Mediterranean temporary fres
9tm+vr g7;pejhwater ponds possess a distinctive quality: they are shallow bodies of water that exist independently from permanent aquatic systems. Subjected to periodic cycles of flooding and drought, the plant and animal species
v jt+g m;9pre7that make these ponds their habitat have evolved to survive within these dynamic conditions. However, the ponds face an array of threats stemming from anthropogenic interventions and the escalating impacts of climate change.
Within Greece, these ecosystems host a variety of approximately 36 bat species. To find out more about these species, an investigation was undertaken across four distinct temporary ponds situated at varying altitudes. This method involved employing nocturnal acoustic monitoring over a span of three nights per month. The objective was to gauge bat activity levels within these environments. Notably, the assessment encompassed two specific zones: one near to the pond's edge and another situated 300 meters distant from the pond. Of particular significance was the identification of certain bat species that serve as indicators of the ecological health of these ponds.
Graphs (a-d) show the results from each location by season. Graph (e) shows the mean bat activity for each of the 4 locations, calculated from the results from the seasons when results could be obtained.
1.Identify, giving a reason, which area would be the best for monitoring bats in the summer months.
Insect species present in the ponds may continue to attract bats even in the absence of water. Therefore ponds were monitored with and without the presence of water. Results for the four different sites are shown below. (The site at Brentanou was at a lower elevation and considered to be marshes and swamps, so mostly wet at all times).
2.Comment on the activity of bats with and without the presence of water in all ponds
3.Evaluate the use of bats as ecological indicators (indicator species) for the presence of temporary ponds in the Mediterranean regions
An abundance of a variety of aquatic insects in the temporary ponds can increase the survival rates of bats. The biodiversity can be measured using the Simpson’s reciprocal index of diversity.
4.1.State two measurements that are needed to calculate the Simpson’s reciprocal index of diversity.
4.2.Outline how the variation of one of these measurements affects the diversity index.
5.Describe the similarities and differences between a biotic index and a diversity index.