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习题练习:IB MAI HL Functions Topic 2.2 Applications of Functions

 作者: admin   总分: 88分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年02月01日 21:26  切换到: 整卷模式

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In an ecology experiment, a number of mosquitoes are6g 2hp /r0ic;uk9 hzoe placed in a container with water and vegetation. The population of mosquitoe9/pu ;oe6 0zh ricg2khs, P, increases and can be modelled by the function
where t is the time, in days, since the mosquitoes were places in the container.
1.Find the number of mosquitoes:
(1)initially placed in the container; P =  
(2)in the container after 55 days. P ≈  
The maximum capacity of the container is 50005000 mosquitoes.
2.Find the number of days until the container reaches its maximum capacity. t ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The amount of water, W, in litres, rema7 iq*j(xyu)n0 yg-zedwo26qbining in a cooking pot after it is placed onto a hot stove is qi6(juqyg0xw)ze no- 7d b2 *ygiven by the function
where t is the time in hours after the pot is placed on the stove.
(1)the initial amount of water in the pot. W =    litres
(2)the percentage of water that leaves the pot in the form of steam each hour. W =    litres
2.Calculate the amount of water remaining in the pot after 55 hours. W =    litres

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An ice cube was dropped into a cup of warm water. The weighf+b.xn gt,dp.th y;7ct of the ice cube, W, in grams, reduces as the ice cube dissolves in the water. The weight can be modelled by the following function, W(t), where t is the time in seconds after the ,x ;fd+chptbg7 t..yndissolving starts.
(1)the initial weight of the ice cube. W =    g
(2)the percentage of the ice cube dissolving every 55 seconds.    %
2.Calculate the weight of the ice cube remaining after one minute. W =    g

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Oliver throws a coinx z*e3/kc))s kh)nu tt from the open window onto flat horizontal ground in front of his office building.h/ )) ts3)zkx*tcneuk
The path of the coin is modelled by the quadratic curve y=8+3x−0.5x2 , where $x$ represents the horizontal distance the coin is thrown and $y$ represents the height of the coin above the ground. All distances are measured in metres. The wall of the building lies along the $y$-axis. The coin starts its flight at point A, reaches its maximum height at point B, and lands on the ground at point C, as shown on the diagram below.

1.Write down the height in metres from which the coin was thrown.    m
2.Calculate the maximum height, above the ground, reached by the coin.    m
3.Find the horizontal distance from the base of the wall to the point at which the coin hits the ground.    m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  After 1960, the economy growth in Australia has grown in an e*swqw)6fv0wuo (,udk xponential fashion. Australian GDP per capita, G(t), in United States dollars (USD) k wwo,6w(usduf*)0v qis modelled by the function
where t is the number of years since 1960, and t≥0.
1.Write down, in USD, Australian GDP per capita in 19601960.    USD
2.Find Australian GDP per capita in 1961. ≈    USD
3.Find the year for which Australian GDP per capita reaches 100000100000 USD. Give your answer correct to the nearest year. t ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A population of 50 hamsters was introduced to a new towk* v1d mg g/;a-r 1;ff6vyqweln. One month later, the number of hams ql1/;v*w m6fvreg1g-da;fy k ters was 6262. The number of hamsters, P, can be modelled by the function
where t is the time, in months, since the hamsters were introduced to the town.
1.Find the value of b. b =  
2.Calculate the number of hamsters in the town after 66 months.
A wildlife specialist estimates that the town has enough drink and food to support a maximum population of 20002000 hamsters. P =  
3.Calculate the number of months it takes for the hamster population to reach this maximum. t =    months

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The sound intensity level, D, in decibels (dB), can be modelled by the++y- wpkgww, f function w-wfwy, k+p g+
where I is the sound intensity, in watts per square meter (W /$m^2$).
1.A vacuum cleaner has a sound intensity of 1.6$\times10^{−5}$ W /$m^2$. Calculate the intensity level of the vacuum cleaner. D =    dB
2.A fire truck siren has an intensity level of 124 dB. Find the sound intensity of the siren. I ≈    W /$m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average daily hours of sunlight,j+ ly x7 d1hwj-mib t22pu-/mu S, during a 12-month period in a particular town is given by the wijj27ml-t2xy 1+/h ud u-p bmfunction
where time,t, is measured in months, a and d are constants, and b is measured in degrees.
The graph of $S$ versus t is shown in the diagram below.

1.Find the value of
(1)a =  
(2)d =  
2.Find the value of b.b =    $^{\circ}C$
3.Write down the values of t when the average daily sunlight is 10 hours.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The diagram below shows the, .o+cvs +rapfdl7t7paq 1m2s graph of a quadratic function f(x)=$2x^2$+bx+c.

1.Write down the value of c. c =  
2.Find the value of b and write down f(x). f(x) =$ax^b+cx+d$ a =    b =    c =    d =  
4.Calculate the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of f. f (-1) = (a,b) a =    b =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Atmospheric pressure, P, in k7k3v*g-2x:l rm.q6 kg f iamwqPa, decreases exponentially with increasing height abovq 6f:.2mg qkirga w-vk 3mx*l7e sea level, $h$. The atmospheric pressure can be modelled by the function
​where ℎh is the height above sea level in kilometres.
1.Write down the exact atmospheric pressure at sea level, in kPa.
Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in Australia with a height of 2228 metresmetres above sea level at the top.    kPa
2.Calculate the atmospheric pressure at the top of the Mount Kosciuszko. P ≈  
3.Calculate the height where the atmospheric pressure is equal to 10 kPa. h =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The size of the trunk diameter of a chestdqm2,) 4iz(l /zzwyy (ne7qge nut oak tree, $d$, in centimetres, can be modelled by the function
$d(t)=9ln(0.25t)$,t≥5,where $t$ is the age, in years, of the tree.
1.Find the size of the trunk diameter of a 10-year-old chestnut oak tree. d =  
2.The size of the trunk diameter of a chestnut oak tree is 15 cm. Find its age. t =  
A chestnut oak tree can be harvested for wood when the size of its trunk diameter reaches 20 cm.
3.Find the age of the chestnut oak tree when it is old enough to be harvested for timber. t =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The magnitude of an earthqua(p 4vmidp at29ke, $M$, on the Richter scale, can be modelled by the function
M(E)=$\frac{2}{3}​log_{10}​(E)−3.2$,where E is the amount of energy, in joules, released by the earthquake.
1.Find the magnitude of an earthquake which releases $6.3\times10^{13}$ joules of energyenergy. M ≈  
The Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960, the most powerful earthquake recorded in the 2020th century, had a magnitude of 9.5 on the Richter scale.
2.Find the amount of energy, in joules, released by the Great Chilean EarthquakeEarthquake. E ≈    $\times10^{19}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average time, T, inoz(qr;3 rcce2 seconds, it takes for a customer to find their favourite m z3(qc2rce; orenu item in an alphabetical menu list can be modelled by the function
​where $n$ is the number of different menu items in the list.
Mehmet visits Taste of Adana Restaurant for the first time to have a lunch.
1.The restaurant serves 10 different fresh salads. Find the time it takes for Mehmet to find Persian Salad in the Fresh Salads section of the menu list. T ≈    seconds
2.It takes 7.5 seconds for Mehmet to find Lamb Chops Kebab in the Adana Kebab section of the menu list. Find the number of different kebab dishes served by the restaurant. n =  

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The water depth, D, in metres, in a harbz;+7 l 2 hmbo9aodru.four on a particular day can be modelled by the e2fz b lo.amod97+h r;uquation
D=2.5cos($30^{\circ}$$\times{t}$)+5,0≤t≤24,where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

2.Find the lowest and highest depths of water in the harbour, and the times when they occur.
3.A large yacht has a draught of 3 metres. Decide whether the yacht will be able to enter the harbour at 5 pm.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The water depth, $D$, in metres, in a harbour on a particular can be modelled by the equation
where $t$ is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
Draw the graph of $D$ versus $t$ on the grid below.Find the lowest and highest depths of water in the harbour, and the times when they occur.
A large boat has a draught of 2.5 metres. Decide whether the boat will be able to enter the harbour at 8 pm.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The tip of a large windt1 /7(nj-e vodnt4 cho turbine's blade rotates at a constant speed on a windy dond eo14ct-tj (h vn/7ay. Its height, $H$ , in metres, above the ground is modelled by the function
H(t)=52sin(60$^{\circ}$$\times$t)+80,where $t$ is the elapsed time, in seconds, since the turbine was accelerated to its max speed.
1.Write down the minimum height of the blade's tip above the ground. $H_{min}$ =    m
2.Find the height of the blade's tip above the ground after 88 seconds. H =    m
3.Find the time it takes for the blade's tip to complete one full revolution.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  PM2.5 particles are tiny jxsf eulssfc)6/(3 .xair pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 micrometres or less. In comparison, theu f (ssex)6 ./3jsxcfl average diameter of a human hair is about 70 micrometresmicrometres. Air pollution from diesel & petrol engines form part of PM2.5 emissions and of particularparticular concern due to the health impacts.

During a particular working day, the rate of PM2.52.5 emissions, in grams per second, from all road vehicles in Beijing, China is modelled by the function
where $t$ is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Find the maximum rate of PM2.5 emissions during the day in Beijing, China. $E_{max}$ =    g/sec
2.Find the times at which the maximum rate of PM2.5 emissions occur during the day. t =     

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  For 2019, the incomeh3r dq/ + zmi(dc2if1z tax rates for a resident in UK are shown on the graph below. qz+ f 3/h rdm(d1zii2c

1.Write down the highest amount of income that is free of tax.  
2.Calculate the amount of tax payable on the first $£50000$ of income. Tax payable =  
3.Theresa earns $£148500$ in 2019. Find the amount of her income tax payable. Tax payable =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The orbital velocity, pxao5,6xxe4nr5 vq l )v, of a spacecraft in km/s is given by
$v=−0.0098t+clnR$,where t is the firing time in seconds, c is the exhaust velocity in km/s and R is the mass ratio.
If R=30, find
1.The orbital velocity, v, after a firing time of 150 seconds and an exhaust velocity of 3 km/s. v ≈    km/s
2.The exhaust velocity, c, of the spacecraft traveling at an orbital velocity of 9.5 km/s after a firing time of 150 seconds. c ≈    km/s

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The total cost of a gym membership, C, in Australian q9c6vpreb24w-z3nem /kkqmm/5ma h ( dollars (AUD), in John's Gym can be modelled by the functio(/ v6n5eaqpcb k43m/9-zqrm2km emw hn
where t is the time in months.
1.Calculate the gym membership cost over a 66 month duration. C =    AUD
2.On the grid below, sketch the graph of the function C=65t+30, for t≥0.

3.Calculate the time, t, in months, when the total cost reach 290 AUD.
In the neighbouring Jetts Gym, the initial payment is 75dollars higher than in John's Gym, however the monthly fee is lower at 30dollars per month. t =    months
4.Find the number of months it takes for the total cost to be less by attending Jetts Gym in comparison to John's Gym.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The total cost of a ride, C, in British rdaq-av *v/t-pounds (GBP), on BlackCabs can be modelledmod-a/*r tv-q vdaelled by the function
C=1.75x+3.00,where x is the distance travelled in kilometres.
1.Calculate the total cost of an 88 kilometre ride in a BlackCab. C =    GBP
2.On the grid below, sketch the graph of the function C=1.75x+3.00, for x≥0.

3.Calculate the distance travelled, x, in kilometres, when the total cost of a ride reach 45 GBP. x =    km
The starting fare of MiniCabs is 2.00 GBP higher than of BlackCabs, however the ride fare is lower at 1.40 GBP per kilometre travelled.
4.Find the least number of whole kilometres required to travel for the total cost to be less on a MiniCab ride in comparison to a BlackCab ride.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two identical water waves pass a sensor in an oceanography labs8p+z i7lwj) k76*jp;gs wzidoratory. As the waves pass the sensor, the depth, D, in metres, of water is recorded and modelled byw8jd pz6 i7s)s+wik pg*lj; z7 the function
D(t)=3.21−0.45cos($24.2^{\circ}$ $\times t$)where t is the elapsed time, in seconds, since the first wave hit the sensor.
1.Find the minimum and maximum depths of the water as the two waves pass the sensor. $D_{min}$ =    m $D_{max}$ =    m
2.Find the first time after 1616 seconds at which the depth of water reaches 3.5m. t ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The most popular mobile phone plans in 2019 fromjls4n:t.90 0e rxzsc tef*ew / a major mobile service provider in Australia a*ne0 /jfc9txrl s zwe4e:0t. sre summarised in the table below.

1.The total monthly cost, C, in AUD, of the Optimal Data Plan can be modelled as a piecewise linear function of the amount of data, d, in GB, used. Determine the model.
2.Find down the total monthly cost of the Optimal Data Plan if:
(1)8 GB of data is used;    AUD
(2)12 GB of data is used. C =    AUD
3.Determine how many GB of data is used when the Optimal Data Plan becomes more expensive than the Massive Data Plan.
Daniela is using the Optimal Data Plan and is thinking of changing it to the MassiveMassive Data Plan. It is the evening of December 7, 2019 and she has already used 3.5 GB of data so far. Assume that her data usage continues at the same constant rate during December and the next year.d =  
4.Estimate Daniela's data usage in December.    GB
5.Hence explain why Daniela should change her plan.
6.Find the amount of money Daniela will save each month in 2020 if she changes her Optimal Data Plan to the Massive Data Plan.    AUD

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The Chicago Wheel, te9mk 1e zulx+ebw 5/)whe world's first Ferris wheel, was designed and built in 1893 by an American civilwex)uzl9bk /e15+ ew m engineer, George W. G. Ferris Jr.
The height, in metres, above the ground of a passenger on the Chicago Wheel after
t minutes can be modelled by the function h(t)=38cos($\frac{π}{10}$​(t−10))+42.
1.Find the maximum height reached by a passenger on the Chicago Wheel. h =    m
2.Find the height above the ground of a passenger 1212 minutes after the ride has started. h ≈    m
3.Find the time, in minutes, it takes for the Chicago Wheel to complete one rotationrotation. t =    min
4.Given that passengers only complete one rotation on the Chicago Wheel, calculate how long they are more than 65 metres above the ground. $t_{more\,than}\,65_m$ ≈    min

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Certain content on the internet can become viral when the content spread.*h7az s0yvrjlt ji 1z b;k*s)s exponentially. The spread of content published bys *;ty7sjal0.*jb zvr)ik zh1 a specific content creator can be modelled by the function
where N is the number of people reached by the content, and t is the number of hours since the content's publication.
1.Write down the number of people reached immediately after the content's publication. N =  
2.Calculate the number of hours it takes for the content to reach 100000 people. t =  
3.Calculate the number of people reached after 80 hours.
Approximately 5 billion people in the world are now connected to the internet. N =  
4.Explain why the model starts to become unrealistic after about 3 days.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The subscription fee for an online projectqq kj;a2n7w (i management software by AB-Tech is $40$40 per month. If the customer buys for a whole year in advance, a discount of $130$130 is applied.
This can be modelled by the following function, P(n), which gives the total cost when paying annually for the subscription.
P(n)=40n−130,n≥12where n is the number months.
1.Find the total cost of buying a subscription for 2 years. P =    dollars
2.Find $P^{−1}$(1790). $P^{-1}$ =    months
The subscription price for a different online project management tool by YZ-tech is 35dollars per month, however customers can only purchase annually in advance, and there are no discounts. The total subscription cost of YZ-tech's software is less than AB-tech's software when n>k .
3.Find the minimum value of k. k =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Consider the quadratic function f(x)=aya,0j 1j6evb w$x^2$+bx+c. The graph of y=f(x) is shown in the diagram below. The vertex of the graph has coordinates R(m,−9).
The graph intersects the x-axis at two points; P(−4,0) and Q(2,0).
1.Find the value of m. m =  
2.Find the values of a, b, and c. a =    b =    c =  
3.Write down the equation of the axis of symmetry of the graph. x =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The graph below shows the amount of money M (in thousands of dollars), in y tg 66rxz5.;qodq f*pthe account ;xqg yzod5f 66rt*p.q of a contractor, where t is the time in months since he opened the account.

1.Write down one characteristic of the graph which suggests that a cubic function might be an appropriate model for the amount of money in the account.The equation of the model can be expressed as M(t)=$at^3$+$bt^2$+$ct$+$d$, where a, b, c and d∈R. It is given that the graph of the model passes through the following points.

2.(1)State the value of d.
(2)Using the values in the table, write down three equations in a, b, and c.
(3)By solving the system of equations from part (ii), find the values of a, b and c. a =    b =    c =  
If M has a negative value, the contractor is in debt.
3.Use the model from part (b) to find the number of months the contractor expects to be in debt. Give your answer to the nearest month.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Tom has a model train set, which includes a tunnel th3d.*hs lod r5pvnfg .4at the model train must pass through. The entrance of the *f. 5 rvlpddos.hn3g4tunnel is in the shape of the parabola h(x)=−0.6$x^2$+3.12x, where ℎh is the height of the tunnel in centimetres, and x is the horizontal distance from the bottom left corner of the tunnel entrance at (0,0), also in centimetres.

1.Find the equation of the axis of symmetry of the parabola that models the tunnel entrance.
Tom is considering purchasing a new carriage for his model train. The carriage is in the shape of a cuboid with a height of 3.5cm and a width of 2cm. x =  
2.Determine whether the carriage will fit through the tunnel entrance.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The cross-section of a ship'(9j8i2x 0pigias -srw s hull below the surface of the ocean can be modelled by a parabola.war9ss -i2pj0 g8xii( The depth of the boat's hull, d metres, is given by d(x)=0.5$x^2^−6.4x, where x is the horizontal distance from the left-hand side of the hull at the surface, also in metres, as shown in the following diagram. The x-axis represents the ocean surface.

1.Find the equation of the axis of symmetry of the parabola that models the hull of the ship.
The ship has a horizontal storage deck at a depth of 1010 metres, with a ceiling at surface level. The storage deck is used to transport containers in the shape of cuboids. x =  
2.Determine the maximum width of a container that the ship can transport on the storage deck, given that the container is 1010 metres high. Give your answer to the nearest metre.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The amount of fuel in a car's tank, Vu e,.qpag l+h8vh.wvnp1 6ay3, in litres, can be modelled by a linear function, V=mx+c, where x is the distance dr.gyvp6,. a3vau +hhep 8wnlq1iven measured in kilometres.
After driving 100 km, the amount of fuel in the tank is 33 litres.
1.Write down an equation that describes this information.
After driving 250 km, the amount of fuel in the tank is 22.5 litres.
2.Write down an equation that describes this second piece of information.
3.Calculate the amount of fuel in the tank after driving 50 km. V =    litres

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The dietary reference intake (DRI, in grams), y, o oc1l(ew;+x q,lb* k*c/ca kst 01zsb:d 9hjjwf protein for a sedentary male adult of mass x kg is determined by the equation y=mx+c, where m and c are constank bc qcjw9jclsk1(wzb,:lh+ot* as0 *x;1 d /ets.
For a male adult of mass 60 kg the DRI of protein is 6969 grams, and for a male adult of mass 90 kg the DRI of protein is 91.5 grams.
1.Determine the value of m and the value of c.
2.Find the DRI of protein for a male adult of mass 70 kg. y =    grams
3.Suggest a reason why the equation may not be appropriate for determining the DRI of protein for a male child of mass 40 kg.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Mehmet organises a graduation party on a boat injsa3y3kr/phpavp/k (/a+t7d c/ j w r) the Strait of Istanbul for his peers from college. The cost to rent a large boat for the evening is 5000 Turkish liras (TRY) and the cost to hire a DJ is 1500 TRY. The cost for food and drinks is estimated h/cadak(s yk/ap33/r7pp rj tjw/)v+to be 125 TRY per person.
1.nd an expression for the total cost, y TRY, of the evening in terms of the number of peers, x, attending the party. y = a+bx a =    b =  
2.nd the total cost of the evening if 40 peers attend the party. y =    TRY
3.ven that Mehmet decides to collect 250 TRY from each peer attending the party, find the least number of peers he has to invite to be able to cover the total cost of the evening. x =  

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Two IT consulting firms have different pricing structures. TechMind charges p8d,, 7 h, h4ejnhotpu115 dollars, plus an upfront fee of 250 dollars for booking an appointment. RiddleBreak doesn't ch 7dt4 ,hephnpj, hou,8arge for booking an appointment, but the rate is 60 dollars per hour. Let $C_1$​(t) and $C_2$​(t) be the costs, in dollars, of consulting t hours by TechMind and RiddleBreak respectively.
1.Write down expressions for the costs of consulting, $C_1$​ and $C_2$​, in terms of the number of hours, t, charged.
2.Find the least number of whole hours of consulting from TechMind for its servicesservices to be a cheaper option.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Two carpet cleaning companies have diffxl (0 hgen8d6serent pricing structures. CarpetShine charges 1.801.80 AUD per square metre, plus an upfront scheduling fee of 5050 A d(nx e6l0gh8sUD. CleanMaster has no scheduling a service fee, but the rate is 2.50 AUD per square metre. Let $C_1$​(x) and $C_2$​(x) be the costs, in AUD, of cleaning x square metres of carpet area by CarpetShine and CleanMaster respectively.
1.Write down expressions for the costs, $C_1$​ and $C_2$​, of cleaning x square metres of carpet area.
2.Find the least number of whole square metres of carpet area cleaned by CarpetShineCarpetShine for its servicesservices to be a cheaper option.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A cannon-ball is fired from the top of a tower. The height, ℎh, iyr ecty15e8ivbu) k/gw*++ 6 jgi-mrhn metres, of the cannon-ball above the ground is modellede *i-1u krg tyervhgwmji8+)6 y5+/b c by the function
h(t)=−2$t^2$+20t+8,t≥0,​where t is the time, in seconds, since the moment the cannon-ball was fired.
1.Write down the height of the tower. h =    m
2.Calculate the height of the cannon-ball 5 seconds after it was fired.
The cannon-ball hits its target on the ground n seconds after it was fired. h =    m
3.Find the value of n. n ≈  
4.Find h′(t). h′(t) = at +b a =    b =  
5.Calculate the maximum height reached by the cannon-ball, and write down the corresponding time t.
6.Determine the total time the cannon ball was above the height of the tower. t =    seconds

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The graph of a quadratic function has a y-intercept at A(0,24) and one of ibon rrncc zv+7lcc 45;lkb2i205hka 2ts x-interceptsl5+rkc 57iz2;2n cbcnaor hc40 kbl2v is B(2,0).
The x-coordinate of the vertex of the graph is 4.
The equation of the quadratic function is in the form y=a$x^2$+bx+c.
1.Write down the value of c. c =  
2.Find the value of a and the value of b. b =  
3.Write down the coordinates of the second x-intercept of the function.
(a,b) a =    b =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The number of French words, N, that are remembered by stude:w)0 l0hbs1 djx nx8, 2 pdjqym6sm(rfnts after the completion of a French language course decreases exponentially over time. T 8x,yj0bxfrw1 n0dp sj:2sm 6)hmld(qhis data can be modelled by the function
N(t)=a$\times$b$^{-t}$+450,​where a and b are positive constants, and t is the time in years since a student completed the French language course.
Immediately after completion, a student remembers 4200 French words.
1.Find the value of a. a =  
After 4 years a student remembers only 1600 French words.
2.Find the value of b. b ≈  
The number of French words a student remembers never decreases below a certain number of words, n.
3.Write down the value of n. n =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Sarah's investment portfolio, V(t), in Australian dollars (AUD), 4y9 t4)unp if7djfty -is modelled by the iyt9fp-4 uj)7y4ftdnfunction
V(t)=64000$\times$(1+$\frac{k}{1000}$)$^t$,t≥0,where t is the number of years since 2019 and k is a constant.
1.Find an expression for the value of the investment portfolio in 2020. Give your answer in the form a+bk, where a,b∈$Z^+$.
Three years later, in 20222022, the value of the investment portfolio is expected to be 74088 AUD.
2.Find the value of k. k =  
This model is defined for 0≤t≤n. At n years, the value of the investment portfolio would have doubled since 20192019.
3.Find the value of n. n ≈    years

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The water depth, D, in metres, in a boating marina on a particular day can be;bt55mgegvys* ; -1iho.qr r zdy6nn 7 modelleg55;esviytmr ;6h y.zq nd1*r -nbg7od by the function
D(t)​=4sin($30^{\circ}$$\times$t)+12.5,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the depth of water at midnight.  
2.The cycle of water depths repeats every T hours. Find the value of T. T =  
3.(1)Write down the minimum and maximum depths of water during the day. $D_{min}$ =    $D_{max}$ =  
(2)Find the times at which the minimum and maximum depths of water occur during the day.
4.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

5.A ship with 8 m draught is allowed to enter the marina if the depth of water is greater than 1010 m. Find the time interval before midday, in hours and minutes, during which the ship is not allowed to enter the marina.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The water depth, D, in metres, at the entra3mg0k7qv5 j/kx+ qst y4piispq/: 0 ecnce of a boating harbour can be modelled by the functigpmtqjps5 0yq+i 7xci/ev k4s03k/ q:on
D(t)​=4.5cos($30^{\circ}$$\times$t+$90^{\circ}$)+15,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the depth of water at midnight.  
2.The cycle of water depths repeats every T hours. Find the value of T. T =  
3.(1)Write down the minimum and maximum depths of water during the day. $D_{min}$ =    $D_{max}$ =  
(2)Find the times at which the minimum and maximum depths of water occur during the day.
4.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

5.A ship with 10 m draught is allowed to enter the harbour if the depth of waterwater is greater than 12 m. Find the time interval after midday, in hours and minutes, during which the ship is not allowed to enter the harbour.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The bench press world record weight, W, in kilog hfas7u-te9 4u6o 1eokrams, is modelled by the function7e -tku f69h es1o4oua
where t is the number of years that have passed since 1953.
The first bench press world record of 227.27 kg was set in 1953. According to bench press experts, the record weight will eventually reach a limit of 350 kg.
1.(1)Write down the value of M. M =  
(2)Find the value of C , giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places. C ≈  
2.The current unbeaten bench press world record weight is 337 kg. Find the year in which this record was set.
3.A young and promising powerlifter claims that he is going to break any bench press world record performed until 2025. Find the weight that he has to bench press in 2025 to set a new bench press world record according to the model. W =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An elephant raised in a wildlife sanctuary. Her height, H, in metres, isoq1q9vm9ux )l*6 koqavy94n f modelled by the logist)9ovm a96 q*fnl9o4kq1vx yuq ic function
​where t is the number of years that have passed since her birth.
1.Find the elephant's height:
(1)when she was born; H =    m
(2)on her 55th birthday. H ≈    m
The elephant's height approaches a limit of M metres as she ages.
2.Write down the value of M. M =  
The elephant reaches a height of 22 m before her $n$th birthday.
3.Find the smallest value of n. n =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The mass of a radioactive sample is given byg+qzhi-mkuloij.g*6 4z n ; -r
M(t)=P+$Q(\frac{1}{2}​)^{\frac{t}{300}}$​,t≥0 days.where t is the number of days after the sample was collected and measured.
The initial weight of the sample is 20 g. When each atom emits its α-particle, the mass of the atom is reduced by 3.2%.
1.(1)Explain why P is the final mass of the sample after every atom in the sample has emitted its α-particle.
(2)Hence, find the value of P, leaving your answer correct to two decimal places. P ≈    g
2.Find the value of Q. Q =  
3.Estimate the mass of the sample after 2.5 years (assume no leap years). M ≈    g

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An oil tank at a mine site was at full capacity bescsq)jv x5z3i eh05 i.fore the tank incurred a puncture in the base and the oil start to leak out. A site engineer used the following function, L(t), to es0)zhxi.v3 5q5ij sc model the percentage of oil remaining in the tank
L(t)=$100e^{−kt}$,t≥0,where t is the number of days after the puncture occurred.
The engineer found that after one day, 30% of the oil originally in the tank had leaked out.
1.Find the value of k. k ≈  
2.Use this model to find the percentage of oil remaining in the tank after 30 hours.
Based on the model, the engineer makes the claim that the tank will always have some oil in it and never completely empty. L =   %
3.State a mathematical reason supporting the engineers claim.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The following table xv e,3 ;tp-njzk3q0pbi p+rbzd * 3xw1shows the total revenue, y, in Australian dollars (AUD), obtainedobtp3,+in;xr-zdbx0t*1p wp 3j q bz3kev ained daily during the first week of January 2020, by Peppy's Pizza restaurantrestaurant and the number of guests, x, served.

1.(1)Calculate the Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, r, for this data. r =  
(2)Hence comment on the result.
2.Write down the equation of the regression line y on x. y =ax+b a =    b =  
3.Use the line of the regression to estimate the revenue of serving
70 guests. Give your answer correct to the nearest AUD.
Daily maintenance cost for the restaurant is 240 AUD. Additionally, the cost of serving one guest is 5 AUD. y ≈  
4.Determine if the restaurant makes a profit when serving 45 guests on a particularparticular day.
5.(1)Write down an expression for the total revenue of serving x guests.ax+b a =    b =  
(2)Find an expression for the profit of the restaurant when serving x guests on a particular day.ax+b a =    b =  
(3)Find the least number of guests required to be served to result in a profit for the day. x ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The following table shows the total revenue, y, in US dollars (USD), obtaineazoc .p gf,le mo*35i*dobtained monthly during the first six months of 2020, by Law Office of Fox Brothers and the number of cl5floi3ce*gpzao , m.*ients, x, served.

1.(1)Calculate the Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, r, for this data. r =  
(2)Hence comment on the result.
2.Write down the equation of the regression line y on x. y =  
3.Use the line of the regression to estimate the revenue of serving
20 clients. Give your answer correct to the nearest USD.
Monthly operating cost for the law office is 2500 dollars. Additionally, the cost of serving each client is 200 dollars. y =ax+b a =    b =  
4.Determine if the law office makes a profit when serving 66 clients on a particularparticular month.
5.(1)Write down an expression for the total revenue of serving x clients. y =ax+b a =    b =  
(2)Find an expression for the profit of the law office when serving x clients on a particular month. y =ax+b a =    b =  
(3)Find the least number of clients required to be served to result in a profit for the month.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The data below shows the price, y, in kx0q(d sg/n:eKazakhstani tenge (KZT), that each bag of wheat flour can be purchased for at a wholesale market in Almaty if x bags are orderexe nq(k/d0:g sd.

1.Find an expression for the price, y KZT, of each bag purchased in terms of the number of bags, x, ordered. y =ax+b a =    b =  
2.Hence find the exact total cost of purchasing 250250 bags of wheat flour. Total cost =    KZT

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Part of the graph of skze 641wfl b0fho)-t-f,ku vy=f(x) is shown below. The point A(3,4) lies on the graph. -sf1t-4 elh6zk,ukbv ofw )0f

1.Write down the value of f(3). f(3) =  
The tangent line L to the graph of y=f(x) at point A has equation y=3x−5.
2.Find the equation of the normal line N to the graph of y=f(x) at point A. Give your answer in the form ax+by+d=0, where a,b,d∈Z. ax+by+c=0 a =    b =    c =  
3.Draw the lines L and N on the same grid above, labelling the intercepts with the axes.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The number of users on a -i tew89l iur-*x:yh vnew social network in 2018 was 320000. One year later, in 2019, the number of users on this network is estimated to be 350000. The number of the users on this network, N, can be modelled b-h9xw-el: i8ytu r i*vy the function
N(t)=320000$\times$$b^t$,t≥0,​where t is the number of years since 2018 and b is a constant.
1.Find the value of b. b ≈  
2.Estimate the number of the users on this network there will be in 2023. N ≈    users
3.Forecast the year for which the number of the social network users reaches one million. Give your answer correct to the nearest year.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The downward speed, V, in metres per second, gained by a skydiver during af woza 3 cdxt6rr/01)m 7jra(qvi6-uj jump is modelled by the 1/6 -r)qarjcxj(0vui wztrad63f7o mfunction
V(t)=56−56$\times3$$^{-\frac{t}{4}}$,t≥0,​where t, in seconds, is the time for which the skydiver is free falling in the air.

1.Write down the downward speed of the skydiver at t=0.
The line L is the horizontal asymptote to the graph. V =  
2.Determine the equation of L.
The skydiver starts to feel no acceleration when he reaches the speed of 55 metres per second. y =  
3.Find the time it takes for the skydiver to reach this speed. Give your answer correct to the nearest second. t ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average petrol price, P, in cents per l 81 nbzxlgktu((:qsty4y9 ,f vzef22 pitre, in Australia 2019 can be modelled bv9b84(yk tf:pusqtzg12e l, 2zf( x nyy the function
P(t)=asin($10^{\circ}$$\times$t)+b,0≤t≤365,where t is the elapsed time, in days, since New Year's Eve 2018.
Part of the graph of y=P(t) is shown below.

1.Write down the value of b.
The average price of petrol on the 21st of January, 2019 was 139 cents per litre.  
2.Show the value of a is equal to 12. a =  
3.Hence calculate:
(1)the average petrol price on the 10th of February, 2019; P ≈    cents per gallon
(2)the minimum and maximum average prices of petrol in Australia 2019.
The cycle of average petrol prices repeats every T days. $P_{min}$ =    cents per gallon $P_{max}$ =    cents per gallon
4.Determine the value of T. T =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average gasoline price, P, in cents per gallon, in USA 2019 can bey8/(h si;z dy2 oc8tpg modelled by the func8 p d (z/is2ygyoh8t;ction
where t is the elapsed time, in days, since New Year's Eve 2018.
Part of the graph of y=P(t) is shown below.

1.Write down the value of b.
The average price of gasoline on the 14th of January, 2019 was 328 cents per gallon.  
2.Show that the value of a is equal to 56. a =  
3.Hence calculate:
(1)the average gasoline price on the 1414th of February, 2019; P =    cents per gallon
(2)the minimum and maximum average prices of gasoline in USA 2019. $P_{min}$ =    cents per gallon $P_{max}$ =    cents per gallon
The cycle of average gasoline prices repeats every T days.
4.Determine the value of T. T =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The table below shows the income tax rates in Australia okmpvj kx ayx:*/7o/1for 2019/2020.

1.Find the exact amount of tax payable for a person who earns 200000 dollars.    dollars
2.Draw the graph of tax payable versus income on the grid below.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  When a ball is thrown from th7k1 3uza *1:wpavke cle top of a tall building, its height above the ground after t secondswcal*k kz1pe7 :u13va is given by
s(t)=$at^2$+bt+c, where a,b,c∈R and s(t) is measured in metres. After 1 second, the ball is 84.3 m above the ground; after 2 seconds, 93.9 m; after 8 seconds, 42.3 m.
1.(1)Write down a system of three linear equations in terms of a, b and c.
(2)Hence find the values of a, b and c. a =    b =    c =  
2.Find the height of the building. s =    m
3.Find the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground. t ≈    seconds

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  When a coin is thrown from the top of a skyscraper, its height above the g.p + +w6kh,xb2 xlmmih duf/f.o 9hky-round after t s.xxmp9.df+ ,luyfok6+/hkh h2-mi wb econds is given by s(t)=$at^2$+bt+c, where a,b,c∈R and s(t) is measured in metres. After 11 second, the coin is 179.3 m above the ground; after 2 seconds, 188.2 m; after 66 seconds, 159.8 m.
1.(1)Write down a system of three linear equations in terms of a, b and c.
(2)Hence find the values of a, b and c. a =    b =    c =  
2.Find the height of the skyscraper. s =    m
3.Find the time it takes for the coin to hit the ground. t ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A farmer is going to fence two equal adjacent parcels o5nnu,)ttj iu,j(gcq-:i r5cof land. These parcels share one side (which also requires fencing) as shown in the following diagram. The farmer has only 80 metres ou ut (qc5):,,c j5ini-jnrot gf fence.

1.Write down the equation for the total length of the fence, 80m, in terms of x and y. ax+by=c a =    b =    c =  
2.Write down the total area of both parcels of land in terms of x.
3.Find the maximum area, in $m^2$, of one parcel of land. ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The axis of symmetry of the graph of a quadratic function has equation uo8k k gv ook 16uft(0i5a.hh5x=$\frac{3}{2}$​.
1.Draw the axis of symmetry on the grid below.

The graph of the quadratic function intersects the x-axis at the point P(−1,0). There is a second point, Q , at which the graph of the quadratic function intersects the x-axis.
2.Mark and label P and Q on the grid above.
The graph of the quadratic function has equation y=$−x^2$+bx+c, where b,c∈Z.
3.(1)Find the value of b and the value of c. b =    c =  
(2)Find the coordinates of the vertex, M. (a,b) a=    b=  
(3)Draw the graph of the quadratic function on the grid above.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The graph shows the curve of a quadratic function of the .i-v,v3a 2up dwu d8gyform f(x)=$ax^2$+bx+90.

1.Write down the equation for the axis of symmetry of the curve. x =  
2.Hence, or otherwise, find the value of a and the value of b. a =    b =  
3.Find the y-coordinate of the vertex of the curve. f(x) =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A population of goldf 0ug ; qqw2f)ae5ec.u xyk)xqyqf* s.8ish decreases exponentially. The size of the population, P, after t days is x f q)qec. quxy.sfaq)k w ue58y;2*g0modelled by the function
P(t)=8000$\times2^{-t}$+100,t≥0.​1.Write down the exact size of the initial population. P =  
2.Find the size of the population after 5 days. P =  
3.Calculate the time it will take for the size of the population to decrease to 120.
The population will stabilize when it reaches a size of n. t =    days
4.Write down the value of n. n =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The half-life, T, in years, of a radioactive isotope can be modelled by the fxjvv zcun; a*;m)c z s*d,sbcxp430i- uncxcxvd 4aupc*cz)j s-0,bn* z3;sv; m ition
T(k)​=​$\frac{ln0.5}{ln(1-\frac{k}{100})}$,0where k is the decay rate, in percent, per year of the isotope.
1.The decay rate of Hydrogen-33 is 5.5 % per year. Find its half-life.
The half-life of Uranium-232 (U-232) is 68.9 years. A sample containing 250 grams of U-232232 is obtained and stored as a side product of a nuclear fuel cycle. ≈  
2Find the decay rate per year of U-232. k =    %
3.Find the amount of U-232 left in the sample after:
(1)68.9 years;    grams
(2)100 years. ≈    grams

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The half-life, T, in days, of a radioact rvto6dbc3 - +qx7qea r+w2y)cive isotope can be modelled by the functiq r++ect-c 3o)6qxvyr 27abdwon
T(k)​=​,01.The decay rate of Gold-196 is 6.2 % per day. Find its half-life.
The half-life of Phosphorus-32 (P-32) is 14.3 days. A sample containing 120 grams of P-32 is produced and stored in a biochemistry laboratory. T ≈  
2.Find the decay rate per day of P-32. k =    %
3.Find the amount of P-32 left in the sample after:
(1)14.3 days;    grams
(2)50 days. ≈    grams

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Radiocarbon dating can be used to estimate dq-; knc,ha ep3s6;t.b8x/f e in1itdthe age of an artifact made of wood. Archeologists take a sample of wood from the artifact and measure the ratio,r, of Carbon-1414 in the sample to Carbon-1414 in a living w8i qed/h,6 st1td p.e bf;-3nak ;xcniood. The age, t, in years, is then estimated by using the equation
t​=−​$\frac{6000}{ln2}\times$lnr,[Age Model]
​where 0.01A team of underwater archeologists found an ancient wooden shipwreck deep down in the Black Sea. A sample of wood is taken from the shipwreck to determine its age.
1.Find the age of the shipwreck if r=0.75.
In all wood samples, Carbon-14 decays over time. If r<0.01, there is insufficient amount of Carbon-14 left in the sample wood for its age estimate calculated by the age model to be reliable. t ≈  
2.Find the oldest sample of wood for its age estimate found by the age model would just cease to be reliable. Give your answer to the nearest10000 years. t ≈  

3.Using the age model, express r in terms of t.
4.Hence find r when t=7500, giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places. r ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The frequency, f, in hert9 5b** c2-x9ces5ff i tlem)fu ztil1 9zqnb,az (Hz), and the period, T, in seconds, of a wave are related by the equaefl*z95 lub)5,m9qa ftis f -t2c i1xn9*ebcz tion
f=$\frac{1​}{T}$An electronic signal is sent out with amplitude3 and frequency 200 Hz. The strength of this signal at time t seconds is given by $S_1$​=3sin(bt)
1.Find the value of b, giving your answer in terms of $π$.    $π$
A second signal of equal strength is sent out with a time delay of 2 milliseconds. The strength of the second signal at time t seconds is given by
2.Write down the value of c.    seconds
The strength of the sum of the two signals at time t seconds is given by
3.Draw the graphs of $S_1$​, $S_2$​ and $S_3$​ versus t, for 0≤t≤0.01, on the same axes.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  ­A population of 40 rabbits vadt qra2yi6x:5 5g8gmp y+:ware brought to an island at the end of December, 2018.v+mi5g8w6g ty5ay rxa:qpd:2
The population, P, of rabbits on the island can be modelled by the logistic function
P(t)​$\frac{M}{1+Ce^{-0.3t}}$=​,​wheret is the number of months that have passed since New Year Eve 2019.
After 12 months, the population of rabbits on the island is increased to 1423.
1.Find the value of M and the value of C. M ≈  
2.Write down the largest population of rabbits that the island will ever be able to accommodate.  
3.Hence calculate the number of months it takes for the population of rabbits to reach half of its largest population. t =    months

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The position,s, in metres, of a cyclist on a straight track can be m(q 67/msrmtun t:+u u1 d.raxwodelled by the piecewise functionwhere t is the time, in seconds, andua um7 rrt1w6:x qmn+(ds/.ut a,m∈R.

1.Show that a=0.1995 correct to 44 significant figures.
2.Find the exact value of m. m =  
3.Calculate the time it takes for the cyclist to travel: s =  
(1)15 m; t ≈    seconds
(2)200 m.t ≈    seconds
4.Draw the graph of s versus t, showing the position of the cyclist during the first 20 seconds.
5.Determine the time interval when the cyclist is travelling fastest.
6.Hence find its maximum speed, giving your answer in kilometres per hour.    km$h^{-1}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A healthcare company is des9 yzydg 4.c8m2+ shnd1smgs1oigning a new deodorant stick that can be modelled by the shape of a parabola as the top, vertical lines as the sidesc 9z2gds ss ymn+m1oyg1d8h4. and a horizontal line as the base, on the x-axis. The parabola has end points at (0,7) and (5,7), and vertex at (2.5,8).
This design is shown in the diagram below. All distances are measured in centimetres.

The quadratic curve can be expressed in the form y=ax2+bx+c for 50≤x≤5.
1.(1)Find the value of c. c =  
(2)Using the points(2.5,8) and (5,7), write two equations in a and b.
(3)Hence, find the equation of the quadratic curve. y=$ax^b+cx+d$ a =    b =    c =    d =  
2.Find the area of the shaded region in the deodorant design. Area ≈    cm$^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A factory produces bars in the shape of a cuboid, with a fixed height: .vyrh;fyg g a)nb x6phfm,20 of 30 cm and varying base. The area, A, of each bar base iyffh) v ygnxa h2br.,0m;gp6:s described by the function
A(x)​=x(40−x),5≤x≤35,​where x is the length of the bar base in centimetres.
1.Bar P has a length of 10 cm. Find the volume of P.    $cm^3$
2.Bar Q has the same volume as bar P, however has a different length. Find the length of Q.    cm
3.Find the value of x that makes the bar's volume a maximum, and state this maximum volume.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A right cylinder has height ℎh mm and diameter x mm. The volume jzjs4 -zsfcz6m m/bdm53u d-7m,(x oh of this cylinder om/h ju-xfb mms7zs4z5- j36dz(m ,dcis equal to 45 $mm^3$.

The total surface area, A, of the cylinder can be expressed as A=$\frac{π}{2}​x^2$+$\frac{k}{x}$​.
1.Find the value of k. k =  
2.Find the value of x that makes the total surface area a minimum.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A loaf pan is made in the shape of a cyo;bc4k9ldl+ cpxu;4b ylb;fb/ we+c 6linder. The pan has a diameter of 24 cm and a height of 5 ;+lu9+b ;6;4dcebxcyo4 cf kbb /ll wpm.
1.Calculate the volume of this pan.
Gloria prepares enough bread dough to exactly fill the pan. The dough was in the shape of a sphere. $V_{pan}$ ≈  
2.Find the radius of the sphere in cm, correct to one decimal place.
The bread was cooked in a hot oven. Once taken out of the oven, the bread was left in the kitchen.
The temperature, T, of the bread, in degrees Celsius,$^{\circ}C$, can be modelled by the function
where a is a constant and t is the time, in minutes, since the bread was taken out of the oven.
When the bread was taken out of the oven its temperature was $205^{\circ}C$ r ≈    cm
3.Find the value of a. a =  
4.Find the temperature that the bread will be 10 minutes after it is taken out of the oven.
The bread can be eaten once its temperature drops to $35^{\circ}C$.T ≈    $^{\circ}C$
5.Calculate, to the nearest minute, the time since the bread was taken out
of the oven until it can be eaten. t ≈    minutes
6.In the context of this model, state what the value of 21 represents.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A hot apple pie was taken6jh0*(n nmroj9s06zd8oej a ( ivu;i k out of the oven and left cooling on the bench. The temperaturetemperature of the kitc nr0ajv6oiz8smn ud(*i 9kje6( 0oj ;hhen is $19^{\circ}C$ This situation can be modelled by the exponential function T=a+b($k^{−t}$), where T is the temperature of the appleapple pie, in$^{\circ}C$, and t is the number of minutes for which the apple pie has been on the bench in the kitchen. A sketch of the situation is given below.

1.Explain why a=19.
Initially, at t=0, the temperature of the apple pie is $180^{\circ}C$.
2.Find the value of b.
After being left cooling on the bench for one minute, the temperature of the apple pie is $159^{\circ}C$. b =  
3.Show that k=1.15.
4.Find the temperature of the apple pie five minutes after it has been left cooling on the bench. T ≈    $^{\circ}C$
5.Find the total time needed for the apple pie to reach a temperature of $30^{\circ}C$. Give your answer in minutes and seconds, correct to the nearest second. t ≈    min

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The temperature, T, in degrees Cg.r5x- nj:pbu elsius, in Istanbul during a particular winter day is mod nx.b:-rpgj5u elled by the equation
T​=asin(b(t−c))+d,0≤t≤24,​where a,b,c,d∈R and t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
The graph of T versus t is shown below.

The lowest temperature was recorded at 33:3030 am and the highest temperaturetemperature was recorded at 33:3030 pm.
1.Write down the value of:
2.Find the value of b. ≈  
3.Find the smallest possible value of c, given c>0.
The temperature, T, in degrees Celsius, in Istanbul during a particular summer day is modelled by the equation
​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight. c =  
4.Find the time, in hours and minutes, when the temperature:
(1)reaches its maximum; ≈    pm
(2)first drops below $244^{\circ}C$. ≈    pm
5.The temperature is below $24^{\circ}C$ for h hours and m minutes. Find
the value of h and the value of m. h =    m =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The tides at the Port of Bristol, UK, were observed by azrv1i qgk6aa1 4rq8:k; qez5 d student.
On a particular day, the range between the lowest and highest tides is 10.6 m and the time difference between high tides is 12.2 hours. The first highest tide occurs at 8:12 am and is 12.5 m high.
The height, H, in metres, of the tides can be modelled by the equation
H​=asin(b(t−c))+d,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the value of:
2.Find the value of b. ≈  
3.Find the smallest possible value of c, given c>0. c ≈  
4.Hence draw the graph of H versus t, for 0≤t≤24.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The downward speed, V, in metres per second, of a skydiver t seq9p h6qh+lpw; 6zgibf 22h3 ddconds after a jump from a plane is mod+;29pdhbhqfpwh36 6zgqdi 2 lelled by the piecewise function

1.Show that K=60.
2.Draw the graphs of y=60−$\frac{60}{t+1}$​, for t≥0, and y=12+$\frac{46}{t-28}$​, for t>28,
on the grid below.

3.Find the time T at which the skydiver opened their parachute.
4.Calculate the speed of the skydiver after:
(1)10 seconds; V ≈    m sec$^{-1}$
(2)32 seconds. V ≈    m sec$^{-1}$
Assume that the skydiver's parachute failed to open.
5.Write down the terminal downward speed of the skydiver.    m sec$^{-1}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The Burj Khalifa, located in Dubai, is the tallest building in the wor-t/ -s *z h(8lvvmobeold. It has a height of 830 m and has a square base that covers 8/-tzs( * h-omevov lba floor area of 556 m$\times$556 m. A tourism shop located near the building sells souvenirs of the tower, which sit inside glass pyramids, as illustrated by the diagram below. The souvenir tower is an accurate scale replica of the actual tower.

The scaled model of Burj Khalifa has a base area of 20 cm$\times$20 cm. The height and base area dimensions of the glass pyramid are 10% larger than the model.
1.(1)Find the height of the souvenir tower, in cm, correct to the nearest mm. $h_m$ =    cm
(2)Find the volume of the glass pyramid, rounding your answer correct to the nearest cubic centimetre. V ≈    $cm^3$
The shop owner aims to maximise profits from selling the souvenirs. The more the owner orders from the manufacturer, the cheaper the souvenirs are to buy. However, if too many are ordered, profits may decrease due to surplus stock unsold.
The number of souvenirs ordered from previous years and the resulting profits are shown in the following table.

Quantity is 5000 ; Profit is 35000
Quantity is 10000 ; Profit is 95500
Quantity is 13000 ; Profit is 116500

The shop owner decides to fit a cubic model of the form
P(x)=$ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$ to model the profit, P, for x thousand souvenirs ordered.
2.Explain why d=0.
3.Construct three linear equations to solve for a, b and c, and hence write down the completed function P(x).
4.Find $P′(x)$.
5.Find, to the nearest hundred souvenirs, the optimal number of souvenirs the owner should buy to maximise profit, and the resulting profit from this number.    dollars

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In a water filtration plant, the contaij/u0xnz sc l3t97atb0 ners of water are filled and then filtered, all by an automated system. The volume of water in a container, W(t), in litres, after t seconds of the filling commencing can be modelled0 3jtt9 0n/aul7 xcsbz by the function
W(t)=V(1−$e^{\frac{-t}{k}}$​),where V is the maximum volume of the water container and k is a positive constant used to alter the rate at which water is filling the containers.
The value of k is currently set at 25.
1.Find how long it takes, t, for a container to fill up to 50% of its maximum volume. t ≈    seconds
2.If one of the containers has a maximum volume of 20 litres, find the volume of water in this container after 22 seconds. W ≈    litres
The engineers of the plant want to alter the value of k so that it takes 20 seconds to fill each container up to 95% of their maximum volumes.
3.Find the value of k required. k ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A particular speciesp 3x mmwzbzxjvcf1:*+ d;h0 vj 4wa8i8 of microbes is studied in the laboratory. Microbes are grown under controlled conditions in pure culture. The number of microbes, N, present in the cu 1izx08mv*8m;hj+vfd3c j wpw: az4bxlture t hours after the start of the experiment are recorded. The results are shown in the table below.

1.Complete the third row of the table above.
2.Draw a scatter diagram of logN versus t, scaling the axes if needed.
3.State the type of model that best fits the data displayed on your scatter
diagram from part (b).
A scientist in the laboratory claims that the number of microbes, N, grown in the laboratory during the experiment can be modelled by an exponential function of the form N(t)=a$\times$$b^t$, where a and b are positive constants.
4.Explain why the scientist is correct.
5.Find the value of a and the value of b. a ≈    b ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A new class of antibiotics is studied in jyp,2 1kstry7 the medical research center. Antibiotics are applied to a pure culture of bacteria. The number of bacteria, N, present in the culture t hours after the start of the experiment are recorded. The results are shown in the table,j1sy 7 yt2prk below.

1.Complete the third row of the table above.
2.Draw a scatter diagram of logN versus t, scaling the axes if needed.
3.State the type of model that best fits the data displayed on your scatter
diagram from part (b).
A researcher in the center claims that the number of bacteria, N, left in the culture afterafter applying antibiotics can be modelled by an exponential function of the form N(t)=a×bt, where a and b are positive constants.
4.Explain why the researcher is correct.
5.Find the value of a and the value of b. a ≈    b ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The amount of water, A, in thousands of litres, available in a water feon c6*d* zt+n+ k6hztank located on a farm fluctuates in a yearly cycle and can be modc6ze +t*odfz nn*hk+6elled by the function
A(t)=asin(kt)+b,where t is the elapsed time, in weeks, since the start of the year.
The amount of water available in the tank on week 6 is 24 thousand litres and on week 31 is 9.2 thousand litres.
1.Find the value of k, in degrees, assuming there are 52 whole weeks in a year. k ≈    $^{\circ}$
2.Set up a pair of equations to find the value of a and the value of b. Give your answers correct to the nearest integer. a ≈    b ≈  
3.Hence find the amount of water available in the tank in week 42. A =    thousand litres
4.Draw the graph of y=A(t) on the grid below, for one full year, indicating clearly the minimum and maximum points.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The mean depth, D, in metres, o 9.sc riomc2spe , vv7c:hib.6f a mountain lake fluctuates in a yearly cycle and can be modv2:p7h.oecr ccs,vis6m.9i b elled by the function
D(t)=acos(kt)+b,where t is the elapsed time, in months, since the beginning of an autumn season.
The mean depth of the lake on month 1 is 33.2 m and on month 5 is 22.8 m.
1.Find the value of k, in degrees. k =    $^{\circ}$
2.Set up a pair of equations and find the value of a and the value of b. Give your answers correct to the nearest integer. a ≈    b ≈  
3.Hence find the mean depth of the lake on month 8. D =  
4.Draw the graph of y=D(t) on the grid below, for one full year, indicating clearly the minimum and maximum points.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The security personn+e / :dni-z70ymuhwak el at the entry of a rural campground activate a siren to alert campers when a wild animal is spotted nearby. The sound intensity, I, of the siren varies inversely with the square of the distance from the sire a/dm+:u ke7nw0y-izhn, d. When initially testing the siren, the security personnel found that at a distance of 3 metres from the siren, the sound intensity is 5 watts per square metre ($Wm^{−2}$).
1.Show that I=$\frac{45}{d^2}$​.
2.Sketch the curve of I for d>0, labelling the point (3,5).
The campers can only hear the siren if the sound intensity at their location is greater than $1.2\times10^{−5}Wm^{−2}$.
3.Find the minimum distance, in kilometers, from the siren where the campers can no longer hear the siren.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
The distance travelled, d, in meters, of a freely fallinm8s nzrb ,(z5ng object is proportional to the square of the time of(zs8 n5z mrb,n the fall, t, in seconds.
A football dropped from the top of a school building falls a distance of 19.6 m in the first 2 seconds.
1.Show that d(t)=4.9$t^2$.
2.Sketch the curve of d for t>0, clearly showing the point (2,19.6).
The distance covered, s, in meters, by a quad-copter drone undertaking a vertical landing can be modelled by s(t)=8t, where t is the time in seconds after the landing commences.
The football is dropped at the same time as the drone commences a landing from the same height of the school building.
The football covers more distance than the drone when t>p.
3.Find the value of p.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Peter wants to reach a rock, located 55 km away fppxz-z4 u)-qqeih f4v /-a e4orom his current position, using the strategy /vx-q-f-ozapuiq ze )p4e4h 4outlined below.
Every hour Peter approaches the rock by a fixed percent of the remaining distance to the rock.
The distance, D, in kilometres, Peter has travelled from his original position, can be modelled by the exponential function
D(t)=a+b($k^{-t}$),t≥0,​where t is the time, in hours, since Peter started moving.
1.Explain why a=5.
2.Find the value of b. b =  
After one hour, the distance from Peter to the rock is 3.75 km.
3.Find the value of k. k =  
4.Find the distance between Peter and the rock after 4 hours.
Peter can be heard when shouting from 200 metres away.    km
5.Calculate the time it takes until someone standing on the rock can hear Peter shouting. Round your answer correct to the nearest hour.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The sound intensity level (SIL), L, in decibels (dB), of the sound inth z)f9bo3- nr b)tjpw-ensity, I, in watts per square jbo -nfbzw9rp-)3 th )meter, is given by the equation
L​=10log($\frac{I}{I_0}$​),​where $I_0$​ is the reference sound intensity.
1.Two sounds have intensities $I_1$​ and $I_2$​ with $I_1$​<$I_2$​. Show that the difference
in SIL between the two sounds is L=10log($\frac{I_2}{I_1}$​).
2.A train rumble has the SIL of 82 dB and a dishwasher noise has the SIL of 52 dB. Find the number of times the train rumble is more intense than the dishwasher noise.
Jack is attending a rock concert where the SIL of the music reaches 110 dB. During the concert, Jack's mom calls him to find out if he is safe and everything is going well. The SIL of his cell phone ring is 70% of the SIL of the rock music. $I_2$ =    $I_1$
3.The perceived loudness of a sound doubles for every 10 dB increase in SIL.
(1)Write down the SIL of Jack's cell phone ring. L =    dB
(2)Jack perceives the rock music k times as loud as his cell phone ringing. Find the value of k, giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures. K ≈  
(3)Hence, decide whether Jack's mom will reach him during the concert if Jack carries his cell phone in the pocket and turned vibrating alert off.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Alexandros monitors the temperature during a particular day in Athenm9ai v;-o zf+w1 )zoggs.
The table below shows some of his findings.

Based on his observations, Alexandros concludes that the temperature, T, in $^{\circ}C$, during the day can be modelled by the equation
where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the value of:
2.Find the value of b. b ≈  
3.Find the smallest possible value of c, given c>0. c =  
4.Find the time, in hours and minutes, when the temperature first reaches $35^{\circ}C$ during the day.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Farmer Jimmy bought 50 goats and brought them to his farm. 7:-rzu zdm s9dHe determined that 10 of these neruz9m: -s7zdd w goats have a viral disease. The total number of goats on Jimmy's farm is now 600.
The spread of the viral disease on Jimmy's farm is modelled by the logistic function
S(d)​=$\frac{M}{1+Ce^{-kd}}$​,​where S(d) is the number of infected goats after d epidemic days.
1.(1)Write down the value of M. M =  
(2)Find the value of C. C =  
2.Given that quarter of the goats are infected after 12 days, find the value of k, giving your answer correct to 4 significant figures. k ≈  
3.Find the number of days it takes for 90% of the goats to get infected. d ≈    days
4.Draw the graph of y=S(d) on the axes below, indicating clearly the point of inflexion and any asymptotes.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  John operates a small clothing factory that manufactures jeans. John observqeriv) /aq(t0;e+pq7jcw9xln) v l:qes that the +lrt7e9 )x ;:q cw/pq)nl0 j(vaevq qiweekly total production cost, C, in Australian dollars (AUD), and the number of jeans produced per week, N, can be related by the equation
where a,b and K are positive constants.
John estimates that the weekly total fixed cost of operatingoperating the factoryfactory is 7500 AUD.
1.Write down the value of K.
After analysing the financial accounting records of a particular month, John finds the data given below.  

2.Draw a scatter diagram of ln(C−K) versus lnN, scaling and shifting the axes if needed.
3.State the type of model that best fits the data displayed on your scatter diagram from part (b).
4.Write down the equation of the regression line of ln(C−K) on lnN.
5.Hence find the value of a and the value of b.
John wants to increase the production rate of jeans up to 1000 pairs per week. a =    b =  
6.Using John's equation, estimate the weekly total cost of producing 1000 jeans.
7.State whether it is valid to use John's equation to estimate the weekly total cost of producing 1000 jeans. Give a reason for your answer. C =    AUD
8.(1)Describe how the data must be entered into your G.D.C. to determine John's equation using power regression method.
(2)Hence verify your answers to part (e).

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Sandra operates a pizzeria that has 24 hours delivery servic: j)op ew)hls2e. Sandra thinks that the daily total production cost, C, in euros (EUR), and the number of pizzas made per day, N, can be relajse p2owl ))h:ted by the equation
C=aNb+K,where a,b and K are positive constants.
Sandra estimates that the daily total fixed cost of operatingoperating the pizzeriapizzeria is 1000 EUR.
1.Write down the value of K.
After analysing the bookkeeping records of a particular working week, Sandra finds the data given below.  

2.Draw a scatter diagram of $log_2​(C−K)$ versus $log_2​N$, scaling and shifting the axes if needed.
3.State the type of model that best fits the data displayed on your scatter diagram from part (b).
4.Write down the equation of the regression line of $log_2​(C−K)$ on $log_2​N$.
5.Hence find the value of a and the value of b.
Sandra wants to increase the selling rate of pizzas up to 800 items per day. a =    b =  
6.Using Sandra's equation, estimate the daily total cost of producing 800 pizzaspizzas. C ≈    EUR
7.State whether it is valid to use Sandra's equation to estimate the daily total cost of producing 800 pizzas. Give a reason for your answer.
8.(1)Describe how the data must be entered into your G.D.C. to determine Sandra's equation using power regression method.
(2)Hence verify your answers to part (e).

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