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习题练习:IB MAI HL Number and Algebra Topic 1.5 Matrices

 作者: admin   总分: 19分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年01月24日 20:33  切换到: 整卷模式

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  There are 225 senior students studying Computer Science and 16vjxte;unjyjg :* (yk* *xn 2.c9 senior students studying Mathematics at a university. According to an academic survey, 20 % of these students tell they will pursue a postgraduate degree, 8 % will start a business, 52 % will get employed, 15 % will sta .x*nx*cj gnu:vy2je j(k;*tyrt freelancing and the remaining students will become research assistants.

The column matrix

represents the number of senior students studying
Computer Science and Mathematics.

1.Write down a row matrix, R, to represent the percentages, in decimal form, of senior students who will choose one of the five routes after graduation.

2.Hence calculate the product A=SR. Give each element $a_{ij}$ of the matrix A correct to the nearest whole number.

3.In the context of this problem, explain what the element a$_{15}$ means.

The cost for textbooks per year for a computer science student is 1245 and for a mathematics student is 889.

4.Write down a matrix calculation that gives the total cost for textbooks paid by all the senior students studying Computer Science and Mathematics.

5.Hence calculate the total cost for all the textbooks. Give your answer correct to the nearest dollar.
Hence the total cost for the textbooks is   .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The following transition diagram reflects zp;nljum5 hr-+2fzdnfzgmg r0f 5op9 :/8 +dhthe proportions of customers that Qatar Airways loses to its competitoh 5f z9-fj2g5:ddup/mom;8+ p nrnr+gfzhz0lr airlines each year, and vice versa.

1.Construct a transition matrix T with elements in decimal form.

2.Interpret the meaning of the elements with values

Assume that the initial state of the market share is

3.Determine the market share of Qatar Airways after 5 years.
Hence the market share of Qatar Airways after 5 years will be   %.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Domino's Pizza owns two pizzerias at Asia Mawj-r9aya6bj pv kl.4+8jjz /all and Metrocity shopping centres. The number of Pacific Veggie, Pepperoni v94 a6w ljrjzk jyaa.+ 8b-jp/and Buffalo Chicken large pizzas sold during the last week at the two pizzerias is shown in the table below.

The selling price of each type of pizza is shown in the table below.

1.Write down a matrix multiplication that finds the total amount of income from sales of the three types of pizzas that each pizzeria generated during the last week.

2.Hence find the total amount of income from sales of the three types of pizzas that each pizzeria generated during the last week. Give your answers correct to two decimal places.
Asia Mall: 
Metrocity:  .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Data scientists, web d+;n b5g 92oye+ 8bu-ldwkbb 6 wst,ijwesigners and developers are paid according to an
industry standard. The total annual salary spend for three tech startups paying to the industry standard are summarised in the table below.

Let x, y and z represent the salaries, in thousand dollars, for data scientists, web designers and web developers respectively.

1.Write down a system of three linear equations in terms of x, y and zthat represent the information in the table above.

2.Using matrices, solve the system of linear equations from part (a) to determine the salaries for the three roles.
Data Scientist: 
Web Designer: 
Web Developer: 

Data Quant is a tech startup that also pays to the industry standard and employs 10 data scientists, 4 web designers and 6 web developers.

3.Calculate the exact value of the total salary bill for Data Quant.The total salary bill for Data Quant is   .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The Brown, Miller and Taylor families pa/ dequaz64ucb o3 (u1p*: dkasy utility bills for their houses each month. The table below shows the amount of electricity, water and gas consumed during January by each family, and the total cob*u1u/ds(ka4 6 c3doa:uzpeq st of the utilities.

Let x, y and z represent the prices, in dollars, for 1 kWh of electricity, 1 $m^3$ of water and 1 $m^3$ of gas, respectively.

1.Write down a system of three linear equations in terms of x, y and z that represents the information in the table above.

2.Using matrices, find the price for each of the utility.
Electricity:    cents per kWh
Water:   dollars per $m^3$
Gas:   cents per $m^3$

The Smith family also pay utility bills each month. The table below shows the amount of electricity, water and gas consumed during January by the Smith family.

3.Calculate the total cost of the utilities for the Smiths.
The total cost of the utilities for the Smiths is ≈  .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Taste of Home Magazinh+ 264jsz b6qfn6rbkw e recommends using a combination of Cheddar, Brie and Swiss when putting together cheese boards for parties. The recommended total cheese board size for a party of 10 - 15 people is 1 kilogram. The table below shows the weight, in hundred of grams, of each kind of cheese rej k6b4q6h 6f rsb+n2zwquired to make one kilogram of cheese combination, and the cost of making each combination.

1.By setting up a system of linear equations and using matrices, find
the price per kilogram of each type of cheese.
   per kg
   per kg
   per kg

John prepares a cheese board with proportion of each cheese type, in hundred grams, as shown in the table below.

2.Calculate the amount of money John spent on cheese.
The amount John spent on cheese is   .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Three Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are availabj qhj76wunx p x*g1+8(7cpot-n-2y c wtoiut 1le in a small town. During the year, ISP A is expected to retain 85 % of its customers; 10 % will be lost to ISP B and 5 % to ISP C. ISP B is expected to retain 80 % of its customers; 10 % will be los+whtcnjw 1cu-go-t tp q67n j xio128*uy(7pxt to each of the other two ISPs. ISP C is expected to retain 75 % of its customers; 15 % will be lost to ISP A and 10 % to ISP B.

1.Write down a transition matrix that describes the exchange of market shares between the three ISPs during the year.

The current market share held by ISP A is 0.2, by ISP B is 0.3 and by ISP C is 0.5.

2.Find the market share held by each ISP after one year.
ISP A:   .
ISP B:   .
ISP C:   .

3.Find the market share held by each ISP after five years if the same trend of market share exchanges between the three ISPs continues.
Hence the market share held by each ISP after five years are
ISP A:  .
ISP B:  .
ISP C:  .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  When a ball is thrown from the top of a tall building, its h(hcysq*tn9-i eight above the ground after t snhc-9s yq* t(ieconds is given by s(t)=at$^2$+bt+c , where a,b,c∈R and s(t) is measured in metres. After 1 second, the ball is 84.3 m above the ground; after 2 seconds, 93.9 m; after 8 seconds, 42.3 m.

1.1Write down a system of three linear equations in terms of a, b and c.

1.2.Hence find the values of a, b and c.
Hence we find a=−  ,b=  ,c=  .

2.Find the height of the building.
s(t)=  m.
3.Find the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground.
t is(≈)    seconds.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  When a coin is thrown from the top of a skyscraper, its height above the gr;o;g s . g2pxfe1.(l ariok5gaai 4k6dound after t seconds is given bg fai6;a21i4gkexplsd5 .( .rgoao;ky s(t)=at$^2$+bt+c , where a,b,c∈R and s(t) is measured in metres. After 1 second, the coin is 179.3 m above the ground; after 2 seconds, 188.2 m; after 6 seconds, 159.8 m.

1.1.Write down a system of three linear equations in terms of a, b and c.

1.2.Hence find the values of a, b and c.
Hence we find a=−  ,b=  ,c= 

2.Find the height of the skyscraper.
s(t)=  m.
3.Find the time it takes for the coin to hit the ground.
t is(≈)    seconds.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two competing radio s f2njp zpp2pg.nn51z5tations, station A and station B, each have 50 % of the listener market at some point in time. Over each one-year period, station A manages to take away 15 % of station B's share, and station B manages to take away 10 % of station A's shap1znpzn j pg f22n55.pre.

1.Write down a transition matrix that describes the exchange of market shares between the two stations over each one-year period.

2.Find the market share held by each station after one year.
Station A: 
Station B: 

3.Write down the market shares of stations A and B over a five-year period.

4.Find the market share held by each station in the long term if the same trend of market share exchanges between the two stations continues indefinitely.
Station A: 
Station B: 

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Austin allocates a portion of hic4xl 3x.d 7fc5tl6diis employment salary each month to investing and invests this money into two stock funds: A andli.f6 4lxix t3cdc 7d5 B. He adjusts his investment portfolio each month according to the following transition diagram.

1.Construct a transition matrix T with elements in decimal form.

2.Interpret the meaning of the elements with values

The initial state of his investment portfolio is 100% in stock fund B.

3.1.Find the investment proportion in stock fund A after 3 months.
The investment proportion in stock A after 3 months will be   %
3.2.Determine the long term steady state proportion of his investment between the two stock funds.
Stock fund A: 
Stock fund B: 

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The vegetables sold at supermarkets in a town are suppl9reqi,b l3p 3 6ubry)wvwn j1*c(sv m2ied by three major retail suppliers: A, B and C. According to an analysis report, supplier A retains 80 % of their customers each year and lose 15 % to supplier B and 5 % to supplier C. Meanwhile, supplier B retains 70 % of their customers each year and lose 20 % to supplier A and 10 %2qc39 *3ubir)1n, yjls(vp mrw wbe6 v to supplier C. Supplier C retains 75 % of their customers each year and lose 10 % to supplier A and 15 % to supplier B.

The report also shows that suppliers A, B and C currently hold a market share of 50 %, 25 % and 25 %, respectively.

1.Find the market share held by each supplier after three years.
Supplier A: 
Supplier B: 
Supplier C: 
2.Determine the steady state market share held by each supplier if the same trend remains unchanged.
Supplier A: 
Supplier B: 
Supplier C: 

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Laura creates a list of her favoritevyy( pdfdo2.4 npebrgk40u:7 songs that includes three genres: Jazz, Slow Rock ad(kbfrp:4yngvuo d 74py0e. 2nd Country. After her current song ends she randomly selects the next song and the probabilities of genre of the next song are outlined in the following table.

Laura starts her day with a Slow Rock song and is now listening to her fourth song.

1.Determine the genre of music she is currently most likely listening to.
the genre Laura is most likely listening to is   .
2.Determine which genre of music she listens to most over the long term.
Therefore, over the long term, Laura listens to    most often.


填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A discrete dynamical system is described by the following tr788w4d7mitaj ib;b atansition matrix, T, a7bt biid a7j8;wm 48t
$ T = \begin{vmatrix} 0.3 & 0.8 \\ 0.7 & 0.2 \end{vmatrix} $

The state of the system is defined by the proportions of population with a particular characteristic.

1.Use the characteristic polynomial of T to find its eigenvalues.

2.Find the corresponding eigenvectors of T.
Hence we get $ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} -x \\ y \end{vmatrix} $
Hence we get $ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $
x=  ,y=  ; a=  ,b=  .
3.Hence find the steady state matrix s of the system.
$ S = \begin{vmatrix} x \\ y \end{vmatrix} $
x=  ,y=  .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A biologist conducts an experiment to study the pollination pre7l*31 qt/tkzx;a j qwkference of bumblebees' on different floral types. In a flight cage,w3l;xqakj/q1t * tk7z
240 bumblebees are free to choose between two species of floral: A. majus striatum or A. majus pseudomajus. The changes of pollination behaviors of these bumblebees after every minute are reflected in the following table.

Initially, 150 bumblebees choose A. majus striatum and 90 bumblebees choose A. majus pseudomajus.

1.Write down the initial state $s_0$ and the transition matrix T.
$ s_0 = \begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $; a=  ,b=  .

2.Determine $T_{s_0}$ and interpret the result.
$T_{s_0}$=$\begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $; a=  ,b=  .

3.Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of T.
$ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} -a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $; a=  ,b=  .
$ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} x \\ y \end{vmatrix} $; x=  ,y=  .
4.1.Write an expression for the number of bumblebees choosing to pollinate on A. majus pseudomajus after n minutes, n∈N.
the number of bumblebees choosing to pollinate on A. majus pseudomajus (the second row) after n minutes is
$A(n)=-x(y)^n+z; x=  ,y=  ,z=  .
4.2.Hence find the number of bumblebees choose to pollinate on A. majus pseudomajus in the long term.
The number is   .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An information technology (IT) company of/+ lrjg9al mu*d6x 0n )f-dbjl+vp;ptfers paid travelling vacation to its 160 employees every year. The employees can choose b6p;* a d nj+u9dj0)vp /blmllrfx tg-+etween travelling domestically or internationally. It is observed that 50 % of the employees who choose to travel domestically one year, choose internationally the next year. Conversely, 30 % of those who choose to travel internationally one year change to travel domestically the following year. For this year, 80 employees chose travelling domestically and 80 employees chose travelling internationally.

1.Write down the initial state $s_0$ and the transition matrix T.
$ T = \begin{vmatrix} a_1 & b_1 \\ a_2 & b_2 \end{vmatrix} $; $a_1$=  ,$b_1$=  ; $a_2$=  ,$b_2$=  .
$ s_0 = \begin{vmatrix} x_1 \\ y_1 \end{vmatrix} $ ; $x_1$=  ,$y_1$=  .

2.Determine $Ts_0$ and interpret the result.
$ Ts_0 = \begin{vmatrix} x_1 \\ y_1 \end{vmatrix} $ ; $x_1$=  ,$y_1$=  .
3.Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of T.
$ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} -x_1 \\ y_1 \end{vmatrix} $ ; $x_1$=  ,$y_1$=  .
$ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} x_2 \\ y_2 \end{vmatrix} $ ; $x_2$=  ,$y_2$=  .

4.1.Write an expression for the number of employees who choose travelling internationally after n years, n∈N.
an expression for the number of employees who choose travelling internationally (the second row) after n years is

I(n)=-a(b)$^n$+100 ; a=  ;b=  ;c=  .

4.2.Hence find the long term steady state number of employees to choose to travel internationally.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two grocery stores, store A and store B, serve in a small cioi -of/ uoh+m(ty. Each year, store A keeps 30 % of its customers while 7h(omu /-iofo+ 0 % of them switch to store B. Store B keeps 60% of its customers while 40 % of them switch to store A.

1.Write down a transition matrix T representing the proportions of the customers moving between the two stores.
$ T = \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  ,b=  ,c=  ,d=  .

At the end of 2019, store A had 8360 customers while store B had 6820 customers.

2.Find the distribution of the customers between the two stores after two years.
Store A: 
Store B: 

3.1.Show that the eigenvalues of T are $λ_1$ =1 and $λ_2$ =−0.1.

3.2.Find a corresponding eigenvector for each eigenvalue from part (c) (i).
$ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  ,b=  .
$ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} c \\ -d \end{vmatrix} $ ; c=  ,d=  .
3.2.Hence express T in the form T=PDP$^{−1}$.

4.show that

where n∈Z$^+$.

5.Hence find an expression for the number of customers buying groceries from store A after n years, where n∈Z$^+$

6.Verify your formula by finding the number of customers buying groceries from store A after two years and comparing with the value found in part (b).

7.Write down the long-term number of customers buying groceries from store A.
The number is   .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A city has two major see30bsum7;f lj curity guard companies, company A and company B. Each year, 15 % of customers using company A moel m 0s7ujfb3;ve to company B and 5 % of the customers using company B move to company A. All additional losses and gains of customers by the companies can be ignored.

1.Write down a transition matrix T representing the movements between the two companies in a particular year.
$ T = \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  ,b=  ,c=  ,d=  .
2.1.Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of T.
$ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $ , a=  ,b=  ;
$ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} c \\ -d \end{vmatrix} $ , c=  ,d=  .
2.2.Hence write down matrices P and D such that T=PDP$^{-1}$.

Initially company A and company B both have 3600 customers.

3.Find an expression for the number of customers company A has after n years, where n∈Z.
Hence the number of customers company A has after n years is
C(n)=a+b(c0.8$^n$) ; a  , b=   , c=  .

4.Hence write down the number of customers that company A can expect to have in the long term.
The number is   .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Zoologists have been collecting data about the migration5a-f3.ix,) b eaz.gdftf ib9m habits of a particular species of mammals in two regions; region X and region Y. Each year 30% of the mammals move from region X to region Y and 15 % of the mammals move from region Y to region X. Assume that there are no mammal movements to or from anyaf5i fbz dt.eabxm9 f3 ,i-)g. other neighboring regions.

1.Write down a transition matrix T representing the movements between the two regions in a particular year.
$ T = \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  , b=  , c=  , d=  .
2.1.Find the eigenvalues of T.
Hence the eigenvalues of T are λ$_1$=   and λ$_2$=  .

2.2.Find a corresponding eigenvector for each eigenvalue of T.
$ X_1 = \begin{vmatrix} a \\ b \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  , b=  .
$ X_2 = \begin{vmatrix} A \\ -B \end{vmatrix} $ ; A=  , B=  .

2.3.Hence write down matrices P and D such that T=PDP$^{-1}$.
$ P = \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & -d \end{vmatrix} $ ; a=  , b=  , c=  , d=  .
$ D = \begin{vmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{vmatrix} $ ; A=  , B=  , C=  , D=  .

Initially region X had 12600 and region Y had 16200 of these mammals.

3.Find an expression for the number of mammals living in region Y aftern years, where n∈Z$^+$ .

4.Hence write down the long-term number of mammals living in region Y.
The number is   .

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