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习题练习:IB MAI HL Functions Topic 2.4 Transformations

 作者: admin   总分: 7分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年02月01日 00:32  切换到: 整卷模式

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Jessica hits a tennis serve and the path of the ball can be modelled by the function
​​where h is the height above ground level in meters, and d is the horizontal distance the tennis ball travels, also in meters.
1.Find the horizontal distance travelled by the ball when it hits the ground.
2.Find the maximum height the ball reaches.
On her next serve, Jessica hits the ball harder and flatter, so that the ball reaches the same height as the previous serve, but travels twice as far.
3.Determine a new height function, $h_2$​, that describes this trajectory.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A government has a piecewise functi5k(0uyuxhcf2j(k9zx*r ei l 8on, T, to calculate the amount of taxes a citizen has to pay quarterly, according to their quarterly income, x, given2( ixlf5z 09k xhyu e(8rcj*ku by

1.Find the quarterly taxes a citizen has to pay for incomes of
(1)9000 dollars  
(2)16000 dollars  
The government is considering increasing the tax rates and is contemplating the following two options:
Option 1: Increase taxes by 100 dollars on all levels, and then by a factor of 1.15
Option 2: Increase taxes using the model T(1.4x+1000)
2.Determine functions to model the taxes for each of these options.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
A soccer ball is kicked from the ground such that itdo ves.(n+ji6 lw6e +acf 8gypt(hf0:s path can be modelled by the function esg jti6w d8+hf+vcen.p((o 6 yl:a0f
where ℎh is the height above ground level in meters, and d is the horizontal distance the ball travels, also in meters.
1.Find the distance travelled by the ball when it hits the ground.
2.Find the maximum height the ball reaches.
The soccer player now practices kicking the ball shorter, so that it travels half the vertical height and half the horizontal distance as the previous kick.
3.Determine the height function, ℎ2h2​, that describes this new trajectory.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Let f(x)=sinx, for x∈R. The gr 2c+o mt7mgaf +)bce2qaph of f is translated by $ \begin{Bmatrix} p \\ -q \end{Bmatrix} $ to give the graph of a function g that passes through the points A(0,−7) and B(π,−5). It is given that 0Find the value of p and the value of q. q =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Let f(x)=$e^x$, for x∈R. The graph of f is translated by $ \begin{Bmatrix} -p \\ q \end{Bmatrix} $​ to give the graph of a function g that passes through the points A(0,1.5) and B(ln2,2).
Find the value of p and the value of q. q =  

参考答案:     查看本题详细解析

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
A scientist is studying the growthpwt 3sfdm5kz(/ g-:)l( cal:9 pzyxnc of a population of bacteria under different environments. In environment A bacteria gron:t(/ wg3c p fkzx(mz-9y)5a:plls dcws according to the function
where G is the population of bacteria and t is the time in minutes since placed in the environment.
1.Find the initial population of bacteria.
2.Sketch a graph of G against t for 0≤t≤800.
3.Find the population of bacteria after 20 minutes.
4.Find the steady-state population of bacteria after a long period of time.
To slow down the growth of bacteria, the scientist creates a new environment, B, by reducing the pH level of the environment. The scientist finds that the bacteria now grow half as fast as in environment A.
5.Determine a model for the growth of bacteria $G_2$​ for this modified environment.
The scientist creates a another environment, C, which is rich in proteins. The scientist finds that the bacteria grows twice as fast as in the original environment, A.
6.Determine a model for the growth, $G_3$​, of bacteria in this protein-rich environment.
7.Find out how long it takes for the population of bacteria to reach 600 in environment C.

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
A company that produces electronic components is investigating the heating50+ha uo2e jga7p9m5p/ht ueb properties of a particular component. The company finds that the temperature, T, of the component cphe+j 75 ehm5oaa /up b02gt9uan be modelled by the function
where T is measured in degrees Celsius and t is measured in minutes of use.
1.Write down the initial temperature of the component.
2.Sketch a graph of T against t for 0≤t≤90.
3.Find the temperature of the component after 15 minutes.
4.Find the steady-state temperature of the component after a long duration of use.
To slow down the heating speed of the component, the company increases the size of the component in such a way that the component heats $\frac{3}{4}$ times as fast as the initial component.
5.Find a model for the temperature $T_2$​ of the modified component.
Another option to reduce the rate of heating - instead of increasing the size of the component - is to add a thermal pad to the component. In this case the component heats half as fast as the initial component.
6.Find a model for the temperature $T_3$​ of the component with the thermal pad.
7.Find the time taken for the component with the thermal pad to reach $80^{\circ}C$.

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