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习题练习:IB Economics Unit 2.3: Microeconomics - Elasticities

 作者: admin   总分: 17分  得分: _____________

答题人: 匿名未登录  开始时间: 23年04月08日 17:45  切换到: 整卷模式

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  The table below indicates the supply schedule for orangeq.5 ne6k cddtdr2l3 x8s
Price(US$/dozen) Quantity supplied (dozens)
6 20
7 28

Calculate the price elasticity of supply (PES) when the price of a dozen oranges increases from US$\$$6 to US$\$$7?

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  Identify which of the following is a dekrgx,h77jif/g; lf:,lm* h vidgl;l 5terminant of price elasticity of supply (PES:d lx;r5,v lig /lh;mk i* ghl7,f7jfg).

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  Assume the price elasticity of demand (PED) for a home cleanf6 jwz0je vq: 9py)p4hing service changes from 1.81.8 to 1.21.2. Which of the following statements explaih4q9p zv)6:p0 e ywfjjn this change?
I. a competing firm increased its operating hours
II. a competing firm begins focusing on office cleaning
III. incomes of potential customers increase

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What market that is most likely pictured in the diagram above?

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  In the market for a good, assume the income of consumers increbo.ed 0r-rh* iases by 10% and quantity demhr0-ibor *e.d anded of the good increases by 5%. Calculate the income elasticity of demand (YED), and state the type of good it is.

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  Identify which of the following are valid reasons nis lnkc e2+ j/td.*:z/k*5z es:vjofwhy the price elasticity of supp+jd5z*j o:t ce *k/l/zf2in nvss ke.:ly (PES) for primary commodities is generally lower than the PES for manufactured products.

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Rrice Quantity demanded
US$20 100
US$21 97

Calculate the price elasticity of demand for the product in the table above when the price increases from US $\$$20 to US $\$$21.

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  In the hypothetical country of Smokeland,+q/meg 6pq c5j the government implements high indirect taxes on cigarettes to deter consumption. Strict regulations on advertising and promotion, coupled with public health programs funded by tax revenues, + gjmpq56ecq/ lead to reduced smoking rates and improved public health outcomes.
Which of the following is not a possible outcome of these forms of government intervention?

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  The price of a product falls frtz1du,l 3;b7ies/ gufmh7w, hom $\$$30 to $\$$25, and as a result, quantity supplied decreases from 250 000 to 200 000. Calculate the PES and determine whether supply is price-elastic or price-inelastic.

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  For a straight-line demand curve, which of the following will occur ,x84 tuka7 qz)t kf5 3exczyn0 o6+cdzwhen the prictd3oc)t4 ue zz5+6fyz 08nqxc k7k,ax e is lowered?

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Which point on the Engel curve above identifies the situation where blankets are a luxury good?

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  For a 5% decrease in8pa bbvl56j8q+qgr-z0 o4a ug the price of a good, assume the price elasticity of demand (PED) is −1.95. Which group of outcomes below correctly determines the impact of the change i ub4oj g6 rabz58av+pg- lqq08n price of the good?

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Gizmos Whats its Widgets
Firm A weekly production 80 70 50
Income elasticity of demand(YED)
1.2 0.6 -0.4

Assume consumers' incomes fall, and the chief operating officer of Firm A recommends reallocating production inputs to reflect changes in demand. Which of the following recommended reallocations would lead to the greatest increase in sales for Firm A?

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  Oil has price inelastic s4qum8ni wmo1y/ ueo py-276lmupply because
I. It has limited substitutes
II. It takes time to adjust production inputs
III. Production involves a high cost
IV. It is a necessity

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  Consumer electronics have price elazw4lrh4 gql 2;;r/slj t+f5tjstic supply because
I. They are durable and can be stored
II. They do not take a long time to produce
III. They have a lot of substitutes
IV. They are luxuries

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Which of the following statements correctly compares the supply curves above?

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  Assume that the price elastrybf3j sx 7 +48.ih:u:,ihrok9 b rumnicity of supply is 3 when the price of a product increb9hub:ri4:sx .hr8,7ju y n3oir+m kfases from $\$$40 to $\$$42.
If the change in quantity supplied is 270, how many units of the product will suppliers produce at the current price?

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