kg is 2.3$ms^{−2}$.
(1)Determine the values for $T_1$​ and $T_2$. $T_1$ =    N $T_2$ =    N
(2)Show that the angular acceleration of the pulley is approximately 9rads$^{−2}$. $α$ =    rads$^{-2}$
(3)Calculate the angular speed of the pulley after 3.0s. $ω_f$ =    rads$^{-1}$
(4)By using the answer in (i) and the information in (ii), calculate the moment of inertia $I$ of the pulley. $I$ =    kg m$^2$
(5)Discuss whether the pulley is in rotational equilibrium or translational equilibrium.
2.On another occasion, the same pulley's rotation is controlled by a motor. The variation of the pulley's angular velocity with time is shown on the graph below.

(1)Identify the quantities that are represented by the area under the graph and the gradient of the graph.
(2)On the graph below, sketch the variation of torque T on the pulley with time. (There is no need to add values to the axes.)

(3)The system starts from rest and the angular velocity of the pulley at t=4.0s is 4.0rads$^{−1}$. Calculate the number of revolutions made by the pulley between t=0s and t=4.0s. n =  

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A uniform rod of mass M and length L rotates around a vertica*mu 84lt t,efql axis through its center. Two equal forces act on the rod as shown in the d4eq8*mt utf ,liagram.

The moment of inertia of the rod when rotating about its centre is $frac{1}{12}ML^2$.
Which of the following gives the angular acceleration of the rod?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The tip of the seconds hand of uh 1pjw3l4t 1 j5qxdpvuok:dmng3t+q0/98a u a clock moves from the ““12”” marking to the ““6”” marking with a tangential speed51x u:v4ldd 01 38j guqp39a/q hjku+ ntmpwot of 2$cms^{−1}$.
Which of the following is correct about the angular speed and the centripetal acceleration?

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In a tricks competition, a snooker ball of radius 2.5 cm is hit horizontally ww s-juiz/2;fm ith a cue and rolls without slipping and then rolls up a slope. The mass of the ball is 0.16 kg and the /f ;j-isuzmw 2moment of inertia of the snooker ball is $frac{2}{5}​mr^2$.

1.The average acceleration of the ball during the strike is 150 $ms^{−2}$. Show that the average net torque applied on the ball during the strike is around 0.024 Nm. $τ$ =    $\times10^{-2}\,Nm$
2.The contact time of the cue to the ball is 2.5 ms. Show the total kinetic energy of the ball after 2.5 ms is approximately $1.6\times10^{−2}\,J$. $E_k$ =    $\times10^{-2}\,J$
3.(1)When the cue stops applying force on the ball, the ball starts to roll up an incline placed in front of the ball. Calculate the maximum vertical height reached by the ball. Ignore friction and air resistance. $h$ =    $\times10^{-1}\,m$
(2)The angle of the incline is $25^{\circ}C$ to the horizontal. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction between the surface and the ball for it to roll down the incline without slipping? $μ$ =  

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two masses M and m are connected by a rod of negligible mass. They rotasdb g78mi9( fate around a vgbm9a s( d7i8fertical axis as shown in the diagram.

The ratio
$frac{Distance between M and the axis}{​Distance between m and the axis}$=$frac{1}{2}$​
What is the moment of inertia?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A student sits on a chair that is free to move. The student ,lgeakjb ; jg5 rfradi0 n685)holds a rotating wheel as,b8g5ej65 a l;fad0 njg) irrk shown in the diagram.

From the student’s perspective, the wheel rotates clockwise. Both the student and the chair are at rest.
The student inverted the direction of rotation of the wheel such that it is now turning clockwise according to their perspective.

Which of the following is correct about both the student and the chair system?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A disc of mass m and radius r rolls without slip*un s, 3neii1q:bpi.yping from rest down an inclined plane3q1su.yeib i:nn*ip, .

The moment of inertia of the disc is $frac{1}{2}​mr^2$.
Which of the following is correct about the linear acceleration of the disc and the net torque?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A uniform rod of mass M and length L is pivoted at one nqe2uik2qco g8: :.kgof its ends. The rod is released from rest from the horizonui2k: g2:ncoekgq. q 8tal position.

The moment of inertia of the rod when rotating about its end is $\frac{1}{2}​ML^2$.
What is the linear speed of the bottom end of the rod as it swings past the vertical position?

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单选题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Disc A rotates around .zfln(8v f+b/d w /ehsf spk.0a vertical frictionless axle with angular speed $ω_A$​ and moment of inertia $I_A$​. Disc B with moment of inertia $I_B$​ is dropped from rest on disc A. The ratio$\frac{I_B}{I_A}$=$\frac{1}{4}$

The two discs have the same final angular speed ω.
What is the ratio $\frac{(Final\,kinetic\,energy)​}{(Initial\,kinetic\,energy)}$ ?

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