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习题练习:IB MAI HL Calculus Topic 5.3 Kinematics

 作者: admin   总分: 14分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 24年03月22日 14:37  切换到: 整卷模式

填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  The graphs of displaceme jkfmy 8 4wsx+aiop/44nt, velocity and acceleration of a roller coaster in a theme park are shown in the following diagraxwo 4jmf /s4y84a+kpi m.

1. Complete the following table by noting which graph A, B or C corresponds to each function.

When function is displacesment ;the graph is  
When function is acceleration ;the graph is   .
2. Write down the value of t when the velocity is greatest.
t=  .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A squirrel is climbing a tree with ve.j9gvg/8cyjg0 meo9 flocity $v \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ for 9 seconds. This is shown in the graph below.

1. Write down the squirrel's velocity at t=4 .
V(4)=  m/s
2. Find the squirrel's acceleration at t=2 .
m=  m/s
3. Find the total distance travelled by the squirrel.
d=  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An object is moving along a straight line from a point $\mathrm{P}$ . The velocity v , in $\mathrm{m}$ $\mathrm{s}^{-1} $, is given by the function v(t)=2-$e^{-\sin t^{3}}$ where t \geq 0 is measured in seconds.
1. Write down the first two times $ t_{1}$, $t_{2}>0$ when the object changes direction.
t≈   and 1.77 sec
2. 1. Find the time 0
2 . Find the time 0
3. Find the distance travelled by the object between times t=$t_{1}$ and t=$t_{2}$ .
d   m (four decimal places)

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An object is moving along a straight line such that its velc/u/bujs/ w ,hocity, v, $\mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ , is given by $v(t)=5 t e^{-1.2 t}$ , for $t \geq 0 $.(two decimal places)

1. On the grid below, sketch the graph of v , for $0 \leq t \leq 3$ .

2. Find the distance travelled by the object in the first 3 seconds.
d=  m
3. Find the velocity of the object when its acceleration is zero.
v(0.833)=  ms$^{-1}$

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A particle is moving along a straightuq-dn5ag q .c. line. Its velocity can be modelled by the function .g. acqudq- 5nv(t)=$2 t-0.3 t^{3}+2$ , for $t \geq 0 $, where v is in $\mathrm{ms}^{-1}$ and t in seconds.
1. Find the acceleration of the particle after 2.2 seconds.
a(2.2)=-   ms${-2}$.
2. 1. Find the time when the particle's acceleration is zero.
t=  s
2 . Find the particle's velocity when its acceleration is zero.
v(1.49)=   ms${-1}$.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A particle P starts from a fixed point Oz)uq8dwyif9ha 9: utex /i.w: and moves along a horizontal straight line. Its velocity v heu x: :yu iawq8t.i/9f z)d9w$\mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ after t seconds is given by

The following diagram shows the graph of v .

1. Find the initial velocity of P .
v(0)=  ms$^{-1}$
2. Find the acceleration of P during the first second.
a=  ms$^{-2}$.
3. Write down the number of times the particle changes direction in the first 8 seconds. Justify your answer.
4. Find the total distance travelled by the particle in the first 8 seconds.
d=  m .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A drone moves in a straight line and it /jiw x,z,yz;odn+)6ba p6nqrs velocity, $v \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ , at time t seconds, is given by v(t)=$\left(t^{2}-2\right)^{2}$ , for $0 \leq t \leq 2 $.
1. Find the initial velocity of the drone.
v(0)=  ms$^{-1}$
2. Find the value of t for which the drone is at rest.
3. Find the total distance travelled by the drone in the first 2 seconds.
d=  m
4. Show that the acceleration of the drone is given by a(t)=$4 t^{3}-8 t $.
a(t)=at$^3$-bt; a=  ,b=  .
5. Find the values of t for which the velocity is positive and the acceleration is negative.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A freight lift moves along a vertissxjw 1 4 mtigeu8m.;w7+go4vcal straight line so that its velocity, v \ma ms ;.xsg48tmi1og wuj e4+vw7thrm{~ms}^{-1} , after t seconds is given by v(t)=$1.5^{t}-4.9$ , for $0 \leq t \leq 6$ .
1. Find when the lift is at rest.
t=  s.
2. Find the acceleration of the lift when t=3 .
a(3)=  ms${-2}$
3. Find the total distance travelled by the lift.
d=   m.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A particle P moves along ap5r j4zl/ l3zg j.wty3 straight line so that its velocity, $v \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ , after t seconds, is given by $v=\sin 3 t-2 \cos t-2$ , for $0 \leq t \leq 6$ . The initial displacement of P from a fixed point O is 5 metres.
1. Find the displacement of P from O after 6 seconds.
s=-  m ; (two decimal places)
The following sketch shows the graph of v .

2. Find when the particle is first at rest.
t=  s; (two decimal places)
3. Write down the number of times the particle changes direction.
hence    time(s)
4. Find the acceleration of P after 2 seconds.
a(2)=   ms$^{-2}$.(two decimal places)
5. Find the maximum speed of P .

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  Note: In this question, distance is in metres and time is in seconds. An ek+c5h c mimfp6q u/ 9:unuhj lquh4186xperiment in a particle accelerator moves a particle P in a straight line for six seconds. Its acceleration during thi4pqcl h1fni/ju6um 58 ukm9huq:c +h6s period is given by a(t)=-$2 t^{2}+13 t-15 $, for $0 \leq t \leq 6$ .
1. Write down the values of t when the particle's acceleration is zero.
t=  and 5.
2. Hence or otherwise, find all possible values of t for which the velocity of P is increasing.

The particle has an initial velocity of $7 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ .
3. Find an expression for the velocity of P at time t .

4. Find the total distance travelled by P when its velocity is decreasing.
d=  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A remote-controlled car C60anh;jiu*, kogoli, is moving along a straight path so that its velocity, v, gha;jikulon6,,0* oi $\mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ after t seconds, is given by v=$2 \sin t-\cos 5 t+0.1$ , for $0 \leq t \leq 4 $. The initial displacement of C from a fixed point O is 2 metres.

1. Find the displacement of C from O after 4 seconds.
s=  m.
2. Find the second time for t , when the particle is at rest.
t=  s.
3. Write down the number of times C changes direction.
4. Write down the number of times C is neither accelerating or decelerating.
5. Find the maximum distance of C from O during the time 0 \leq t \leq 4 and justify your answer.
d$_{max}$=  m

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  John drops a stone from the top of a cliff whiccxy9x hy.3 r/yh is h metres above sea level. The stone strikes the water surface after 9 .ycx/h 3yyr9x seconds.
The velocity of the falling stone, $v \mathrm{~m} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$, t seconds after John releases it, can be modelled by the function(round number)

1. Find the velocity of the stone when t=12 , giving your answer to the nearest $\mathrm{m} \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ .
v(12)≈   ms$^{-1}$.(round number)
2. Calculate the value of h , giving your answer to the nearest metre.
h≈   m,(round number).
The velocity of the stone when it reaches the bottom of sea is $10 \mathrm{~m} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$ .
3. Determine the depth of sea near the cliff, giving your answer to the nearest metre.
d≈   m.

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  An object moves in a straight line such tf -hb b-v8 3d.a dbzfyc raq7bwsj/y5k5-4zr 9hat its velocity, v \mathrm{~m} \mathrm{~s}^{-1} , at time t seconds, is given by

1. Find the value of t , for t>0 , when the object is instantaneously at rest.
t=  s.
The object returns to its initial position at t=T .
2. Find the value of T . Give your answer correct to three significant figures.
T≈  s.(one decimal place)

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填空题 ( 1.0 分) 切至整卷模式 搜藏此题  
  A particle moves along the x -axis so that its veloci z4t)mwzh) r56 wf*sruqc9*kbi2og(9ajod c : ty, $v \mathrm{~m} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$ at time t seconds, is given by the equation

$v(t)=10 e^{-\frac{t}{4}}-5$

1. Find the time at which the particle changes direction.
The particle changes direction after approximately (  .77) seconds.
2. Find the magnitude of the particle's acceleration at time t=2 seconds.

The particle starts from the origin O .
3. Find an expression for the displacement of the particle from $\mathrm{O}$ at time t seconds.
$s(t)=a-b e^{-\frac{t}{4}}-c t$ ; a=  ,b=  ,c=  .
4. Find the time at which the particle returns to the origin.
5. Calculate the total distance travelled by the particle by the time it has returned to the origin.
the time the particle has returned to the origin, it has travelled approximately (  .3) metres.

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