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习题练习:IB MAI HL Geometry & Trigonometry Topic 3.4 Trigonometric Functions

 作者: admin   总分: 31分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年02月17日 00:02  切换到: 整卷模式

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average daily hours of sunlight, S, during a 12-month period in a particularx(v t6 :hwhzwz8ldcbs q8u6)/ town is given by the)scb6:q(6uhz/ lww8vx dh8tz function
S(t)=acos(bt−π)+d,where time, t, is measured in months, a and d are constants, and b is measured in degrees.
The graph of S versus t is shown in the diagram below.

1.Find the value of
2.Find the value of b.   $^{\circ}$
3.Write down the values of t when the average daily sunlight is 10 hours.
t =     

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The water depth, D, in metres, in a harbour on a particular day can be modddz/-4yqxj 0gz+ uvq) elled by tdq4)jugvdz-0+/ y zxqhe equation
D=2.5cos($30^{\circ}$$\times$t)+5, 0≤t≤24,
where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

2.Find the lowest and highest depths of water in the harbour, and the times when they occur. $D_{min}$ =    t =       ; $D_{max}$ =    t =        
3.A large yacht has a draught of 3 metres. Decide whether the yacht will be able to enter the harbour at 5 pm.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The water depth, D, in metres, in a harbour on a particular can be modellbu8 g) +-svnkued by the equab us-8u )nkgv+tion
where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

2.Find the lowest and highest depths of water in the harbour, and the times when they occur.  $D_{min}$ =    t =       ; $D_{max}$ =    t =  
3.A large boat has a draught of 2.5 metres. Decide whether the boat will be able to enter the harbour at 8 pm.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The tip of a large wind turbis 9i 8.lv;c.*tmzcozx ,x mt9gne's blade rotates at a constant speed on a windy day. Its height, H , in metres, ab tz*9,8czitmv. oxsc gl9.;xmove the ground is modelled by the function
where t is the elapsed time, in seconds, since the turbine was accelerated to its max speed.
1.Write down the minimum height of the blade's tip above the ground. $H_{min}$ =  
2.Find the height of the blade's tip above the ground after 8 seconds.H(8 )≈  
3,Find the time it takes for the blade's tip to complete one full revolution.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  PM2.5 particles are tiny air pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 micb/ vf(d8a s4szrometres or less. In cv8bsa f/ s(dz4omparison, the average diameter of a human hair is about 70 micrometresmicrometres. Air pollution from diesel & petrol engines form part of PM2.5 emissions and of particularparticular concern due to the health impacts.

During a particular working day, the rate of PM2.5 emissions, in grams per second, from all road vehicles in Beijing, China is modelled by the function
where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Find the maximum rate of PM2.5 emissions during the day in Beijing, China.$E_{max}$ =    g/sec
2.Find the times at which the maximum rate of PM2.5 emissions occur during the day. t =     

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Let $sinθ=-\frac{3}{5}$, for π<θ<$\frac{3π}{2}$​. Find the exact value of:
1.cosθ;c$\frac{a}{b}$ a =    b =    c =  
2.tanθ.c$\frac{a}{b}$ a =    b =    c =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Two identical water waves pass a sensor in an oceanography laboratory3bn6qsirhj.7l:(d lk htn5z 6 . As the waves pass the sensor, the depthl bzs676lhn3q5 (htn i.:jrkd, D, in metres, of water is recorded and modelled by the function
where t is the elapsed time, in seconds, since the first wave hit the sensor.
1.Find the minimum and maximum depths of the water as the two waves pass the sensor.$D_{min}$ =    ; $D_{max}$ =  
2.Find the first time after 1616 seconds at which the depth of water reaches 3.5m. t ≈  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The Chicago Wheel, the world's first dc6dioc8s1 lbj +0gs:Ferris wheel, was designed and built in 1893 by an Amer6b:l 8c ic 0jgoddss+1ican civil engineer, George W. G. Ferris Jr.
The height, in metres, above the ground of a passenger on the Chicago Wheel after
t minutes can be modelled by the function
1.Find the maximum height reached by a passenger on the Chicago Wheel.$h_{max}$ =  
2.Find the height above the ground of a passenger 12 minutes after the ride has started. h ≈  
3.Find the time, in minutes, it takes for the Chicago Wheel to complete one rotationrotation. t =    min
4.Given that passengers only complete one rotation on the Chicago Wheel, calculate how long they are more than 6565 metres above the ground. t ≈    min

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Let$cosθ=\frac{5}{6}$​, for $\frac{π}{2}$​<θ<π. Find the exact value of:
1.sinθ; a$\frac{\sqrt{b}}{c}$ a =    b =    c =  
2.tanθ.a$\frac{\sqrt{b}}{c}$ a =    b =    c =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The water depth, D, in metres, in a boating marina on a particular day canws5 lewja,+k:)s9 ehv be modelled bv+wswl,j:e h 9a k5)sey the function
D(t)​=4sin($30^{\circ}$$\times$t)+12.5,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the depth of water at midnight.    m
2.The cycle of water depths repeats every T hours. Find the value of T.  
3.(1)Write down the minimum and maximum depths of water during the day.$D_{min}$ =    ; $D_{max}$ =  
(2)Find the times at which the minimum and maximum depths of water occur during the day.
4.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

5.A ship with 88 m draught is allowed to enter the marina if the depth of water is greater than 1010 m. Find the time interval before midday, in hours and minutes, during which the ship is not allowed to enter the marina.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The water depth, D, in metres, at the entrance of a boating hemifyo6lsu 4 o- ir+vm1k7m4-z t0v0aarbour can be modelled by the functkifsmaum06oevvtlm 401r-oy z-i7 4+ion
D(t)​=4.5cos($30^{\circ}$$\times$t+$90^{\circ}$)+15,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the depth of water at midnight.  
2.The cycle of water depths repeats every T hours. Find the value of T.  
3.(1)Write down the minimum and maximum depths of water during the day.$D_{min}$ =    ; $D_{max}$ =    (2)Find the times at which the minimum and maximum depths of water occur during the day.
4.Draw the graph of D versus t on the grid below.

5.A ship with 10 m draught is allowed to enter the harbour if the depth of waterwater is greater than 12 m. Find the time interval after midday, in hours and minutes, during which the ship is not allowed to enter the harbour.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Let tanθ=$\frac{3}{4}$, for 0<θ<$\frac{π}{2}$​. Find the exact value of:
1.cosθ; $\frac{a}{b}$ a =    b =  
2.sinθ.$\frac{a}{b}$ a =    b =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average petrol price:9)dy:sn,tqf 2rk;kqu;ap fx , P, in cents per litre, in Australia 20192019 can be modelled by the functiou) kd92p:fxat nqs; fy,r:qk;n
P(t)=asin($10^{\circ}C$$\times$t)+b,0≤t≤365,where t is the elapsed time, in days, since New Year's Eve 20182018.
Part of the graph of y=P(t) is shown below.

1.Write down the value of b.  
The average price of petrol on the 21st of January,2019 was 139139 cents per litre.
2.Show the value of a is equal to 12.  
3.Hence calculate:
(1)the average petrol price on the 1010th of February, 2019; P ≈    cents per litre
(2)the minimum and maximum average prices of petrol in Australia 2019.
The cycle of average petrol prices repeats every T days.$P_{min}$ ≈    cents per litre ; $P_{max}$ ≈    cents per litre
3.Determine the value of T.  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The average gasolinew, 6 r.b:u,6fmqekrnd price, P, in cents per gallon, in USA 2019 can be modelled by thek6r,n u,6qd.:ewbfr m function
P(t)=acos($15^{\circ}$t+$90^{\circ}$)+b,0≤t≤365,where t is the elapsed time, in days, since New Year's Eve 2018.
Part of the graph of y=P(t) is shown below.

1.Write down the value of b. 
The average price of gasoline on the 1414th of January, 2019 was 328 cents per gallon.
2.Show that the value of a is equal to 56.  
3.Hence calculate:
(1)the average gasoline price on the 1414th of February, 2019 ; P ≈    cents per gallon
(2)the minimum and maximum average prices of gasoline in USA 2019.
The cycle of average gasoline prices repeats every T days.$P_{min}$ ≈    cents per gallon; $P_{max}$ ≈    cents per gallon
4.Determine the value of T.  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Let tanθ=$\frac{2}{3}$​, for $\frac{3π}{2}$​<θ<2π. Find the exact value of:
1.cosθ; a$\frac{b}{\sqrt{c}}$ a =    b =    c =  
2.sinθ.a$\frac{b}{\sqrt{c}}$ a =    b =    c =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  

The frequency, f, in hertz (Hz), and the period, T, in seconds, of a wave are related by the equation
f=$\frac{1}{T}$​An electronic signal is sent out with amplitude 3 and frequency 200 Hz. The strength of this signal at time t seconds is given by
1.Find the value of b, giving your answer in terms of π. b =    $π$
A second signal of equal strength is sent out with a time delay of 2 milliseconds. The strength of the second signal at time t seconds is given by
2.Write down the value of c.    seconds
The strength of the sum of the two signals at time t seconds is given by
3.Draw the graphs of $S_1$​, $S_2$​ and $S_3$​ versus t, for 0≤t≤0.01, on the same axes.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
ABC is a triangle of a,hmwzw7 7h oxm82,+ub mgde r:5js8garea $32 cm^2$. The sides AB and BC have lengths 7 cm and 12 cm respectively. Find the two possible lengths of the side AC, giving your answers correct to 3 significant figures.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The temperature, T, in degrees Celsius, in Istaap9 qjl;)q 9yknbul during a particular winter day is modelled by q9l ;)k yjq9pathe equation
T​=asin(b(t−c))+d,0≤t≤24,​where a,b,c,d∈R and t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
The graph of T versus t is shown below.

The lowest temperature was recorded at 3:30 am and the highest temperaturetemperature was recorded at 3:30 pm.
1.Write down the value of:
2.Find the value of b. ≈  
3.Find the smallest possible value of c, given c>0.
The temperature, T, in degrees Celsius, in Istanbul during a particular summer day is modelled by the equation
T​=5sin(0.262(t−8))+25,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight. c =  
4.Find the time, in hours and minutes, when the temperature:
(1)reaches its maximum;
(2)first drops below $24^{\circ}C$.
5.The temperature is below $24^{\circ}C$ for ℎh hours and m minutes. Find
the value of h and the value of m. h =    m =  

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The tides at the Port of Bristol, UK, x9oi2d s xf+3ywere observed by a student.
On a particular day, the range between the lowest and highest tides is 10.6 m and the time difference between high tides is 12.2 hours. The first highest tide occurs at 8:12 am and is 12.5 m high.
The height, H, in metres, of the tides can be modelled by the equation
H​=asin(b(t−c))+d,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the value of:
2.Find the value of b. ≈  
3.Find the smallest possible value of c, given c>0. ≈  
4.Hence draw the graph of H versus t, for 0≤t≤24.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Let tanθ=r, for $\frac{π}{2}​$<θ<$π$, where r is a negative constant.
Express in terms of r:

问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Let tanθ=k, for $\frac{3π}{2}​$<θ<$2π$, where k is a negative constant.
Express in terms of r:

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Consider the analogue clock below, which has a circular face with centre at point O. The minute hand of the clock, OP, has a length of 12 cm and the hour hand, OQ, has a length of 10 cm.
In Figure: 1 the time on the clock is 7:00 pm.
1.For Figure: 1, find
(1)the size of the reflex angle, $P\widehat{O}Q$, in degrees.    $^{\circ}$
(2)the distance between the ends of the hour and minute hands.
In Figure: 2, the time is now 7:18 pm, and as such, the end point of the minute hand has rotated through an angle, θ, covering an arc length of l . ≈    cm
2.For figure: 2, find
(1)the size of the angle θ in degrees.    $^{\circ}$
(2)the arc length l. ≈    cm
(3)the area of the shaded sector. ≈    $cm^2$
Another circular analogue clock, show n below, has a face radius of 14 cm, and minute and hour hands of length 14 cm14 cm. The current time shown on the clock is 6:00 pm. The bottom of the clock face is 4cm above the base of the frame holding the clock.

The height, h, of the end point of the minute hand above the base of the frame is modelled by the function
where θ is the angle rotated by the minute hand after 6:00 pm.
3.Find the value of h when θ=$170^{\circ}$
The height, g, of the end point of the hour hand above the base of the frame is modelled by the function
where θ is the angle rotated by the minute hand after 6:00 pm.
The end points of the minute and hour hands have the same height from the base of the frame for the first time when θ=k. ≈    cm
4.Find the value of k.    $^{\circ}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The temperature in New York ranger8v) 5og5t qc+,j tapf3v:sz: t)xovk s from $-4^{\circ}C$ to $22^{\circ}C$ throughout the course of a year. The temperature, T, can be modelled by the function
Where t is time measured in months from the beginning of the year, and a, b and d∈Z+.
1.Show that
2.Sketch the function 0≤t≤12, clearly labelling the coordinates of the maximum and minimum points.
3.Find the temperature when t=4.
4.(1)Determine the number of months in a year that the temperature is above $^{\circ}C$.
(2)Find the probability that on a randomly chosen day of the year, the temperature is above $9^{\circ}C$.
5.If the temperature in New York ranged from $-7^{\circ}C$to $25^{\circ}C$ instead of $-4^{\circ}C$ to $22^{\circ}C$, describe how this would affect the probability found in (d) part (ii).

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The amount of water, A, in thousands of litres, available in a 4to- as4dw)iwf q95yxwater tank located on a farm fluctuates in a yearly cycle and can beqw-fya )9x5ts idow44 modelled by the function
A(t)=asin(kt)+b,where t is the elapsed time, in weeks, since the start of the year.
The amount of water available in the tank on week 66 is 24 thousand litres and on week 31 is 9.2 thousand litres.
1.Find the value of k, in degrees, assuming there are 52 whole weeks in a year. ≈    $^{\circ}$
2.Set up a pair of equations to find the value of a and the value of b. Give your answers correct to the nearest integer. a ≈    b ≈  
3.Hence find the amount of water available in the tank in week 42.    thousands liters
4.Draw the graph of y=A(t) on the grid below, for one full year, indicating clearly the minimum and maximum points.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The mean depth, D, in metres, of a mountain lake fl;hcmog(d7 be 00ntj +2tmvfdra1v.lhx; j 59l uctuates in a yearly cycle and can be model0j j;;a. (2mhm egt nvhl0lbc rxodv7+5dft1 9led by the function
D(t)=acos(kt)+b,where t is the elapsed time, in months, since the beginning of an autumn season.
The mean depth of the lake on month 11 is 33.2 m and on month 5 is 22.8 m.
1.Find the value of k, in degrees.    $^{\circ}$
2.Set up a pair of equations and find the value of a and the value of b. Give your answers correct to the nearest integer. a ≈    b ≈  
3.Hence find the mean depth of the lake on month 8.    m
4.Draw the graph of y=D(t) on the grid below, for one full year, indicating clearly the minimum and maximum points.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Alexandros monitors the temperature durp6 6i ucjb0oc(ing a particular day in Athens.
The table below shows some of his findings.

Based on his observations, Alexandros concludes that the temperature, T, in $^{\circ}C$, during the day can be modelled by the equation
T​=asin(b(t−c))+d,0≤t≤24,​where t is the elapsed time, in hours, since midnight.
1.Write down the value of:
2.Find the value of b. ≈  
3.Find the smallest possible value of c, given c>0.  
4.Find the time, in hours and minutes, when the temperature first reaches $35^{\circ}C$ during the day.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
Two voltage sources are connected to a; u;qfvgeqfr*s,4e c4 circuit. At time t milliseconds (ms), the vole*qu qg4rs;c;vfe4f , tage from the first source is $V_1$​(t)=12cos(20t) and the voltage from the second source is $V_2$​(t)=18cos(20t+5), where both $V_1$​(t) and $V_2$​(t) are measured in volts.
1.Write, in the form V(t)=Acos(ωt+φ), an expression for the total voltage in the circuit at time t ms.
2.Hence write down the highest voltage in the circuit.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Annika, Bob, Chloe and Dani go to a fair and take a ride on a Ferris wheel. The o:v ,)z)f,eicq ed kw1j/sk;ewfe1:ckevq is/k z,j,o ) d;)ewheel has
8 evenly spaced passenger cars as shown in the following diagram. The wheel completes one rotation in the anticlockwise direction every 80 seconds

Annika starts her ride at position A. Let $h_A$​ be Annika's height in meters after t seconds. $h_A$​​ can be modelled by the function
$h_A$​(t)=asin(bt)+d,where a,b,d∈R.​
The diagram below shows the graph of y=$h_A$​(t) for one revolution.

1.Show that
At the time Annika starts her ride, Bob is at position B. Bob's position can be modeled by the function $h_B$​(t)=14cos($\frac{π}{40}$​t)+18.
(1)the first time at which Annika and Bob are at the same height.
(2)the height at which this occurs.
At the time Annika starts her ride, Chloe is at position C. Chloe's position at time t can be written as $h_C$​(t)=m(hA​(t))+n.
3.Find the value of m and the value of n.
When Chloe reaches an altitude of 3030 meters she has a view of the whole town.  
4.(1)Find the time when Chloe has a view of the whole town for the first time.
(2)Find the angle rotated through by Chloe's car from its start position to the point when she has a view of the whole town for the first time. Give your answer in radians, correct to one decimal place.
Dani is at position D when Annika starts her ride. ≈    radians
5.Find the value of c such that the function $h_D$​(t)=14sin($\frac{π}{40}$​(t−c))+18 describes Dani's height at time t.
The function D(t) represents the difference in height between Annika and Dani's cars. c =  
6.Write D(t) as the difference of two sine functions.
D(t) can be written in the form Im($z_1​−z_2$​), where $z_1$​ and $z_2$​ are complex functions of t.
7.(1)Write $z_1$​ and $z_2$​ in exponential form.
(2)Hence or otherwise find an equation for D(t) in the form D(t)=psin(qt+r)+s, where p,q,r,s∈R.
(3)Find the maximum difference in height between Annika and Dani's cars.

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问答题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
In an unbalanced three-phase electrical circuit, the curren28v k as7gphv3t at time t ms is given by 7h pav32g8svk
I(t)= 2sin(5t)+5sin(5t-$\frac{3π}{4})+10sin(5t-$\frac{5π}{4}$)
where I(t) is measured in milliamperes (mA).
1.Write I(t) in the form Acos(ωt+φ).
2.Hence find the highest current flowing through the circuit, and the time it first occurs.

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The revenues of a four seasons hotel cbe,:y8c x ce9+v m oqy(n8c5mian be modelled by the function
where t is the number of days after midnight on 31 December.
In a similar way, the operating costs of the hotel can be modelled by the function
Both R(t) and C(t) are measured in thousand dollars.
1.Show that the profits of the hotel can be modelled by the function P(t)=83.9sin(0.0172t−1.51)+119.
2.According to the model, find:
(1)the highest profit the hotel will make; ≈    thounds
(2)the date on which the highest profit will occur.

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Ali is swimming in a public pool with some of his friends. At time t secg1v re9p9zv wnf; 66axonds, he encountersencoun99;p1x rzwv6avg 6 fenters some waves with height $h_1$​(t)=0.15sin(3t) from big Bobby jumping into the pool, and waves of height $h_2$​(t)=0.08sin(3t+1.25) from small Suzie jumping into the pool. Both $h_1$​(t) and $h_2$​(t) are measured in metres.
1.Write, in the formh(t)=Asin(ωt+φ), an expression for the total height of the waves Ali encounters at time t seconds.
2.Find the times in the first 5 seconds when Ali isn't affected by any waves.
3.Find the first time when the waves reaching Ali has maximum height.

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