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习题练习:IB MAI HL Geometry & Trigonometry Topic 3.2 Trigonometry

 作者: admin   总分: 66分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年02月01日 17:49  切换到: 整卷模式

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Mary (M) sits on the top of the hnp;q vivmw,)nn-x y+-*gv f4Eastern side of the Grand Canyon. Below her stands Peter (P), at the bottom of the canyon. It is known that the depth of the Grand Canyon is 1850 meters at this point. Nathan (N) stands on the Western side of the bottom of the Canyon, with a distance of 2.5 km to *n; wvmvph-ing ,+qx fv-) yn4Peter.

1.Write down the depth of the Grand Canyon, MP, in kilometers.MP=  km
2.On the diagram, label the angle of elevation from N to M with an x.
3.Find the size of the angle of elevation from N to M.  $^{\circ}$
4.Find MN, the distance in kilometers between Mary and Nathan.  km

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A ladder 3.7 m long leans against a verticaltblx )t.*nok 0lr(ar 5 wall. The distance from the top of the ladder to the ground is a 0) totrb5r.n(xl*l k3.1 m.

1.Represent this information on a diagram in the space provided above. Show the ground, the ladder and the wall as the labelled line segments.
2.Find the distance from the bottom of the ladder to the wall.  m
3.Write down the acute angle made by the ladder with the wall.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The diagram below shows a triangle ABv.q ej*dhd5-r b-kc bpm+d1w 9C. The size of angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{M}}\mathrm{C}$ is $150^{\circ}$, where M is the midpoint of AB. MBC is an isosceles triangle, with MC = MB = 4 cm.

1.Write down the length of AM.  cm
2.Find the size of angle $\textrm{C}\hat{\textrm{M}}\textrm{B}$.  $^{\circ}$
3.Find the size of angle $\textrm{A}\hat{\textrm{B}}\textrm{C}$.  $^{\circ}$
4.Find the length of CB.  cm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A lawn sprinkler watering a garden sprfep8xkuzhw -dkn5cu dq z)5)9wgz672 ays at an arc of $140^{\circ}$ with a maximum spray distance of 3.5 metres, as shown in the diagram below.

1.Calculate the area of lawn that is watered by the sprinkler.  $m^2$
2.Calculate the length of the outer arc, where the maximum spray
distance lands.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In a school playground, the grass is wateredt dly1 rh f1pv9.p,x7j by lawn sprinklers that are set to spray at an ar xrt1d1fy.h p,jpvl79c of $220^{\circ}$ with a maximum spray distance of 55 metres, as shown in the diagram below.

1.Calculate the area of grass that is watered by this sprinkler.  $m^2$
2.Calculate the length of the sprinkler arc edge, where the maximum
spray distance lands.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A windscreen wiper blade has a length of 0.45 m. When pp,77;l0lc;g4 cb ntx pgk8btit's raining and the blade is in motion, it moves through an arc anglet ;pc7;0,c kl7btlng4p8g bpx of $\dfrac {3\pi} 4$ radians.

1.Determine the area of the windscreen wiped by the blade.  $m^2$
2.Determine the arc length travelled by the outer edge of the blade.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  There are two traffic lights on a road below *sdjbshj+v eve0, n).a 120 m high skyscraper. From the top of the skyscraper, the traffic lights can be seen at angles of jhn,e)*+ .d s esjvb0vdepression of $35^{\circ}$ and $65^{\circ}$ on each side of the skyscraper, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Find the distance between the two traffic lights, correct to the nearest whole metre.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A triangular plot of farming land is shown in the dia/ gs,q(6kbxohbw 1h +bnx ft4gl,y4( ugram below. The longest side is 120120 m, with the two ad4( x(6bbw1ohsy blfq+tgn4 /,hkgux,joining angles to this length being $35^{\circ}$ and $25^{\circ}$.

1.Find the lengths of two other sides of this plot of land.a$\approx$  m,b$\approx$  m
2.Find the area of the plot of farming land.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A national park is in the form of a trianglerx+ou8nzae iw y0w; ty+swc63 fp2*l; , ABC, as shown in the following diagram. S63pr 2 w; wnft+wcy *laz+u0sioy;e8xide length AB is 49 km and side length BC is 66 km. Angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$ is $58^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the side length AC in km.  km
2.Calculate the area of the park.  $km^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  John is building furniture using cylindrical logs of length 1.8 m andn z:k bw4 nv5cl(.hij3 radius 9.2 cm. A wedge is cut from one log and the cross-s c:vjnb5h nz k4li.w3(ection of this log is illustrated in the following diagram.

1.Find the length of the wedge arc, ABC.  cm
2.Find the area of the empty sector, OABC.  $cm^2$
3.Find the volume of each log.  $cm^3$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A farmer has a field in the form of a triangle, ABC, as shown in the follo7 nhrcfze; h/+wing diagram. Side length AB is 150 m and side length BC is 20n;e 7cf h/hz+r0 m. Angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$ is $62^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the side length AC.  m
2.Calculate the area of the field, rounding your answer to the nearest square meter.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  During a hiking trip, Jim stopped and checked his compass for directions.n l;(hd7) oci.asx8 bdl:j 3olw9 5jmd The compass has a circular f95w )dds:a 3dn 87hmc;o(.xlj iblojl ace with centre at O and the diameter of 20 cm. The needle of the compass is at an angle of $\theta$ to the East of North, covering an arc length of $l$, as illustrated in the diagram below.

1.Determine the circumference of the face of the compass.  cm
2.Using the diagram, write down the size of the angle $\theta$ in degrees.  $^{\circ}$
3.Calculate the arc length, $l$.  cm
4.Calculate the total area of the shaded sectors on the diagram.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A rotating sprinkler waters part of a lawn, shown asybf85. ypqy,gmqka i5-v8l9w n8nf4v the shaded area in the diagram below. The sprinkler covers a distance of 13m, reaching a maxim8iaqk. v,p8f4l9n -w5 gmvqyyy8fb5n um distance of 17m and covering an angle of $130^{circ}$.

1.Calculate the length of the outer arc the sprinkler can reach, the arc from point A to point B.  m
2.Find the area the sprinkler can cover. Give your answer to the nearest square metre.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A surveillance camera records tv6g9:guzd8z the area in front of a warehouse, shown as the shaded area in the following diagram. The camera's field of view has a radial distance v:9 z du6zg8tgof 15m, reaching a maximum distance of 21m away from the camera, and covering an angle of $150^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the length of the outer arc the camera can record, the arc from point A to point B.  m
2.Find the area the camera can record.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Cylindrical logs of lengt qz9ud1c9;eey h 2.7 m and radius 7.5 cm are used to build a wooden cabin. A wedge is cut from one log and the cross-section of this log is illustra 99dq;ceuze1 yted in the following diagram.

1.Convert 108 degrees into radians, leaving your answer in exact values.
2.Find the length of the missing arc ABC.  cm
3.Find the area of the missing sector ABCO.  $cm^2$
4.Find the volume of this log.  $cm^3$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A right pyramid has apex V and square base ABCD. The 7nwe2f tlj0o t :kno:kk c++/evertical height of the pyramid, VM, is2 /e+:7oj kwt+ k kfe:ct0onnl 5 cm. The sloping edges are 8 cm long.

1.Calculate the length of MC.  cm
2.Calculate the size of the angle that sloping edge VC makes with the
vertical height of the pyramid.  $^{\circ}$
3.Calculate the area of the triangle ABC.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A right pyramid has apexfl yo344pcl :s-mfv; x V and square base ABCD with the base diagonal AC=4cm. The sf pf;y4o3slm l-4vc: xloping edges are 7 cm long.

1.Calculate the size of the angle that sloping edge VC makes with
the pyramid base.  ${\circ}$
2.Calculate the vertical height of the pyramid, VO.  cm
3.Calculate the volume of the pyramid.  $cm^3$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Triangle Island is a small island located 7 hax0os/rfm/ p66 ,nx 5hegbkoff the north-western tip of British Columbia, Canada. Two side lengths of Triangle Island are equal to 1600 and 1800 metres and the angle between th/kfmphrgxb sh/o57 x6ne,6a 0 ese two sides is equal to $78^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the length of the third side of Triangle island.  m
2.Find the area of a Triangle Island in $m^2$. Give your answer in the form $a\times 10^k$, where $1 \leq a < 10$ and $k \in \mathbb Z$.  $\times10^6m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The quadrilateral ABCD has side lengths AB =17 cm, BC = 12f7*afqv3esi 0rgja8 ;i6y,edcm, and CD = 11cm. The sizesa je03v*,; i fa7i8yfeqg6dr of angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{C}$ is $105{\circ}$ and the size of angle $\mathrm{C}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{D}$ is $25^{\circ}$.

1.Find the length of AC in centimetres.  cm
2.Find the size of angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The diagram below shows quadrilateral ABCD e rnrje0c nxjz b.0sk*3.red .s5bg5 ,s,wmy)with side lengths of AD = 12 m, DC = 7 m and BC = 5 m. srcens5w,0nrbz* se em. 5g0xjk.,j)dy b3r. Angle $\mathrm{B}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{D}=50^{\circ}$ and angle $\mathrm{B}\hat{\mathrm{C}}\mathrm{D}=100^{\circ}$.

A new line is drawn from B to D direct.
1.Calculate the length of this new line, BD.  m
2.Calculate the size of angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{D}$.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Cylindrical logs of length 2.2 m and radius 7.6 cm are used to constr8m*uk /zab dj.uct a fence line. Part of th.duj8ba*z /mke logs are removed, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Find the volume of each log.  $cm^3$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Consider the analogue clock below. The clock has a diametejvz ;vo*5p *qwr of 30 cm and is shaded between 1 and 6.wq p*;z oj*v5v

1.Find the length of the arc between 1 and 6, rounded to the nearest cm.  cm
2.Find the area of the sector between 1 and 6, rounded to the nearest
integer.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A bakery has designed a box to deliver their spechiqv .+ k;4izwrumt 8;vf88ch iality birthday cakes. The box hu 8c4;8 kti8v;hmvrwqz.f+ihas a rectangular prism base, with a rectangular pyramid top, as illustrated in the diagram below with dimensions shown.
After the cake is put into the box, the outside of the box is completely wrapped in colourful gift paper.

Point O shown on the diagram is the midpoint of the base of the pyramid.
1.Find the value of a shown in the diagram; the slant height of one of the pyramid faces.  cm
2.Find the total outer surface area of the box to be wrapped in gift paper.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Joe creates a small baseball field in his o 3m-wzh1cl68 b tp+kgbackyard to play with his children. The field is covered by grass in the shape of a sector of a circle with radius 8 metres, as shown in the following diagram. The angle amkg +l1 w6htp-c 8boz3t the centre of the sector is $\theta^{\circ}$

A total of $48 m^2$ of grass was used to cover the field.
1.Find the value of $\theta$.  $^{\circ}$
Joe asks his son, Lancer, to run around the field twice to warm up before playing a game.
1.Find the total distance that Lancer runs.d=  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Kindergarten students are creating cone-shaped birthz*f1rfj g1j/-f ldl0 wday hats from pieces of colorful paper circles. The first step is to cut out a sector of the paper, as illustrated by sector OABC in tf*gl1 1wj jf0/rld-zfhe diagram below. The paper circles have centre O and . The length of arc ABC is $4\pi$ cm and angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{O}}\mathrm{C}= \dfrac {2\pi} 7$

1.Find the radius of the paper circles, r.  cm
2.Find the area of the sector the students cut out, OABC.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A right pyramid has apex V and square base ABCD, with AB = 3 cm. The vert/db1z:a des -ipfgq 7:mv9u3 sical height of the pyramid, VM, is 12 cm.1:ed9/f g-d7m su 3s iqz:vapb

1.Calculate the length of VA.  cm
2.Calculate the volume of the pyramid.  $cm^3$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The sides of a triangle ABC have the foll/pzq7u.:u 9,yhlvtgmw9c 6 cfowing lengths AB = 40 mm, BC = 30 mm, andu/hy.vz76f9 g pcqcl: 9ut,wm CA = 55 mm.

1.Calculate the size of the angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$.  $^{\circ}$
2.Calculate the area of the triangle ABC.  $mm^2$
A point D is located outside of the triangle, such that angle $\mathrm{D}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{B}$ is $80^{\circ}$ and angle $\mathrm{D}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{A}$ is $10^{\circ}$.
3.Show that the angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{B}$ is $90^{\circ}$.  $^{\circ}$
4.Find the distances AD and BD.  mm
5.Find the shortest path which starts at point B and passes through all points A, C, D (in any order).  mm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two hot air balloons, located at +gs78 1u3fl bspbas6z points A and B, float in the sky 50 m apart from each other on the same height above a flat (horizontal) ground. Two straight ropes, AP and BP, are attached to the same pos6+ fbg3l a7psbu8z1sint, P, on the ground. The length of AP is
36m and angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{P}$ is $45^{\circ}$.

1.On the diagram, draw and label with an $\alpha$ the angle of elevation of A Angle APB is acute.
2.Find the size of angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{P}}\mathrm{B}$.  $^{\circ}$
3.Find the size of the angle of elevation of A from P.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A plot of farmland is2 yc6ph c;idl3 shown by the shaded region in the diagram below. The plot has a curved border which can be described as an arc, PQ, of a circle with cent6dc2c liy3; phre O and radius,$r=500m$, such that $PÔQ =80^{\circ}$ The straight border of the farmland is defined by the chord PQ.

The farm owner wishes to construct a fence along the curved border of the plot.
1.Find the length of the fence to be built.  m
2.Find the area of the farmland, rounding your answer to the nearest $m^2$.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A large triangular garden, ABC, is ae 2mbyaoap m5n5d219+/h xjp shown in the diagram below. A walking path passes through the2a pn ah512dxyjo9e+5 p ma/bm garden at point D and leaves at point E, such that DE is parallel to the garden boundary BC.

Triangles ABC and ADE are found to be similar (same shape, but side lengths can vary). Angles $AD̂E = AB̂C =\theta$ and $AÊD = AĈB =\alpha$.
1.Find the value of
1.x.  m
2.y.  m
2.Find the value of
1.$\alpha$.  $^{\circ}$
2.$\theta$  $^{\circ}$
3.$\gamma$  $^{\circ}$
3.Find the area of the triangle ABC, rounding your answer to the nearest $m^2$.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two concentric circles with centre O are shown inz/5m.ecqw5lvjz+y.e4jx k bw *+(sua the diagram below. The radius of t(b5wz je 4m.wl/qeys zk. v5aj+*uc+xhe smaller circle is 5 cm and the radius of the larger circle is 7 cm. Points A and B lie on the circumference of the larger circle such that angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{O}}\mathrm{B}$ is $\frac {\pi}{5}$ radians.

1.Find the length of the short arc AB.  cm
2.Find the area of the shaded region.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In a triangle ABC,AB=mej /3zx:f 0ax3 cm,BC=5 cm and $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{C}}\mathrm{B} = \dfrac{\pi}{6}A$.
1.Find, to three significant figures, the two possible lengths of [AC].  cm   cm
2.Find the difference between the areas of the two possible triangles ABC.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In a triangle ABC,AB=12 cm and AC=15 cm. The area of q0 jp3ew)z*)5rv ql nqthe triangle is $80cm^2$.
1.Find the two possible values for angle BÂC.  $^{\circ}$,  $^{\circ}$
2.Given that BÂC is obtuse, find the length of side BC.  cm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A triangle ABC has side lengths a = 10.2 cm, b= 17 we,4jpp y*z4,bsix9e.5 cm and an area of $32 cm^2$. Find the largest possible perimeter of triangle ABC.$P{_\Delta ABC}$=  CM

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A toy house has a roof in th2-6z 7p5xc07 mqs(n/ tsvmco-s hgkape shape of a right-angled isosceles triangle, ABC.AB = 6 cm and ancvqnctm7ap xs(/g- sm206sh7-z5kp ogle $\textrm{A}\hat{\textrm{C}}\textrm{B}=90^{\circ}$.

1.Find the length of AC.  cm
2.Calculate the area of triangle ABC.  $cm^2$
The garage of the toy house also has a roof in the shape of right-angled triangle, LMN. , angle $\textrm{L}\hat{\textrm{M}}\textrm{N}=56^{\circ}$ and angle $\textrm{N}\hat{\textrm{L}}\textrm{M}=90^{\circ}$.
3.Calculate the length of MN.  cm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  From a sailboat moored at sea, the angle 4ailskt e u vd8:6l;-iof elevation to the top of a 20 m high c6vk4e -;sit8 uil:dalliff is $22^{\circ}$. On the cliff top there is a coconut tree. The angle of elevation to the coconut tree is $29^{\circ}$.
1.Draw a diagram representing the situation.
2.Find the height of the coconut tree.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The quadrilateral ABCD shown below represents a sports compi79dhv9 nm skprfn2 +p1 4txp)lex, where AB = 210 m, BC = 90 m and CD = m+d14r ipx 2k pn9thf9vp7sn)130 m. Angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$ is $70^{\circ}$ and angle $\mathrm{C}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{A} is $105^{\circ}$.

A straight path through the sports complex joins points A and C.
1.Find the length of the path AC.  m
2.Show that the angle $\mathrm{D}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{C}$ is $39.4^{\circ}$ , correct to three significant figures.  $^{\circ}$
3.Find the area of the sports complex.  $m^2$

A new path, DE, is to be built such that E is the point on AC closest to D.

4.Find the length of the path DE.  m

The section of the sports complex represented by triangle CDE will be an outdoor running track. A track will be marked along the sides of this section.

5.Calculate the total length of the track.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The quadrilateral ABCD is shown below, where AB = 56m,mwa)lq dg flt. 60fomg+- et9/.pm:pt AD =122 m, CD =40 m, and the a.m tm9og-0 f:6 gq+mw fe)a.dtpl /tlpngles $\mathrm{B}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{D}$ and $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{C}$ are $68^{\circ}$ and $80^{\circ}$ respectively.

1.Find the length of line AC.  m
2.Find the area of triangle ACD.  $m^2$
3.Find the angle $\mathrm{D}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{C}$. Give your answer in degrees correct to one
decimal place.  $^{\circ}$
4.Find the shortest distance between point B and the line AC.  m
5.Find the length of the perimeter of triangle ABC.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A flagpole stands at the top of a building. The angle of elevation frodzi)g1h* a0rce l .2ssm a point on the ground 40m from 0)za s*eg2l 1hsircd.the base of the building to the bottom of the flagpole is $29^{\circ}$, and to the top of the flagpole is $31^{\circ}$.
1.Draw a diagram representing the situation.
2.Find the length of the flagpole.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Consider the triangle below, which has side l *b+r)o.tml4l3xxfjqyi ) gm5engths AB = 25 cm and BC = 35 cm. Thxy 5m. b3xjf)*lg qm)i4t+orle angle adjacent to these side lengths, AB̂C, is $70^{\circ}$.

1.Find the area of the triangle, rounding your answer to the nearest $cm^2$.  $cm^2$
When drawing the triangle, George measured each side length correct the nearest centimetre, and angle AB̂C correct to the nearest degree.
2.Calculate the maximum possible area of the triangle, rounding your answer to the nearest $cm^2$.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The angle of depression from a lookout at the top of a lighthouse (Av;d; fx0hyq;t ) down to a boat located at point C isfdt; 0; ;vxhyq $30^{\circ}$.
The boat travels towards the lighthouse and after 1 minute has travelled a distance of 50 m and is now located at point B. The angle of elevation from the boat at B up to the lighthouse lookout is $60^{\circ}$.

1.Write down the value of $x^{\circ}$ in the diagram.  $^{\circ}$
2.Find the height of the lighthouse.  m
3.Find the speed of the boat, in metres per second, from C to B.  $ms^{-1}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Melody is camping with her friend y k*z r)dvga5;l-ixd0s in a forest. After setting up the tent, she goes for a walk to see the nearby surroundings. Sher5 dkzy;avli g0-) xd* walks 200 m on a bearing of $280^{\circ}$, changes direction, then walks another 150 m on a bearing of $035^{\circ}$.
1.Find the distance Melody is from the tent at this point.  m
2.Determine the bearing Melody should walk on to return to the tent.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  On a trip to Morocco, a groupgs,p)qhev(8t ,2jo:8rlkfx dd;in f 5 of tourists experience a horse trek through the Saharan desert. They start from a horse farm, moving dt:(8qv,,hd)e 2l;8pjnxoirfg ks5fon a bearing of $075^{\circ}$ for 3.2km to reach an oasis. After taking a rest there, they take another ride on a bearing of $210^{\circ}$ for 2.1km to visit the Draa valley.
1.Find the distance that they need to cover to get back to the farm.  km
2.Determine the bearing they should ride on to get back to the farm.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Consider a triangle with sidesAB=10 mm an 1dvbvh gos1s5p*hd;)d AC=8 mm. Given that the area of the triangvd1; 5hsvh sob*1 pd)gle is $24 mm^2$, find the possible values for the length of side BC.BC$\approx$  mm and  mm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Daniela (D) stands near the window on the second floor of the six-story apartmexo3yngte8 c :g3 8ll3ycy95cl4bewloh w0n /3nt building and can see Andrea (A), who is 14 m from the base of the building. The angle of:o5le b4y8 8yxn90g cowwech clg3nytl33/ l3 depression from Daniela to Andrea is $20^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the distance from Daniela to Andrea, AD.  m
Clara (C) is standing at the window of the sixth floor, three times higher from the ground than Daniela.
2.Calculate the angle of depression from C to A.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A triangular farm is shown in the diagram below. A river runs alok 6rym23gonm w0m(xb1ss.i0q ng the edge from A to B and the farm house is located at C, a safe distance from the river. The di2smm 0s3 gqnr(.x y kbmw1oi60stance from the farm house to point A is 270 m and to point B is 360 m. The angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{C}}\mathrm{B}$ is $130^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the distance along the river from A to B.  m

The cost of fencing is 130130 Australian dollars (AUD) per metre.

2.alculate the total cost of fencing the whole perimeter of the farm, providing your answer to the nearest dollar. 
3.Find the sizes of angels $\mathrm{C}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{B}$ and $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$.  $^{\circ}$
4.Calculate the area of the farm. Give your answer correct to the nearest whole square metre.  $m^2$
5.Calculate the shortest distance from the farm house to the river.  m

A tower is located at point B. The angle of elevation to the top of the tower, H, from point C is measured to be $1^{\circ}$.

6.Calculate the vertical height, BH, of the tower, correct to the nearest centimetre.  m
7.Calculate the distance between the top of the tower, H, to point A.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  In the shaded region shfz bh) nv;(lv8* x/ 5rvv8odkfown below, the radius of the smaller arc is 66 cm and the distance between the two arcs is 44 *5 df8vxlz 8);v /f(nhrokbvvcm.

1.Find the perimeter of the shaded region.  cm
2.Find the area of the shaded region.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Consider the shape shown below (shaded re4/r l7apb /v/v 6z9zsr zh xhri/:0rcvgion). The radius of the longer arc is 12 cm and the distance between the arcs is 3/rc0i6z / v9x/zlvvhh4:srrr z pa7b / cm.

1.Find the perimeter of the shape.  cm
2.Find the area of the shape.  $cm^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  ABC is a triangle of area ;k(g0 n.j gytq$32 cm^2$ . The sides AB and BC have lengths 7 cm and 12 cm respectively. Find the two possible lengths of the side AC, giving your answers correct to 3 significant figures.AC$\approx$  cm and   cm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Paper party cups in the shape of a cone are formed from a sector of p7t8r -ksm + x)wj-a,7fgnvitr aper material. The diagram below r r7-a)+jw v, 8 xmkist7-ntgfleft shows the finished paper cup. The diagram below right shows the original paper sector used to create the cup. When the cones are formed, the straight edges of the sector join without any overlap.

1.Find the slant height of the cups, L.  cm
2.Find the arc length of the sector.  cm
3.Find the angle $\theta$ in radians.  radians

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  BT represents the height ofxa5-bpnt.(;nmse e4 t a skyscraper, with its base at B and top at T. Jack has an apartment on the 32nd floor at C, threentp-(sneea;x5 b 4. tm fifths of the way to the top of the building.

From a point A, on horizontal ground 200 m from B, the angle of elevation to C is $38^{\circ}$.
1.Calculate BC, the height of Jack's apartment above the ground.  m
2.Calculate the angle of depression from T to A.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A lawn sprinkler is setup in the corner of a rectangsrvvlzz 7 ,q (ad bqvu8)kc,vz,wc0+1ular lawn which is enclosed by a fence. qz8rcv lz,,1b sacz d)qk7v,0w(vuv+ The sprinkler has a maximum spray distance of 5 m. The lawn has side lengths 4 m and 10 m. This situation is illustrated in the diagram below, where the sprinkler is positioned in the top right corner.

1.Find the angle $\alpha$ in the diagram, leaving your answer in degrees.$\alpha$=  $^{\circ}$
2.Find the area of grass that is currently being watered by the sprinkler
in this position.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A motion sensing security light is installed in the corner of a fp oe,a063eks xront garden. The sensor can detect any movement up to 7 meters. The garden has boundaries of two 12 m long parallel walls, and the house facade and a wooden fence which are 66 m long. This creates to a rectangular area as shown in the follow diagram, where the motion light is positioned in to30,x pa6s eekhe top right corner.

1.Find the angle \alphaα in the diagram, leaving your answer in degrees.  $^{\circ}$
2.Find the area of the front garden that is currently being monitored by the motion sensing system.  $m^2$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Bus-1 and Bus-2 leave a terminal, T, at the samefzf1g. 5q(4bi/fr l kc time. Bus-1 travels 65 km on a true bea(/frfq i5. b4gzl f1ckring of $140^{\circ}$ to point U, then a further 40 km on a true bearing $235^{\circ}$ to point V. Bus-2 travels directly from the terminal to point V.

1.Find the distance, d, travelled by Bus-2.  km
2.Find the true bearing on which Bus-2 travels.  $^{\circ}$

Bus-1 averages a speed of 55 km/h and Bus-2 averages a speed of 36 km/h

3.Determine which bus arrives at point V first. Justify your answer. 

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A camping tent in the shape of a cone is constru 8l,ltfs(kzb 6cted from a large circular sheet of polyester with a sector cut out, as illustrated in the diagram below. The circular polyester sheet has a centr bfkll8tzs6,( e O and radius rr. The area of sector cut-out, OABC, is $\piπ m^2$ and the length of the arc ABC is $\dfrac {2\pi} 3m$.

1.Determine the slant height of the tent, r.  m
2.Determine the angle of the sector OABC,$\theta$, leaving your answer in radians with exact values.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The side lengths of a quadrilateral ABCD nihd8 y *p)fl.:a2tp kare AB =6 mm, BC =5 mm, CD =8 mm, and DA = 9 mm. The a l8dp na2phfk:y.i)*tngle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$ is equal to $90^{\circ}$.

1.Calculate the length of AC.  mm
2.Calculate the size of angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{C}$.  $^{\circ}$
3.Calculate the area of triangle ACD.  $mm^2$
4.Calculate the area of quadrilateral ABCD.  $mm^2$

A point P is chosen on the side CD in a such a way that the area of triangle ACP is equal to the area of the triangle ABC.

5.Calculate the length of CP.  mm
6.Calculate the length of AP.  mm

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A picnic area is shaped like a quadrilateral, ABCD, where s. niua j87 s1s;,ejgfAB = 10 m andCD = 17.5 m. Three of the internal angles have be .;7u,e1ss j8gjasfnien measured; angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{C}=51^{\circ}$, angle $\mathrm{C}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{D}=70^{\circ}$ and angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{C}}\mathrm{B}= 42^{\circ}$. This information is represented in the following diagram.

1.Calculate the distance AC.  m
2.Calculate the angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$.  $^{\circ}$

There is a lamp post at A, perpendicular to the ground. The angle of elevation to the top of the lamp post from B is $32^{\circ}$.

3.Calculate the height of the lamp post.  m

Patrick's family is having a barbecue party on the picnic area. The family brings a 1.5 litre bottle of lemonade and cone-shaped paper cups.
Each cup has a vertical height of 88 cm and the top of the cup has a diameter of 5 cm.

4.Calculate the volume of one paper cup.  $cm^3$
5.Calculate the maximum number of cups that can be completely filled with the 1.5 litre bottle of lemonade.  completely filled cups

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The diagram below shoct;b l :e*y9 tta8.kdaws a triangular backyard ABC. A dog is on a leash attached to a pole at point A.datkytl.e:8;bc 9 *ta The length of the leash is 10 metres.

1.Find the area of the backyard that the dog cannot reach.  $m^2$

The owner of the dog estimates that the area the dog cannot reach is $50 m^2$.

2.Calculate the percentage error in the dog owner's estimate.  %

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two drones are being flown in ald11 v nodx:kd 3sdivz) d sd6-4hfhhw+.f..k park. Drone A starts at point P and travels towards point Q in hks11+-x .dhz o4f3:fh dvdl wi .d)s.nvd6kda straight line on a true bearing of $115^{\circ}$ at a speed of $2.5ms^{-1}$. The distance from P to Q is 800m.
Drone B starts at point Q and travels towards point R in a straight line on a true bearing of $215^{\circ}$ at a speed of $7.5ms^{-1}$ .
These two paths are shown on the diagram below.

1.Find the acute angle $\mathrm{P}\hat{\mathrm{Q}}\mathrm{R}$.  $^{\circ}$
2.Find the distance between Drone A and Drone B after 4 minutes, rounding your answer to the nearest metre.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Consider the analogue clock below, which has a cir t.5mkqv3rak26dod 2o cular face with centre at point O. The minute hand of the clock,omvkr k2 .5odta 362qd OP, has a length of 12 cm and the hour hand, OQ, has a length of 10 cm.

In Figure:1 the time on the clock is 7:00,pm.
1.For Figure: 1, find
1.the size of the reflex angle,$\mathrm{P}\hat{\mathrm{O}}\mathrm{Q}$. , in degrees.  $^{\circ}$
2.the distance between the ends of the hour and minute hands.  cm

In Figure: 2, the time is now 7:18pm, and as such, the end point of the minute hand has rotated through an angle,$\theta$, covering an arc length of $l$.

2.For figure: 2, find
1.the size of the angle $\theta$ in degrees.  $^{\circ}$
2.the arc length $l$.  cm
3.the area of the shaded sector.  $cm^2$

Another circular analogue clock, shown below, has a face radius of 14 cm, and minute and hour hands of length 14 cm. The current time shown on the clock is 6:00\,pm. The bottom of the clock face is 4cm above the base of the frame holding the clock.

The height, hh, of the end point of the minute hand above the base of the frame is modelled by the function
$h(\theta)=14\cos \theta + 18h$
where $\theta$ is the angle rotated by the minute hand after 6:00pm.

3.Find the value of h when $\theta =170^{\circ}$.  cm

The height, gg, of the end point of the hour hand above the base of the frame is modelled by the function

$g(\theta)=-14 \cos (\frac{\theta}{12}) + 18$

where $\theta$ is the angle rotated by the minute hand after 6:00pm.
The end points of the minute and hour hands have the same height from the base of the frame for the first time when $\theta=k$.

4.Find the value of k.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An airplane leaves Doha airport bound.* 3ghmfd 1oid for Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. There are lights located at the end of the runway at points A(0, 4) and B(6, 8), relative to a ted. ohg1idm3f*rminal at the origin. The takeoff path of the airplane is the perpendicular bisector of line AB.

1.Find the equation of the takeoff path in the form $ax + by + d = 0$, where $a, b, d \in \mathbb{Z}$.

The airplane travels at an average speed of $570km\:hr^{-1}$ in a straight line. Once the airplane has reached cruising altitutde, an air traffic controller at the top of a 200m high air traffic control tower at C(7,0) observes that the angle of elevation to the airplane is $40^{\circ}$. Five minutes later, the controller observes that the angle of elevation is $10^{\circ}$.

2.Find the cruising altitude of the airplane in metres.  m

As the airplane is about to land at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, the pilot is asked to delay the landing due to a traffic issue. The pilot is instructed to turn the airplane on a bearing of $045^{\circ}$ for 10km until reaching point P, then travel on a bearing of $165^{\circ}$ for 30km to point Q before flying back to the original point O for landing.

3.Find the angle OP̂Q.  $^{\circ}$
4.Find the shortest distance from Q back to O for landing.  km
5.Find the bearing the airplane must travel on to get back to O from Q.  $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The temperature in New York n ji2y mh73m i8qji4 x (5etqj zfm*j6:7m/hgyranges from $-4^{\circ}C$ to $22^{\circ}C$ throughout the course of a year. The temperature, T, can be modelled by the function
$T(t) = -a\cos(bt)+d$,
Where t is time measured in months from the beginning of the year, and a, b and $d \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$.

1.Show that
2.Sketch the function T(t) for $0 \leq t \leq 12$, clearly labelling the coordinates of the maximum and minimum points.
3.Find the temperature when t=4.  $^{\circ}C$
4. 1.Determine the number of months in a year that the temperature is above $9^{\circ}C$.
2.Find the probability that on a randomly chosen day of the year, the temperature is above $9^{\circ}C$.
5.If the temperature in New York ranged from $-7^{\circ}C$ to $25^{\circ}C$ instead of $-4^{\circ}C$ to $22^{\circ}C$, describe how this would affect the probability found in (d) part (ii).

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A large plot of land is shaped like a trapezoid, ABCD, where AB is parall8z:,ptaf k:hq*cqwk s m46w6 qel to CD, AB = 12 km and Cawqkfm z,6c8 *p6sqqt :: wkh4D =8 km. The diagonal BD of the trapezoid is equal to 10 km. The internal angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{D}$ is equal to $58^{\circ}$.

Let a new point, H, be a point on AB closest to D.

1.Calculate the distance from H to D.  km
2.Calculate the length of AD.  km
3.Calculate the size of the angle $\mathrm{D}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{B}$.  $^{\circ}$

A landowner estimates that the length of AD is equal to 11.5 km.

4.Calculate the percentage error in the landowner's estimate.  %

The landowner decides to install cone-shaped concrete bollards along the perimeter of the plot of land. The bollards are to be installed at a distance of 100 m from each other. The radius of the base of each bollard is 20 cm and the height of each bollard is 40 cm.

5.Calculate the volume of one of the bollards.  $cm^3$
6.Calculate the total volume of concrete needed to install all the bollards.  $cm^3$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The quadrilateral ABCD represents a recreational park, where AB =250 m *qkn cw-25nwlp v 0casrl;: d3zr:bb+, BC =110 m and CD =130 : acdlkws bz0- qnvn+*; bp 25rr3:wlcm. Angle $\mathrm{A}\hat{\mathrm{B}}\mathrm{C}$ is $80^{\circ}$ and angle $\mathrm{C}\hat{\mathrm{D}}\mathrm{A}$ is $115^{\circ}$. This information is shown in the following diagram.

A straight path through the park joins the points A and C.

1.Find the length of the path AC.  m
2.Show that the angle $\mathrm{D}\hat{\mathrm{A}}\mathrm{C}$ is $27.5^{\circ}$, correct to three significant figures.  $^{\circ}$
3.Find the total area of the recreational park.  $m^2$

A new path, DE, is to be built such that E is the point on AC closest to D.

4.Find the length of the path DE.  m

The section of the park represented by triangle CDE will be used for a school cross country carnival. A track will be marked along the sides of this section.

5.Calculate the total length of the track CDE.  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The diagram below shows a triangular park ABC. Alice is in the park with 1n9alo 4 r,x1*fovoa o nc*jqz5y,k;fher dog.*nx fr;k5ao an1ycloof4q,9*1zvo ,j She stops at the corner B of the park to make a phone call. The dog's leash is 12 metres long.

1.Find the area of the park that the dog cannot reach when attached to its leash.  $m^2$
2.Determine the percentage of total park area that the dog can reach while attached to its leash  %

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  On the diagram below, points X and Y are the centres of two circllh b .iu)i/id9es containing the two arcs from 9bhii /i).dulA to B.

1.Find the length from point A to point Y.  mm
2.Find the perimeter of the shaded region.  mm
3.Find the area of the shaded region.  $mm^2$

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