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习题练习:IB Economics Unit 2.2: Microeconomics - Behavioral Economics

 作者: admin   总分: 12分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 23年04月08日 17:19  切换到: 整卷模式

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  Impulse buying occurs when indo +idwgaukt; hn;tas:*3 /,zc ividuals make unplanned purchases, often driven by immediate desires and emotions, without considering the long-term consequences or adhering to their original intentions. For instance, imagine a person who enters a store with the iw+hti z;n: *a/ctd3a,sog;ukntention of buying only a few essential items but ends up buying several unnecessary products that caught their attention while browsing.
The above is an example of __

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  A footwear company donates a pair of shoes to a person in need for every pair:o zsp97d35e* fd wcqt of shpd9oqdetcs*753f z:w oes purchased. The company has expanded its impact beyond shoes and now supports initiatives related to clean water, eyewear, and safe birth services.
This is an example of which alternative business objective?

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  Which of the following is not an example of choice architecture?t lfj; 2erj*v;

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  The term “default choice'' meanunk n30bo /km* d;1om fu.:w9iie7jvms:

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  Recent media coverage of high-profile crimes 2:i nlyxm+fjy(o3mm5 in a specific neighborhood can create an inflated perception of crime prevalence. This bias can affect behaviors and decision-making, despite actual yox5mj n f:ly(+im3 2mcrime rates being lower.
Based on the above, determine which bias may influence a family if they decide not to buy a house in that specific neighborhood.

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  In real estate negotiations, the seller's initic aol(,, z)nmfal asking price influences potential buyers' offers, with those closer to the initial asking price being perceived as more reasonable. As a result, negotiations revolve around that initial asking przola , n,)(mcfice, leading to a narrower range of prices.
The above is an example of which bias limiting rational consumer choice?

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  Which of the following is not an assumption of rationahsqi w,;(qsq:z-cp k7l consumer choice?

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  You are in the market for a pre-owned vehicle and conduct an online s.oy1+ny; efuz earch to find a wider range of options available in your local area. Due to time constraints, you cannot test drive all of the cars, so you employ certain criter oy.unez+f;1yia to narrow down your selection to just three vehicles.
Which of the following best describes your behavior?

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  Which of the following statements ajrt s1k:7,d-rs3xa9z zgt*p t re true about the concept of bounded rationality? *t 7pgt r z31z-:trsx, 9sjkda
I. Consumers maximise utility
II. Consumers satisfice rather than maximise utility
III. Consumers cannot process all information
IV. Consumers have perfect information

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In the diagram above, identify the profit maximising level of output.

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  A recent news headline stated that people dread 6 xill lj*xn7iu 28mc(swimming in Australian oceans due to shark attacks. This is an exampllu82 x lc7i x6im(*jnle of which bias?

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  Assume there is a separabp 8x( lyfk*k xowugmg*f* 8 513kzm6jtion of firm management and firm ownership and the management has a goal of fky*ux(pmm3fg1b8* 5g w8zxok6l k*j distributing dividends to shareholders. Which objective will the management adopt?

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