The table below shows the costs, in euros, of the direct bu
( t j,ia4twh-bs rides between six towns (A-F). Cells wi
,ba-(jwthi4t th dashes indicate that there are no direct bus rides between the two towns.
1. Draw a weighted graph showing the direct bus rides between the towns and their costs.
2. (1) Write down the adjacency matrix for the graph of direct bus rides between the towns.
(2) Hence find the number of different ways to travel from and return to town F in exactly 6 bus rides.
3. State whether it is possible to travel from and return to town \mathrm{F} in exactly 6 bus rides, having visited each of the other 5 towns exactly once.
The following table shows the minimum cost to travel between the six towns. A travelling salesman wants to visit each of the six towns, starting and finishing at town F.
4. Find the value of p and the value of q .p =
q =
5. Use the nearest-neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the cost of the travelling salesman's trip.
6. By deleting vertex F , use the method of vertex deletion to find a lower bound for the cost of the travelling salesman's trip.